China Times Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
July 31, 2015
Executive Summary: The presidential election is now in full swing. The final decision will of course be made by voters on Taiwan. But Taiwan is an island, caught between the United States and Mainland China. Both are major players that affect Taiwan. Both are watching closely from the sidelines, prepared with countermeasures. Both hope events will go their way, or at least not spin out of control. Both blue and green camps seek the blessing of the United States or the Mainland to ensure victory at the polls and the assumption of power.
Full Text Below:
The presidential election is now in full swing. The final decision will of course be made by voters on Taiwan. But Taiwan is an island, caught between the United States and Mainland China. Both are major players that affect Taiwan. Both are watching closely from the sidelines, prepared with countermeasures. Both hope events will go their way, or at least not spin out of control. Both blue and green camps seek the blessing of the United States or the Mainland to ensure victory at the polls and the assumption of power.
The US has been relatively consistent in its relations with the two sides of the Strait. Since President Nixon, US policy has involved the three joint communiques and opposition to or non-support of Taiwan independence, "one Taiwan, one China", and "two Chinas". The US is concerned about Taiwan's security. It has repeatedly stressed that it takes no position on reunification vs. independence, but the matter must be settled peacefully. Washington stresses process rather than result. The future of Taiwan should be decided jointly by people on both sides of the Strait. Authorities on the two sides must not arbitrarily disrupt the status quo -- as defined by the United States. Cross-Strait issues have yet to be resolved. But at least peace has been maintained.
In fact everything the United States does is in its national interest, even though its priorities and policies may change with the times. For example, when Washington and Beijing faced off against each other, the United States tended to emphasize relations with Taiwan in order to counter or provoke the CCP. When cross-Strait military strength changed, the United States sold arms to Taiwan. No wonder some have concluded that the United States and Japan say one thing but do another, and merely use Taiwan as a pawn by perpetuating long-term cross-strait separation. From a broader perspective, the United States cozied up the Mainland China to counter the Soviet Union. Eventually, in 1978, it abandoned Taiwan and established diplomatic ties with the Mainland. Such is the nature of US foreign policy. No wonder many on Taiwan believe Taiwan must be more than the United States' diplomatic pawn.
For the United States Taiwan has marginal value. For the CCP by contrast, Taiwan is a core national interest. In its pursuit of national unity, Beijing's stance has never changed. This is not merely a matter of nationalist sentiment. It is also a matter of the Chinese peoples' economic future, and involves long-term strategic considerations. From Taiwan's perspective, US-Taiwan relations are important. But Taiwan's relationship with the Mainland is a matter of life and death. Between the two giants, Taiwan can do little. Taiwan's plight is difficult. But in terms of geopolitics, economic development, and national identity, Taiwan's choice should be clear.
The rise of Mainland China is a fact. The Mainland has many internal problems. But the stability of the regime is not in question. Beijing's political, economic, and geo-strategic influence will only increase. Its recent One Belt, One Road and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank initiatives underscore CCP ambition. Taiwan must stand firm on many cross-Strait issues. But we all know time is not on our side. Which side is stronger is not hard to see. On matters political, economic, diplomatic, and international, Taiwan must rely on Beijing's goodwill.
Internal and external factors have strained Sino-US relations. But the Mainland is increasingly powerful. This is not something the United States can prevent. Mainland China's rise is not necessarily to the United States' detriment. The United States can take the high road and dialogue with Beijing in a more respectful manner. It can remember the big picture, seize the initiative, and resolve the impasse with Mainland China. Alas, current US-China relations are strained. The United States has resorted to cheap tricks. These include unilaterally announcing that military officers from Taiwan would attend official photo ops, upgrading US-Taiwan official exchanges in a one off manner to drive a wedge between Taipei and Beijing, and inciting pro-American, anti-Mainland populist sentiment. Meanwhile, the US refuses to give even an inch on Taiwan-US issues such US beef and pork imports. The US has no inerst in improved Taiwan-US economic relations. It has dragged its feet for years, preventing any progress.
The United States is a nation known for its emphasis on Christian morality. Yet it treats Taiwan as a disposable pawn in a strategic struggle. That is unfair to Taiwan. The US may sell out Taiwan to Beijing. It may exploit confrontation between Taiwan and the Mainland. Either way, it is using Taiwan as a pawn. Taiwan must not and cannot accept such an arrangement. Such an arrangement is not in the interest of any party, including the Mainland, the US, and Taiwan.
Taiwan's existence is beneficial to US strategic interests. A Chinese mainland that is moderate, rational, reformist, open, secure, integrated into the international community, and which abides by international norms of behavior, is in the interest of all nations. Today's China is not Maoist China. The Chinese people and Chinese culture have a moderate, rational, reformist, and open national character. If Taiwan can embark on the road to democracy, why can't the Chinese mainland? The United States should help Taiwan play a more active role in Mainland China's modernization. This would have a beneficial impact. This would result in a win-win-win scenario.
Washington has delayed cross-Strait integration. It has encouraged Taiwanese separatist proclivities. It has increased the suffering of the public on Taiwan by fostering illusions and delaying their awakening. In fact, it is creating its own enemies. The United States should help the two sides accelerate their integration. It should encourage political dialogue and the signing of a peace agreement. This would benefit both Sino-US and cross-Strait relations.
2015年07月31日 中國時報
但實際上,美國的所有作為都是配合其國家整體利益,在輕重緩急和策略作為上時有變化。比如說,當華府與北京交惡時,美國傾向於提升與台灣的關係來平衡或刺激中共;當兩岸軍力安全對比發生變化時,美國又加強對台軍售。難怪有人認為,美國與日本一樣,都是講一套做一套,其實是把台灣當棋子運用,製造兩岸長期分裂。放在更大的架構看,美國為拉攏中國大陸對抗蘇聯,於 1978年放棄台灣與中國大陸建交,可見美國外交政策的本質。難怪許多台灣人認為,台灣不能只是美國的外交利益棋子。