Thursday, July 30, 2015

US Should Accelerate Cross-Strait Integration

US Should Accelerate Cross-Strait Integration
China Times Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
July 31, 2015

Executive Summary: The presidential election is now in full swing. The final decision will of course be made by voters on Taiwan. But Taiwan is an island, caught between the United States and Mainland China. Both are major players that affect Taiwan. Both are watching closely from the sidelines, prepared with countermeasures. Both hope events will go their way, or at least not spin out of control. Both blue and green camps seek the blessing of the United States or the Mainland to ensure victory at the polls and the assumption of power.

Full Text Below:

The presidential election is now in full swing. The final decision will of course be made by voters on Taiwan. But Taiwan is an island, caught between the United States and Mainland China. Both are major players that affect Taiwan. Both are watching closely from the sidelines, prepared with countermeasures. Both hope events will go their way, or at least not spin out of control. Both blue and green camps seek the blessing of the United States or the Mainland to ensure victory at the polls and the assumption of power.

The US has been relatively consistent in its relations with the two sides of the Strait. Since President Nixon, US policy has involved the three joint communiques and opposition to or non-support of Taiwan independence, "one Taiwan, one China", and "two Chinas". The US is concerned about Taiwan's security. It has repeatedly stressed that it takes no position on reunification vs. independence, but the matter must be settled peacefully. Washington stresses process rather than result. The future of Taiwan should be decided jointly by people on both sides of the Strait. Authorities on the two sides must not arbitrarily disrupt the status quo -- as defined by the United States. Cross-Strait issues have yet to be resolved. But at least peace has been maintained.

In fact everything the United States does is in its national interest, even though its priorities and policies may change with the times. For example, when Washington and Beijing faced off against each other, the United States tended to emphasize relations with Taiwan in order to counter or provoke the CCP. When cross-Strait military strength changed, the United States sold arms to Taiwan. No wonder some have concluded that the United States and Japan say one thing but do another, and merely use Taiwan as a pawn by perpetuating long-term cross-strait separation. From a broader perspective, the United States cozied up the Mainland China to counter the Soviet Union. Eventually, in 1978, it abandoned Taiwan and established diplomatic ties with the Mainland. Such is the nature of US foreign policy. No wonder many on Taiwan believe Taiwan must be more than the United States' diplomatic pawn.

For the United States Taiwan has marginal value. For the CCP by contrast, Taiwan is a core national interest. In its pursuit of national unity, Beijing's stance has never changed. This is not merely a matter of nationalist sentiment. It is also a matter of the Chinese peoples' economic future, and involves long-term strategic considerations. From Taiwan's perspective, US-Taiwan relations are important. But Taiwan's relationship with the Mainland is a matter of life and death. Between the two giants, Taiwan can do little. Taiwan's plight is difficult. But in terms of geopolitics, economic development, and national identity, Taiwan's choice should be clear.

The rise of Mainland China is a fact. The Mainland has many internal problems. But the stability of the regime is not in question. Beijing's political, economic, and geo-strategic influence will only increase. Its recent One Belt, One Road and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank initiatives underscore CCP ambition. Taiwan must stand firm on many cross-Strait issues. But we all know time is not on our side. Which side is stronger is not hard to see. On matters political, economic, diplomatic, and international, Taiwan must rely on Beijing's goodwill.

Internal and external factors have strained Sino-US relations. But the Mainland is increasingly powerful. This is not something the United States can prevent. Mainland China's rise is not necessarily to the United States' detriment. The United States can take the high road and dialogue with Beijing in a more respectful manner. It can remember the big picture, seize the initiative, and resolve the impasse with Mainland China. Alas, current US-China relations are strained. The United States has resorted to cheap tricks. These include unilaterally announcing that military officers from Taiwan would attend official photo ops, upgrading US-Taiwan official exchanges in a one off manner to drive a wedge between Taipei and Beijing, and inciting pro-American, anti-Mainland populist sentiment. Meanwhile, the US refuses to give even an inch on Taiwan-US issues such US beef and pork imports. The US has no inerst in improved Taiwan-US economic relations. It has dragged its feet for years, preventing any progress.

The United States is a nation known for its emphasis on Christian morality. Yet it treats Taiwan as a disposable pawn in a strategic struggle. That is unfair to Taiwan. The US may sell out Taiwan to Beijing. It may exploit confrontation between Taiwan and the Mainland. Either way, it is using Taiwan as a pawn. Taiwan must not and cannot accept such an arrangement. Such an arrangement is not in the interest of any party, including the Mainland, the US, and Taiwan.

Taiwan's existence is beneficial to US strategic interests. A Chinese mainland that is moderate, rational, reformist, open, secure, integrated into the international community, and which abides by international norms of behavior, is in the interest of all nations. Today's China is not Maoist China. The Chinese people and Chinese culture have a moderate, rational, reformist, and open national character. If Taiwan can embark on the road to democracy, why can't the Chinese mainland? The United States should help Taiwan play a more active role in Mainland China's modernization. This would have a beneficial impact. This would result in a win-win-win scenario.

Washington has delayed cross-Strait integration. It has encouraged Taiwanese separatist proclivities. It has increased the suffering of the public on Taiwan by fostering illusions and delaying their awakening. In fact, it is creating its own enemies. The United States should help the two sides accelerate their integration. It should encourage political dialogue and the signing of a peace agreement. This would benefit both Sino-US and cross-Strait relations.

20150731 中國時報










Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Low Point of Civic Education: Politics without the Rule of Law

Low Point of Civic Education: Politics without the Rule of Law
United Daily News Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
July 30, 2015

Executive Summary: In recent years, the government has been utterly defenseless. The Sunflower Student Movement occupied the Executive Yuan and the Legislative Yuan. High school students ostensibly opposed to curriculum changes broke into the Minister of Education's office. Just prior to this, green camp legislators even vandalized the Ministry of Justice, the nation's highest law enforcement agency. They kicked in the door of the Minister's office as part of their punitive expedition, and accused him of all manner of crimes.

Full Text Below:

In recent years, the government has been utterly defenseless. The Sunflower Student Movement occupied the Executive Yuan and the Legislative Yuan. High school students ostensibly opposed to curriculum changes broke into the Minister of Education's office. Just prior to this, green camp legislators even vandalized the Ministry of Justice, the nation's highest law enforcement agency. They kicked in the door of the Minister's office as part of their punitive expedition, and accused him of all manner of crimes.

People on Taiwan differ on their political allegiance. Some treat governments they dislike as brigands. Therefore they applaud those who engage in illegal trespass. When they see official offices occupied, or their doors kicked in, they consider it well deserved. By contrast, when police arrest students and reporters who broke into the Ministry of Education, they file suit against the Ministry of Education and vilify the police. DPP Chairman Tsai Ing-wen and the ruling heads of 13 counties and muncipalities filed a joint statement. They demanded that the Ministry of Education withdraw its lawsuit. Even the Vice President of NTU stuck his nose in, and denounced the Ministry of Education as "despicable".

Leave the controversy over the curriculum change aside for a moment. Does breaking into government buildings really deserve applause? Does it really constitute courage? Do those who cheer such actions and demand that the Ministry of Education withdraw its lawsuit, actually believe that the government should throw open its doors and allow protesters to come and go as they please? If they do, will DPP ruled counties and municipalities apply the same rules in their own jurisdictions? Take Tainan for example. Property owners protested the Tainan City Government's expropriation of their land for railroads. Residents were angry because Mayor William Lai failed to appear before the City Council. They were kept out of City Hall by large numbers of police. Clearly William Lai does not think the mayor's office and the city government should be open to the public. University presidents and teachers would probably not agree that dissatisfied students have the right to invade the principal's office.

The main reason a democratic society implements the rule of law, is to ensure adherence to objective standards, regardless of who is in power. Based on such objective standards, the law forbids certain actions. People are not exempt merely because they belong to a particular class or enjoy special status. People cannot violate these laws merely because they are displeased with certain agencies. Students and others who illegally invade the MInistry of Education, occupy the Minister's office, damage computers and other items, must be prosecuted in accordance with the law. They are in violation of the codes against criminal trespass and destruction of property. This is true even if they invade ordinary residences, let alone government buildings.

Worse still, some people have attempted to spin the students' conduct as "civil disobedience". Civil disobedience requires the willingness to accept legal sanctions in order to express one's ideas. But students protesting curriculum changes violated laws and broke rules. They then demanded immunity from prosecution. They often invoke the logic of revolution, civil war, and counter-insurgency on democratic Taiwan. This has led to endless absurdities, including the Sunflower Student Movement milksops being cast as "heroes".

These political movements trample over the rule of law. They are providing young students with a very poor lesson in civics, for the following reasons.

One. Citizens must live in peace with others who hold different views. When people differ on policy, they can debate, vote, advocate, and litigate. But they may not adopt the attitude that "Whatever I say, goes." If other people's views differ from one's own, one may not resort to illegal force or coercion. If that is tolerated, whither democracy? Some oppose changes in the curriculum. Some support them. Do those opposed to changes have a monopoly on halos?

Two. Civic debate in a democratic society must be based on facts, not on ignorance or blind obedience. Those opposed to curriculum changes endlessly repeat false arguments. They object to passages such as "The highest mountain peaks in our country are the Himalayas". They claim that "The 2/28 Incident has been omitted". All such allegations are false or misleading. Even the painful ordeal of the comfort women is spun as "voluntary". The Taipei High Administrative Court ruled that "the minutes of curriculum revision meetings and voting records should be made public". This has no bearing on the validity of curriculum decisions, which are still being appealed. Yet those opposed to curriculum changes falsely claim that they are illegal and must not be implemented. Given this twisted logic, "ignorance is strength". Is such behavior befitting self-proclaimed champions of democracy?

Three. Citizens are members of a democratic society. Individual freedom is not unlimited. Struggles between those holding different views must take place within legal limits. If one chooses to fight illegally, but also expects legal immunity, then one is either an ignoramus or a tyrant. Enforcement of the law cannot be selective, based on one's status. Can students invade government offices and engage in vandalism with impunity? Can they break into school buildings and burn their academic records? Can they steal other's property on the streets? If reporters are merely reporting and interviewing subjects, their freedom of expression must be protected. But if they are inciting or participating in illegal conduct, that is a different story. This can all be clarified through investigations and the judicial process. Only then can we know if their actions were legitimate.

A sound civic education teaches students independent thinking. It makes them understand they are members of a community. It teaches them they have legal responsibilities and obligations, and must learn to get along with others. But politicians have actually been inciting student violence, and assuring them that their student status offers them immunity from prosecution. This tramples over the rule of law, and constitutes the nadir of civic education.












Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Lee Teng-hui's Cornell Visit, Tokyo Edition

Lee Teng-hui's Cornell Visit, Tokyo Edition  
United Daily News Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
July 29, 2015

Executive Summary: Lee Teng-hui's Tokyo visit is likely to increase Beijing's awareness and understanding of the Taiwan independence movement. Beijing may not be able to respond to Lee Teng-hui, but it can take aim at Tsai Ing-wen. Lee Teng-hui has just handed Tsai Ing-wen a ticking time bomb. On the eve of the 2012 presidential election, Lee Teng-hui went on stage and hugged Tsai Ing-wen. Tsai Ing-wen has yet to break free from his embrace. And Lee Lee Teng-hui is not about to let her do so.

Full Text Below:

Lee Teng-hui's visit to Tokyo might well be characterized as the Tokyo Edition of his Cornell visit. The backlash will smack Tsai Ing-wen squarely in the face.

In June 1995, Lee Teng-hui visited the United States and delivered a speech at his alma mater, Cornell University. The visit hogged the spotlight. But the Cornell visit was instigated by lobbying firms, and led to major frictions with the White House, the State Department, and Congress. It swiftly worsened cross-Strait relations to the breaking point.

At the time Lee Teng-hui and Beijing still maintained contact through secret emissaries. Lee wanted Beijing to support his visit to Cornell and boost voter support for him in next year's presidential election. Lee pledged to significantly improve cross-Strait relations. But Lee Teng-hui's behind the scenes double-dealing raised Beijing's suspicions. The visit was seen as a move toward Taiwan independence. Beijing concluded that Lee was "already wallowing in the mud of Taiwan independence", and even vowed to "use force to defend Taiwan". This ended Lee Teng-hui's secret channel to Beijing.

Over the following months acrimony between Beijing and Lee persisted. The following year, the 1996 ROC presidential election was marred by the Straits missile crisis and a US carrier group in the Taiwan Strait. Lee Teng-hui won the election because Beijing threatened military intervention. But cross-Strait relations deteriorated. In 2000, Lee trotted out his two states theory, and James Soong deserted the KMT. As a result, the KMT lost the presidential election and revoked Lee Teng-hui's party membership. Lee turned around and became the standard-bearer of the Taiwan independence movement. The key to this sequence of events was Lee's Cornell visit.

Actually, Lee Teng-hui's rhetoric during his Cornell visit was relatively measured and cautious. He spoke of the "Republic of China", and averred that "sovereignty belongs to the people". The United States initially announced that is would disallow the visit, but later reversed itself. This, plus the earlier Shiba Ryotaro incident, plus the presence of Taiwan independence forces on the reception committee, intensified the confrontation over the Cornell visit, which eventually spun completely out of control.

Twenty years later, Lee Teng-hui visited Tokyo. His political status may not be what it was when he visited Cornell. But his stature within the Taiwan independence movement has increased. Did Beijing read too much into Lee's visit to Cornell back then? Possibly. But this year's visit to Tokyo left no room for misunderstanding whatsoever.

Lee Teng-hui's address to the Japanese Diet on the 22nd includes three main points. One. Orthodox Taiwan independence rhetoric. He called for "discarding the old and adopting the new", for "thorough clarification of the half century long relationship between Taiwan and China", for the discarding of "one China", and "the constraints of the Chinese legal system". Two. He acknowledged that cross-Strait policy is rooted in deception and fraud. For example, the so-called "National Unification Guidelines" are nothing more than a "means to an end". They were merely a means of deceiving Beijing and "allaying the suspicions of the ruling Kuomintang." Three. The Taiwan independence movement uses "backdoor listing" as its main strategy. It retains the name "Republic of China", but empties it of all ROC historical, constitutional and spiritual substance.

Lee Teng-hui's own testimony reveals the character of Taiwan independence advocates. One. They may change their outward appearance, but they remain completely unchanged in their bones. Two. Deception and fraud count for everything. Political integrity counts for nothing. Three. Backdoor listing and deception. Lee Teng-hui is no longer in charge of state affairs. Therefore Beijing has no leverage over him. But what if Beijing sees Lee Teng-hui as representative of Taiwan independence? What if Beijing sees the DPP and Tsai Ing-wen as alter egos of Lee Teng-hui? Cross-Strait interaction is certain to be impacted by Lee Teng-hui's Tokyo visit. Lee Teng-hui used his Tokyo visit to give himself a political makeover. But the backlash is likely to impact Tsai Ing-wen, who is taking part in the presidential election, and undermine her election prospects.

Lee Teng-hui gazes into the mirror and feels sorry for himself. But Tsai Ing-wen bears the brunt of his self-pity. As far as the impact on Tsai Ing-wen is concerned, the Cornell trip and the Tokyo trip differ in certain respects. One. When Lee confronted Beijing in 1999, Lee Teng-hui issued his "two states theory". That same year, Chen Shui-bian issued his "Resolution on Taiwan's Future". Chen Shui-bian was not held hostage by Lee Teng-hui. The two were on an equal footing. Tsai Ing-wen's situation is different. She has yet to emerge from Lee Teng-hui's shadow. Two. Lee is old Taiwan independence. The Sunflower Student Movement and the Anti-curriculum movement are young Taiwan independence. Tsai Ing-wen finds herself trapped between old and young Taiwan independence forces. Chen Shui-bian's "Resolution on Taiwan's Future" is not as explicitly linked to Taiwan independence. Three. Lee proudly admitted that the Taiwan independence movement relied on deception and fraud. This is certain to undermine confidence in Taiwan independence inside and outside Taiwan. Tsai Ing-wen initially denounced ECFA as "pandering to [Mainland] China and selling out Taiwan". She later changed her tune and vowed that she would "accept ECFA unconditionally", proving she could not be trusted. Three. Tsai Ing-wen has pledged to abide by the "existing constitutional framework". But Lee Teng-hui has publicly confessed that this is nothing more than "backdoor listing". How much credibility, if any, do he and Tsai still have after this? Four. When the Cornell visit took place, the two sides were relatively isolated from each other. Beijing foolishly launched missiles. Now however the two sides are joined at the hip. Missiles may not fly, but the earth will surely move.

Lee Teng-hui's Tokyo visit is likely to increase Beijing's awareness and understanding of the Taiwan independence movement. Beijing may not be able to respond to Lee Teng-hui, but it can take aim at Tsai Ing-wen. Lee Teng-hui has just handed Tsai Ing-wen a ticking time bomb.

On the eve of the 2012 presidential election, Lee Teng-hui went on stage and hugged Tsai Ing-wen. Tsai Ing-wen has yet to break free from his embrace. And Lee Lee Teng-hui is not about to let her do so.













Monday, July 27, 2015

Democratic Civil War or Democratic Progress?

Democratic Civil War or Democratic Progress?
China Times Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
July 28, 2015

Executive Summary: The green camp is waging democratic civil war.The 2016 election will inevitably be a showdown between anti-China and anti-anti-China forces. On this battlefront, the KMT and those who advocate the "China concept" have no reason to shrink or retreat.

Full Text Below:

Blue vs. green political opposition and the defects of democracy have plagued Taiwan ever since democratization. Taiwan seems destined to change ruling parties every eight years. Go back seven or eight years. The Chen Shui-bian regime was neck deep in corruption. It was could not complete the nation's economic transformation. It could not narrow the nation's wealth gap, Therefore it provoked the Chinese mainland in order to win populist support on Taiwan. Democratic civil war escalated. Blue vs. green opposition intensified to unprecedented levels. The DPP went to extremes. It permitted itself to be hijacked by Taiwan independence fundamentalists and deep green media. It conducted an intraparty witch hunt for "traitors" such as Lin Cho-shui, Li Wen-chung, Julian Kuo, and the rest of the "Eleven Brigands."

Seven or eight years later, Ma Ying-jeou finds himself lost in political confusion. An election platform that stressed cross-Strait peace got him elected president twice, both times with an absolute majority. Most members of the public hoped to transcend "ethnic" politics and blue vs. green divisions. They hoped for a peaceful and stable cross-Strait environment. They hoped to focus on solving economic problems and ensuring sustainable development. But the Ma administration was surprisingly inept at domestic policy. The DPP refused to act responsibly. Instead it accused the Ma administration of "cozying up to [Mainland] China and selling out Taiwan". It accused it of "pandering to [Mainland] China". Alas, the KMT's debating skills were non-existent. It could not defend itself. It could not govern the nation. Peoples' livelihoods were affected. Wave upon wave of political struggle ensued. Last year's nine in one local elections were ostensibly about local governance. But the green camp argued that "Unless the KMT falls, Taiwan will not prosper". It turned the election into a one-sided democratic civil war. This civil war did not end with the KMT's election defeat and the resignation of its chairman. Instead, it escalated.

The term "democratic civil war" was coined on Taiwan. In 2005, Lee Teng-hui alleged that "Some people are taking advantage of Taiwan's democracy to wage civil war. They are using freedom and human rights as cover. They are part of [Mainland] China's united front conspiracy. The people of Taiwan must distinguish between friend and foe. They must see where the enemy is." Lee spun blue camp oversight of Democratic Progressive Party rule as a "struggle between [Mainland] China and Taiwan". This grotesque attempt at red-baiting swept aside reason. More importantly political opponents were cast as Communist sympathizers and as enemies of the people. Fighting against them was not considered anti-democratic. it was not considered persecution of political opponents. Instead, it was transformed into a "Love of Taiwan" Holy War.

Taiwan independence extremist Chin Heng-wei has been demagoguing Lee's rhetoric. He has spun the Red Shirt anti-corruption movement as an attempt by "reactionary forces" to prevent "nativist rule". He demands democratic civil war because "It is essential to the development of Taiwan's democracy." To Taiwan independence extremists, only by voting out the KMT can they transform the "China Party" into the "Taiwan Party". Only by voting out the KMT, can they "resolve the civil war, and complete the consolidation of democracy". Only by voting out the KMT, can they transform Taiwan into a "normal nation". Their words show that "democratic civil war" is nothing more than hatred of Mainland China and antipathy toward Mainland China. It is the substitution of reunification vs. independence "ethnic" antagonism for democracy and conventional party politics. It is crypto-fascist dictatorship and dangerously bigoted ultranationalism.

The DPP may not have formally endorsed the concept of democratic civil war. But in 2007, when Frank Hsieh ran for president. he too characterized the struggle between Taiwan's ruling and opposition parties as democratic civil war. He said future national leaders must "End the Civil War". He said they must "reconcile and co-exist". He apparently hoped to distance himself from Chen Shui-bian. But during the 2008 election Frank Hsieh continued to incite hatred against of the Mainland in an attempt to reverse his political fortunes.

Eight years later, the green camp continues to believe that "democratic civil war is indispensable". The 2016 election looks promising for the DPP. Yet it persists in playing its "hate China" and "anti-China" card.

Tsai Ing-wen has paid lip service to "maintaining the status quo" and "honoring the ROC constitutional framework". She has used feel-good language to reduce outside wariness towards Taiwan independence. But she has never done a thing to show that the DPP is willing to forsake Taiwan independence.

The Democratic Progressive Party advocates Taiwan independence. But most people focus on the Taiwan independence party platform. In fact the "Resolution for a Normal Nation" approved by the DPP in September 2007 is a clearer and more concrete declaration of democratic civil war. It is the DPP's basic program to change the name of the nation, author a new constitution, and eradicate vestiges of Chinese tradition. The DPP has not forsaken its agenda. It is merely waiting for an opportune moment to implement it.

Tsai Ing-wen as DPP leader may present a more rational, moderate, and temperate front. But she still betrays a democratic civil war mentality in certain venues. Several days ago, she addressed a Southern Society fundraising luncheon. She pontificated, saying that "If the DPP does not shape up, the KMT will never fall". She appeared to be urging DPP reform, but her premise that the KMT must fall is antithetical to healthy partisan competition and necessary democratic oversight.

Following the Sunflower Student Movement, the green camp demanded an amendment to the referendum law that would eliminate blue camp legislators and wipe out KMT party assets. These and other issues failed to rebuild anti-STA momentum. Society's "quiet force" continued to moderate the forces of extremism. When the KMT nominated Hung Shiu-chu, the green camp democratic civil war of 2015 and 2016 officially began. The object of this wave of democratic civil war is of course to bring down the Kuomintang, and promote hatred of Mainland China.

The DPP and the Taiwan Solidarity Union support the "anti-curriculum movement". Tsai Ing-wen and green camp county chiefs and city mayors have even intimidated the Ministry of Education, warning it not to file suit. The "anti-curriculum movement" constitutes a new battleground in the "anti-democratic civil war". Lee Teng-hui was the initiator of "democratic civil war". He urges "gratitude for Japanese rule" and alleges that "the Diaoyutai Islands belong to Japan". Those too are part of the battleground for democratic civil war.

The green camp is waging democratic civil war.The 2016 election will inevitably be a showdown between anti-China and anti-anti-China forces. On this battlefront, the KMT and those who advocate the "China concept" have no reason to shrink or retreat.

20150728 中國時報













Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hung Hsiu-chu's Unorthodox Pat Hand

Hung Hsiu-chu's Unorthodox Pat Hand
China Times Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
July 27, 2015

Executive Summary: Cross-Strait relations have significantly improved over the past seven years. But the low-hanging fruit has already been picked. Further progress is now more difficult. The Republic of China government on Taiwan will hold a presidential election next year. Cross-Strait relations will soon be in limbo. The foundation for continued cross-Strait relations must be firmed up. Progress must not be set back. This is something the Chinese people on both sides of the Strait must work for.

Full Text Below:

Cross-Strait relations have significantly improved over the past seven years. But the low-hanging fruit has already been picked. Further progress is now more difficult. The Republic of China government on Taiwan will hold a presidential election next year. Cross-Strait relations will soon be in limbo. The foundation for continued cross-Strait relations must be firmed up. Progress must not be set back. This is something the Chinese people on both sides of the Strait must work for.

Xi Jinping came to power during the 18th National Congress. Xi did not want "cross-Strait political differences to persist, generation after generation".  Xi hoped to seize the initiative and take concrete action to improve cross-Strait relations. The Ma government hoped to use the 1992 Consensus to institutionalize cross-Strait exchanges. But Ma's effort was limited. It was confined to the MAC and the Taiwan Affairs Office referring to each other by their offiical titles and holding regular meetings. Negotiations over the establishment of representative offices are still ongoing. Other initiatives have met with resistance. The Sunflower Student Movement and the nine in one election results made the Ma government more timid about cross-Strait policy. The STA and MTA have been stalled by DPP pressure. The two associations interact as usual, but progress remains limited.

The presidential campaign is heating up. Most of the focus is on the candidates. Their cross-Strait policies have attracted the most attention. Tsai Ing-wen lost the 2012 election during the final mile over cross-Strait relations. This time she did her homework. First, she pledged to "maintain the cross-Strait status quo" in order to win US support. Then she pledged to comply with the "ROC constitutional framework" in order to win Mainland support. These two pledges have passed muster with the US. But the Mainland still has doubts about her, and disbelieves her assurances.

The Mainland opposes Taiwan independence. In this regard, Tsai Ing-wen has yet to given an inch, After all, these ideals represent her roots. If she yields on these issues, even the Taiwan independence fundamentalists will forsake her. But if she refuses to yield, "the earth will move". She not only refuses to yield on Taiwan independence. She even refuses to yield on "One China". We know that because she has refused to recognize the 1992 Consensus from beginning to end. Therefore even former Defense Minister Lin Chong-pin and former Vice President Annette Lu have predicted "an avalanche of severed diplomatic relations" in the event Tsai Ing-wen is elected.

Consider Hung Hsiu-chu's cross-Strait policy. During the primaries she proposed an upgraded version of the 1992 Consensus. She hoped that the two sides could reaffirm opposition to Taiwan independence and the use of force. This was what she meant by One China, Same Interpretation, and her Cross-Strait Peace Agreement. She crossed the nomination threshold and became the KMT presidential candidate. She was then blasted by her comrades, by party members who argued that the election would be lost under such a policy. After talks with President Ma and Chairman Eric Chu, Hung Hsiu-chu agreed to revert to the 1992 Consensus and One China, Different Interpretations.

Forbidding Hung Hsiu-chu to promote her cross-Strait policy will obviously hinder progress in cross-Strait relations. Tsai Ing-wen's policies are likely to turn the clock back on cross-Strait relations. Improper handling of the South China Sea issue could even offend nationalists on the Mainland, and lead to a repeat of the 1995 Taiwan Straits crisis. Stanley Roth, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, and Susan Shirk, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, fear an accidental war between the two sides. They want the United States to promote an interim agreement. Taiwan will pledge not to move toward Taiwan independence. The Mainland will pledge not to use military force. This has since become the mainstream view in the US, but obviously back then the time was not ripe. A flurry of interest was followed by silence. After 2008, cross-Strait relations stabilized. Mention of an interim agreement ceased. Why has it now been set forth? The reason is obvious. The United States fears a collision between Xi Jinping and Tsai Ing-wen.

US anxiety is shared by the public on Taiwan, perhaps even more intensely. After all, Tsai Ing-wen is likely to be elected. The Sunflower Student Movement and the nine in one elections show that the public on Taiwan fears being swallowed up by the Mainland. Therefore they fear a Cross-Strait Peace Agreement will sell the into slavery. During the 2012 election campaign, President Ma set forth such a proposal, but withdrew it a mere two days later upon encountering strong public opposition. Hung Hsiu-chu also advanced this concept. But she did not even get a chance to put it into action before being lambasted by fellow party members. She has been force to temporarily abandon it.

The two sides of the Strait require a mechanism to prevent collisions. US think tanks have proposed an "interim agreement" as most appropriate. On the one hand, it would prevent the DPP from moving toward independence upon assuming power. This would reassure the Mainland. On the other hand, it would prevent the Mainland from resorting to military force, saber rattling, and frightening the public on Taiwan. If the two sides can learn to trust each other in the short term, a permanent peace agreement will eventually become possibile.

Cross-Strait relations have reached this point will great difficulty. This is the fruit of many peoples' effort on both sides of the Strait. This is the crystallization of shared wisdom. If a spur of the moment misjudgement leads to a collision, neither side will benefit. The Chinese people on both sides of the Strait will suffer. We realize that the signing of an interim agreement will be difficult. But it is something the two sides must consider. At the very least, the KMT should sign a KMT/CCP peace agreement. This would make "No Taiwan independence, no Mainland use of force" part of Hung Hsiu-chu's presidential campaign. Such an agreement might well turn out to be an "unorthodox pat hand".

Thursday, July 23, 2015

CCP: Who Made Human Rights Lawyers Necessary?

CCP: Who Made Human Rights Lawyers Necessary?
United Daily News Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
July 24, 2015

Executive Summary: In Shakespeare's "Henry VI", a butcher utters the ironic phrase, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." On July 10, the CCP interrogated and arrested large numbers of human rights lawyers. Its action evoked a surreal "let's kill all the lawyers" terror. The motives for its action are hard to tell. But they have clearly undermined the credibility of Xi's "rule of law".

Full Text Below:

In Shakespeare's "Henry VI", a butcher utters the ironic phrase, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." On July 10, the CCP interrogated and arrested large numbers of human rights lawyers. Its action evoked a surreal "let's kill all the lawyers" terror. The motives for its action are hard to tell. But they have clearly undermined the credibility of Xi's "rule of law".

The July 10 roundup of human rights lawyers has alarmed the international community. The timeline was strange. Just nine days before the National People's Congress, the party implemented a constitutional oath system. It assumed a "rule of law" posture. Yet nine days later, it began large-scale police roundups of lawyers. This paradoxical behaviour is leading to speculation about internal dissent over the Mainland's future.

Politically speaking, rounding up the lawyers is like throwing gasoline on the fire. Netizens on the Mainland mocked the action. They said "The authorities are cultivating China's future political leaders", and that "They all have the same name: human rights lawyers." Repression of dissent often creates a succession of public heroes. These heroes lead to "downtrodden masses rising in rebellion".

In a more open society, shysters often lie, whitewash the truth, play word games, and invert right and wrong, just to win cases. They misinterpret evidence, distort the truth, and misinterpret the laws in order to spare criminals from punishment. They care only about profit, and not about justice. But if the government uses authoritarian methods to deal with such lawyers, they may lionize them. They may even give them a new lease on life. Examples include Chen Shui-bian and Roh Tae Woo, both of whom were human rights lawyers turned president.

Human rights lawyers on the Mainland mostly help defend the rights of ordinary citizens in a "rule of law" vacuum. So many people petition the government, one after another, because official abuse of power renders them helpless and in need of legal redress. They need human rights activists because the people's rights have been ignored by the system far too long. Human rights lawyers, paradoxically, are a product of the communist system. Most of them fight only for the right to life, liberty, and property. They work inside the legal framework, dealing with those in power. They seek justice within a system deficient in political rights. They brave all manner of pressure and dangers, using the nation's legal code to fight those in power.

In either a democratic or authoritarian society, the law is the peoples' last line of defense. Lawyers provide legal representation for citizens. Without the freedom to practice law, even distinguished and impartial judges are of no use. People would remain at the mercy of the state, because justice requires an adversarial system. Only by arguing the pros and cons of a case, can justice truly prevail.

The Ministry of Public Security crossed provincial borders north and south. Over 200 human rights lawyers or human rights advocates were interrogated, arrested, or threatened. The public was left fearful and anxious. Some were arrested without charges, then tried and convicted inthe media. Human rights lawyers for the Fengrui Law Firm were accused of "collusion with other petitioners, inciting disorder, and consorting with criminal syndicates."

The crackdown has led to considerable speculation. The crackdown began with female human rights lawyer Wang Yu. Yu assisted parties who sued Jiang Zemin in June. Some think this struck fear in the Jiang faction, launching it into action. In other words, Xi Jinping may not be the instigator of the crackdown. The current climate is unusual. The signs are unusual. They include political czar Zhou Yongkang being sentenced to life imprisonment, the Fourth Plenary Session "rule of law" decisions last year, Xi Jinping's special meeting with Myanmar democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi in June, revisions to the official oath by the Peoples Congress in July, which stipulated that officials must swear allegiance to the constitution, the state, and the people, rather than the party, and the elimination of the term "Chinese characteristics" and the addition of "democracy". These were all important political signals issued by Xi Jinping. But why was Zhou Yongkang left out of this "Zhou Yongkang formula" for arrests?

Clearly, the CCP still does not understand the "rule of law". The majority of the ruling class still worships power and not the law. The arrests were conducted under Xi Jinping's eyes. He did nothing to stop them. Will the CCP address the problems with the legal system? Will it prevent abusive practices that violate people's rights? As long as the people lack confidence and hope, human rights lawyers will continue to practice and gain popular support. No matter how high the walls, the mind yearns for freedom. Those who should be locked in cages, are those who abuse power, not human rights lawyers.











Wednesday, July 22, 2015

US Pork Imports: What is Tsai Ing-wen's Solution?

US Pork Imports: What is Tsai Ing-wen's Solution?
United Daily News Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
July 23, 2015

Executive Summary: Vice Minister of Economic Affairs Cho Shih-chao recently said that if Taiwan wants to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), it must allow US pork imports. US pork may not taste good. It may taste "gamey". But we can label the place of origin and allow consumers to decide what to buy. The very next day however, Cho Shih-chao changed his tune. He said "That was merely my personal opinion". He said if he had known a reporter was present that day, he would not have said it out loud.

Full Text Below:

Vice Minister of Economic Affairs Cho Shih-chao recently said that if Taiwan wants to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), it must allow US pork imports. US pork may not taste good. It may taste "gamey". But we can label the place of origin and allow consumers to decide what to buy. The very next day however, Cho Shih-chao changed his tune. He said "That was merely my personal opinion". He said if he had known a reporter was present that day, he would not have said it out loud.

Cho Shih-chao's panic and backpedaling is easy to understand. If we wish to join the TPP, we must of course comply with TPP regulations. If we unilaterally impose limits on US pork imports, we will not be allowed to join the TPP. One cannot have one's cake and eat it too. The trade-offs must be weighed against one another. A general election looms. If the ruling party touches these hot button issues, it is certain to invite opposition party allegations that the government is "indifferent to the interests of pig farmers". Pig farmers are certain to take to the streets in protest. The KMT's election prospects are already dim. Cho Shih-chao hastily backpedaled. He knew he stirred up a hornet's nest.

The problem is threefold. One. Do we want to join the TPP or not? If we do not, can we confidently thrive amidst international competition? Two. If we must join the TPP, the United States will insist that we allow the US pork imports. If we refuse, won't we be prevented from joining? Is there is some loophole that would allow us to join the TPP regardless? Three. Are we willing to safeguard the interests of Taiwan's pig farmers at the expense of other industries? Do they not matter? Does joining the TPP no longer matter?

Cho Shih-chao said that "We must allow US pork imports".  That means that the Ma government considers the overall benefits of Taiwan joining the TPP, outweighs any impact on the pork industry. We can use "country of origin" labeling as a way to remind people to buy less US pork. Allowing imports is consistent with international trade principles. Using "country of origin" labels enables consumers to reduce demand for US pork imports, and support local pig farmers. Such a solution is eminently reasonable. But Ma government timidity, makes it difficult to implement. Another question is even more intriguing. Namely, how does the DPP intend to deal with this problem?

Tsai Ing-wen recently met with former US Vice President Dan Quayle. When parting, she said "I'm sure we'll be in power next year". Tsai Ing-wen's confidence is not unfounded. But suppose the Ma government fails to resolve this problem? Once the DPP becomes the ruling party, US pork imports will be its responsibility. When that happens, will Tsai Ing-wen have a better solution than the KMT? Probably not.

In fact, when Tsai Ing-wen visited the US last month, she arranged a secret visit to the US Trade Representative. The visit is rumoured to have been about allowing US pork and beef organ meat imports. Joseph Wu paved the way for Tsai Ing-wen's visit in advance. Tsai may have reached an understanding with the US on the matter. Tsai Ing-wen may have made all sorts of secret commitments to the US. Once in power, she would then agree to allow US pork imports, perhaps in exchange for US support for her cross-Strait policy.

Is Tsai Ing-wen putting on a show of opposing US pork imports, even as she accuses the KMT of ignoring the interests of Taiwan pig farmers? Will she change her tune next year once she is in power? Will she suddenly begin talking about "the greater good" and allow US pork imports? How does the public on Taiwan feel about that? If she repeatedly engages in deceit, how will she maintain the public trust?

In fact, US pork imports is merely an issue the public is familiar with. Given the current state of affairs, politically and economically, many choices must be made between the general interest and special interests. Many issues are unraveling, or await closer scrutiny before the problems become apparent. Amidst the "fog of war", the truth remains hidden. This is why Tsai Ing-wen must come clean on issues she has evaded or concealed. These include the abolition of the death penalty, low wages, inequities in economic restructuring, the STA, the MTA, and pension reform. Currently the Democratic Progressive Party is in the opposition. It bears no responsibility for administration policy. But that does not mean opposition parties can hide their positions. In particular, DPP obstructionism often means they do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. They care nothing about legitimacy or principles. If the Democratic Progressive Party returns to power yet again, people must know whether it has any answers. They must know whether it has any tricks up its sleeve.

The Ma government is afraid to mention US pork imports. That is its chronic weakness. But Tsai Ing-wen has her own calculations. If she is elected president, will she brazenly announce the beginning of US pork imports to Taiwan? If she does, would that not amount to brazen deceit? Many people are currently mocking everything President Ma does. They are hardly about to allow the Ma government to import US pork products. But if the decision to allow US pork imports falls to Tsai Ing-wen, and the public fails to make even a peep, would that not be democracy's greatest irony?

What is Tsai Ing-wen's position on joining the TPP? What is her position on US pork imports? Has she made any secret promises to the United States? Tsai Ing-wen, please tell the public where you stand on these matters, in plain language.












Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Does the Mainland Really Buy Tsai Ing-wen's Cross-Strait Proposals?

Does the Mainland Really Buy Tsai Ing-wen's Cross-Strait Proposals?
China Times Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
July 22, 2015

Executive Summary: Tsai Ing-wen remembers the lesson of the 2012 presidential election. This year, she is fully prepared on cross-Strait policy. She has adopted "maintaining the status quo" and "affirming the Republic of China constitutional framework" as her campaign planks. Both of these campaign planks run counter to Democratic Progressive Party tradition. She also "unconditionally accepts" the Ma administration's cross-Strait policy. She is playing the safety card. So far cross-Strait policy has not become the focus of debate. Having ducked discussion of her weak points, her poll numbers continue to rise.

Full Text Below:

Tsai Ing-wen remembers the lesson of the 2012 presidential election. This year, she is fully prepared on cross-Strait policy. She has adopted "maintaining the status quo" and "affirming the Republic of China constitutional framework" as her campaign planks. Both of these campaign planks run counter to Democratic Progressive Party tradition. She also "unconditionally accepts" the Ma administration's cross-Strait policy. She is playing the safety card. So far cross-Strait policy has not become the focus of debate. Having ducked discussion of her weak points, her poll numbers continue to rise.

But the DPP has yet to publicly renounce Taiwan independence, and Tsai Ing-wen has yet to recognize the 1992 Consensus. The KMT has been tardy in nominating Hung Hsiu-chu. She and the KMT have yet to fire the opening salvo on cross-Strait issues. That is the only reason Tsai Ing-wen's evasive strategy of not rocking the boat is temporarily working. To her, the presidential election is nothing more than a KMT tempest in a teapot. But this state of affairs cannot be sustained. Those outside Taiwan have long known that the winds of change are coming, and that the America Factor and the China Factor are increasingly important.

On the surface, Tsai Ing-wen received red carpet treatment during her US visit. But as this newspaper noted yesterday in an editorial, the fact that the US rolled out the red carpet does not mean that it bought her cross-Strait rhetoric. In fact, in the month following Tsai's visit, some unusual pronouncements have emerged from inside the Beltway. For example, Joseph R. Donovan Jr., Managing Director of the American Institute in Taiwan, now says cross-Strait policy must be acceptable to people on both sides of the Strait, rather than just the people of Taiwan. This is an obvious change. This change was proposed by recognized experts on cross-Strait issues. They argue that the United States should seek a cross-Strait "preliminary agreement" to ensure cross-Strait peace and stability.

American attitudes are gradually changing. The signs are clear. Xi Jinping is about to pay Washington his first state visit. Officials and aides from the two governments are shuttling back and forth, making arrangements and determining the agenda of the talks. Mainland President Xi Jinping is resolute and determined on cross-Strait issues. The United States realizes that Tsai Ing-wen's equivocal cross-Strait policy path is more perilous than previously imagined. The United States may or may not buy Tsai's rhetoric. But as long as the Mainland does not, cross-Strait tensions are likely to escalate to dangerous levels.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies is a Washington think tank. Senior CSIS researcher Bonnie Glaser and Assistant Researcher Jacqueline Vitello recently published an article in the National Interest. They made several points worthy of attention. One. No matter what Tsai Ing-wen says, Beijing remains suspicious because of her past record. Two. If Tsai Ing-wen pursues de jure independence, Beijing will react violently. It will impose a diplomatic blockade or even resort to military force. Three. The various parties must not underestimate Xi's reaction, especially given internal pressure not to show weakness regarding Taiwan. Four. If Tsai publicly rejects the existing framework, including the 1992 consensus, she will damage cross-Strait relations. Five. The United States must take concrete action, the sooner the better. Glaser and Vitello argue that the United States should seek a cross-Strait "preliminary agreement". Arguments in favor of a Provisional Agreement first appeared in 1999. Stanley Roth, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Susan Shirk, suggested ensuring that Taiwan would not move toward independence and the Mainland would not resort to the use of force. Mainstream public opinion in the US caused it to die a natural death. But this old wine has now appeared in new bottles, revealing US anxiety.

The solution to Mainland Chinese mistrust and United States anxiety is in the 1992 consensus reached by the two cross-Strait associations in 1992. The 1992 consensus is the basis for understanding and trust between the two sides. It has three implications, including two agreements and one disagreement. |A. Both sides adhere to the One China Principle. B. Both sides pursue national unity. C. Taipei advocates One China, Different Interpretations, but but Beijing does not accept One China, Different Interpretations. It considers the 1992 Consensus an administrative matter. Therefore it feels no need to stress "One China". The result was "One China, No Interpretation". After 2008, the Ma government narrowed the meaning of the 1992 Consensus to One China, Different Interpretations. To expedite cross-Strait exchanges, Beijing tolerated the Ma government's interpretation. But according to Beijing's understanding, the 1992 Consensus does not mean "Different Interpretations". It means "opposition to Taiwan independence", or "Both sides are part of one China." Xi Jinping says the core of the 1992 consensus is recognition that the Mainland and Taiwan both are part of one China. As long as they agree on this point, political parties or groups on Taiwan and the Mainland can enage in exchanges without obstacles. Without the 1992 consensus as a solid foundation, the earth beneath our feet will move.

Tsai Ing-wen now faces two problems. She may be able to use vague remarks about "maintaining the status quo" or "affirming the ROC constitutional framework" to persuade the public on Taiwan or Washington that she can maintain cross-Strait stability. But the Big Picture in East Asia and relative strength of the Mainland have changed. Cross-Strait relations are not determined by unilateral decree. Can the DPP accept the premise that "both sides are part of one China", along with One China, Different Interpretations? Can it cease its program of indoctrination in separatist history? If not, it will touch the lethal third rail and Beijing will not remain silent.

Voters on Taiwan are not afraid of Mainland threats. Nor are Beijing's core principles sacrosanct and inviolable. But Tsai Ing-wen and Hung Hsiu-chu have an obligation to explain their visions, directions, strategies, and the possible risks of their cross-Strait policy paths. They must enable the voters to make a rational and wise choice. Only then will the outcome of the vote be freely chosen and represent what the voters actually want.

20150722 中國時報







