Wednesday, September 30, 2015

New Southern Policy: Opiate of the Voters

New Southern Policy: Opiate of the Voters
China Times Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 1, 2015

Executive Summary: DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen says that upon becoming president, she will promote a "New Southern Policy". As usual the specifics of her policy are a muddle. But her pledge to "promote trade diversification... improve relations with ASEAN and India" show she has not changed her long-held anti-Mainland stance. She argues that the Kuomintang government's cross-Strait trade policy "unifies" trade. She says she would undo this, by "diversifying" trade, beginning with ASEAN and India.

Full Text Below:

DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen says that upon becoming president, she will promote a "New Southern Policy". As usual the specifics of her policy are a muddle. But her pledge to "promote trade diversification... improve relations with ASEAN and India" show she has not changed her long-held anti-Mainland stance. She argues that the Kuomintang government's cross-Strait trade policy "unifies" trade. She says she would undo this, by "diversifying" trade, beginning with ASEAN and India.

Twenty-one years ago, in 1994, Taiwan already had a "Southern Policy". Back then, Lee Teng-hui was in power. The Mainland underwent reform and liberalization, making it highly attractive to Taiwan-based capital. The Lee regime argued that the Mainland economy was about to implode. It pressured Taiwan business leaders to invest in the ASEAN nations. But all good things must come to an end. In 1997, starting with Thailand, the Asian financial tsunami spread. Turmoil inundated Indonesia. The following year, large-scale anti-Chinese violence erupted. Taiwan business leaders bore the brunt of the violence. Not only did they lose money, some were even beaten and abused. Since then, those Taiwan business leaders who went south have either downsized or pulled out altogether. Taiwan business leaders who rejected the government's "sage counsel", who "risked death" by going to the allegedly "high-risk" Mainland, caught the trade boom express train. Japanese futurist Kenichi Ohmae compared the two paths, and noted that the biggest difference between Taiwan and Japan was that Japanese business leaders were too deferential toward their own government, while business leaders on Taiwan were not. That is why business leaders on Taiwan were more successful.

In fact, whenever the government promotes any economic policy, the most important consideration must be professionalism and rationality, not ideology. The most expedient way to formulate policy is to fall back on ideology. No thinking is required. Decisions can be reached instantly, Answers are ready made. No expenditures are required. The government can of course choose to base its policy on ideology. After all, talk is cheap. But business leaders must invest real money. If they lose it, the government will not compensate them because it gave them bad advice. Ultimately the business leaders themselves will suffer the consequences. Ms. Tsai may have the power to promote policies consistent with her ideology. But Taiwan business leaders' decisions must be rooted in rationality and professionalism. From this perspective, the "New Southern Policy" is superfluous.

Why? Whether one chooses to go west, south, east, or north, the goal is to make a profit. Even brand name companies in advanced countries, configure their production chains based on the profit motive. Over the past 15 to 20 years, the main production chains in East Asia have been located in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the Mainland. Japan sends its raw materials and components to Taiwan and South Korea. In both places, semi-finished products are then shipped to the Mainland, then assembled into finished products. From the Mainland, they are then shipped to consumers the world over.

Most manufactured products today are labeled "Made in China". But that does not mean the most profit or added value accrues to the Mainland. Similarly, Taiwan and South Korea are the Mainland's largest export market. But that does not mean Taiwan and South Korea are "dependent" upon the Mainland. One might even say the opposite, that the Mainland is dependent on Taiwan and South Korea.

East Asian division of labor patterns will change. Mainland wage levels are rising. The manufacture of some products may move to Vietnam, where wages and overhead remain relatively low. The Mainland is already moving up the production ladder. It is becoming a supplier of semi-finished materials from Japan to Taiwan or South Korea to the Mainland market, to Europe and the US market "four cornered trade" supply chain. It may well become part of the "five cornered trade" supply chain that includes the Mainland, Europe, the US, and ASEAN. No matter what, when this happens, the government will not need to encourage business leaders to invest in the ASEAN countries. They will do so naturally. Therefore the New Southern Policy is superfluous.

Another change is the Mainland's "One Belt, One Road" and "Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank" strategy. This strategy links Mainland-related supply chain countries and regions through infrastructure investment, and facilitates their rapid development. The Mainland will then enjoy lower shipping costs. It will then be able to obtain raw materials from South East Asia, South Asia, Europe, and Russia, and supply finished or semi-finished products to these regions. Once the One Belt, One Road is complete, the Mainland and South East Asia and South Asia will enjoy closer economic relations, just as the United States and neighboring Canada and Mexico enjoy close economic relations.

Tsai has proposed a New Southern Policy. If Taiwan business leaders respond, the results may not meet her expectations. In fact, they may be just the opposite. During the 1990s, South East Asia, South Asia and the Mainland were in competition. Now however, they may be in a cooperateive relationship. If Taiwan imposes a New Southern Policy on Taiwan business leaders, it may actually help the Mainland realize its One Belt, One Road vision. It may actually strengthen cross-Strait economic relations. If Tsai thinks such a policy can weaken cross-Strait economic and trade relations, that is willfull blindness. Responsible national leaders must realize that the Mainland is already the world's second largest economy. It has already signed FTAs with most countries, including ASEAN countries. Taiwan faces marginalization. How can it be saved? Certainly not by foisting a long-discredited, 20 year old policy off on voters suffering from historical amnesia.

We hope that each party's presidential candidate will refrain from ideologically-based policy formulation. We hope they will not just hear what they want to hear. Policies must not be reduced to slogans. The candidates must look at changes in the environment, then evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses. Only then can they arrive at the right decision.

新南向政策 是在麻醉選民
20151001 中國時報










Tuesday, September 29, 2015

New Southern Strategy: Rationale to Avoid the Mainland?

New Southern Strategy: Rationale to Avoid the Mainland?
United Daily News Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
September 26, 2015

Executive Summary: Tsai Ing-wen has announced that if the DPP returns to power, it will promote a "New Southern Strategy" , improving relations with ASEAN and India. In principle, the pursuit of diplomatic, economic and trade pluralism and decentralization is correct. But Tsai trumpets a New Southern Strategy while saying nothing about how to modify the increasingly important Western Strategy. She is clearly being evasive and not seeing the forest for the trees.

Full Text Below:

Tsai Ing-wen has announced that if the DPP returns to power, it will promote a "New Southern Strategy" , improving relations with ASEAN and India. In principle, the pursuit of diplomatic, economic and trade pluralism and decentralization is correct. But Tsai trumpets a New Southern Strategy while saying nothing about how to modify the increasingly important Western Strategy. She is clearly being evasive and not seeing the forest for the trees.

Tsai either does not want to deal with the Mainland, or does not know how to deal with the Mainland. So she turns a blind eye to it and talks instead about a New Southern Strategy, a Lee Teng-hui era "be patient, avoid haste" strategy, and a Chen Shui-bian era "one country on each side" strategy. The only difference is that Tsai Ing-wen has extended the Lee and Chen era strategies further south, to India.  This is the sum total of her self-proclaimed New Southern Strategy. Its underlying thinking differs little from the Old Southern Strategy. Both pretend that globalization does not require going west to the Mainland, but only going south to South East Asia and India.

Since the 1990s, the ROC government has attempted to avoid excessive investment on the Mainland.  Three times its has promoted a Southern Strategy, encouraging businesses to move to South East Asia. The first time was between 1994 and 1996. The list of destinations Included Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Timor. The second time was between 1997 and 1999, when Australia, New Zealand, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia were added to the list. The third time was between 2000 and 2003, when the ROC became a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and ASEAN plus Three (Mainland China, Japan and Korea).

The outcome of these three Southern Strategies was clear. They all ended in failure. The first two strategies were implemented during the Lee Teng-hui era. Between 1995 and 1996, small gains were achieved. Taiwan investments in Thailand, Indonesia and Viet Nam increased significantly. Unfortunately, the 1997 Asian financial crisis and anti-Chinese riots in Indonesia resulted in many investors "flying home with broken wings". Taiwan business people now consider the Southern Strategy one rife with hazards.

The third Southern Strategy was a continuation of Lee Teng-hui's policies during the early years of the Chen Shui-bian era. It was part of Chen's hard line "one country on each side", "scorched earth diplomacy". Eventually it lost when the Mainland offered more generous concessions to foreign investors. As a result, Taiwan businesses flocked westward. During Chen's eight years in office, Taiwan's export dependence on the Mainland and Hong Kong increased to 40% from under 20%. This was clear evidence that the Southern Strategy was a dismal failure. In 2002, former Vice President Annette Lu took part in "secret diplomacy". She travelled to Indonesia to purchase natural gas, but encountered one obstacle after another along the way, and could not continue. She even found herself trapped in the Jakarta Airport VIP Lounge, and forbidden to enter the country. Her troubled journey undermined our national image. A former deputy head of state may have set foot in Indonesia. But in the end it amounted to failed diplomacy. The Southern Strategy has led to one fiasco after another. What chance does it have to succeed today?

We have taken the time to recall the Southern Strategy, a three time losing strategy. Our intent is not to pour cold water on the DPP. It is to remind Tsai Ing-wen and any other future leader, not to repeat the same mistake. Taiwan's over-reliance on trade and economic relations with the Mainland must be corrected as soon as possible. We must avoid excessive reliance on others. But correcting current excesses requires more than merely trumpeting a New Southern Strategy. Proper lines must be drawn between diplomacy and trade, ideals and reality, objectives and means. An overall strategy, phased implementation, and cautious execution are essential. Otherwise success is unlikely.

We have three suggestions for Tsai Ing-wen regarding her New Southern Strategy. One. The level of development, size of market, degree of convenience, and degree of safety required for a Southern Strategy and a Western Strategy differ. The two complement rather than compete with each other. Exclusive reliance on a Southern Strategy is inadequate for Taiwan's economic development. Two. Trade and diplomacy are two interlocking matters. The former relies on bold creativity. The latter relies on judicious execution. When implementing a Southern Strategy, both are indispensable. The scorched earth diplomacy and head-butting that characterized the Chen era is certain to fail in South Eeast Asia and India. Taiwan is no match for the Mainland when it comes to diplomatic offensives. Consider the embarrassment endured by Annette Lu in Indonesia. Three. Over the past several years, Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP have been inciting anti-Mainland hatred. They must cool such sentiment before they reaching a proper compromise between a Western Strategy and a Southern Strategy. Only then can Taiwan businesses participate in Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank activities and the construction of the One Belt, One Road, These are intimately related to any Southern Strategy.

When the public on Taiwan hears someone blowing the horn a fourth time for a Southern Strategy,  it is likely to react with scepticism. We can only hope that a few years from now, the Western Strategy and Southern Strategy have not both failed.

2015-09-26 聯合報









Thursday, September 24, 2015

Maintaining the Status Quo: Tsai Ing-wen's Naive Assumptions

Maintaining the Status Quo: Tsai Ing-wen's Naive Assumptions
China Times Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
September 25, 2015

Executive Summary: Most people on Taiwan hope to maintain the status quo. Recent media surveys show that the number of those who hope Taiwan can "maintain the status quo indefinitely" has substantially increased. The DPP has attempted to spin this in Tsai Ing-wen's favour. It asserts that "Tsai Ing-wen's cross-Strait arguments are precise and rigorous. She has gradually won the public trust." People on Taiwan really do long for stability and peace. Tsai Ing-wen however, thinks that merely maintaining the status quo will neutralize the Mainland and persuade the United States to ensure smooth cross-Strait relations. Her thinking involves three naive assumptions.

Full Text Below:

Most people on Taiwan hope to maintain the status quo. Recent media surveys show that the number of those who hope Taiwan can "maintain the status quo indefinitely" has substantially increased. The DPP has attempted to spin this in Tsai Ing-wen's favour. It asserts that "Tsai Ing-wen's cross-Strait arguments are precise and rigorous. She has gradually won the public trust." People on Taiwan really do long for stability and peace. Tsai Ing-wen however, thinks that merely maintaining the status quo will neutralize the Mainland and persuade the United States to ensure smooth cross-Strait relations. Her thinking involves three naive assumptions.

Naive Assumption One. Strategically speaking, Tsai Ing-wen has never offered a clear explanation of what she means by "maintaining the status quo".  Ma Ying-jeou was clear when he advocated "no reunification, no independence, no use of force". He won the approval of the United States and the Mainland. Only then could cross-Strait relations remain stable over the following years. Tsai Ing-wen betrays the same "Don't rock the boat" mentality and tendency to procrastinate as the Ma government. Tsai denounced Ma Ying-jeou's policy path. She too has been responding to the people's desire to avoid war. Alas, she has failed to offer any macro level, long-term cross-Strait policy. Without any long term ideals, how can we revive the spirit of adventure that once inspired people on Taiwan to travel far and wide exploring the world? Allowing oneself to settle into an endless loop, living life day at a time, without any grander goal, will merely leave one lost and directionless.

Naive Assumption Two. "Don't rock the boat" style "maintaining the status quo" thinking. So-called "anti-China" (Anti-Mainland) sentiment is on the rise on Taiwan. Can the status quo really be maintained? That is doubtful. Poll data shows support for maintaining the status quo at new highs. But the public hatred of both the Mainland government and Mainland people is on the rise. This is the predictable result of the DPP's relentless incitement of anti-Mainland hatred over the pat decade. Hatred breeds hatred. If the Chang family is unrelenting in its hatred toward the Li family next door, can one really expect the Li family to become increasingly friendly toward the Chang family? The Mainland has a "Fifty Cent Party" whose populist rhetoric is every bit as extreme as those on Taiwan PTTs. Demands for reunification via military force have become louder. They will not dictate Mainland policy toward Taiwan. But democratic governments and authoritarian governments alike bend before the winds of public opinion. The only difference is that authoritarian governments bend a little less than democratic governments.

For Tsai Ing-wen's "maintaining the status quo" to succeed, she must radically reform the anti-Mainland Democratic Progressive Party. She must reverse the vicious cycle of escalating cross-Strait hatred.

Naive Assumption Three. Maintaining the status quo requires a key. The likelihood of cross-Strait war may be unlikely. But the deterioration of cross-Strait relations will devastate Taiwan. The key to maintaining the status quo is defending the Republic of China and adhering to the 1992 Consensus. Tsai Ing-wen's definition of the status quo must be rooted in the Republic of China and the 1992 Consensus. If it is, the negative impact on Taiwan can be minimized, and the possibility of maintaining the status quo will be maximized. The farther one departs from the Republic of China and the 1992 Consensus, the more cross-Strait relations will deteriorate and the greater the negative impact on Taiwan will be. The possibility of maintaining the status quo will correspondingly be diminished.

The peaceful development of cross-Strait relations, as the Mainland has reiterated, "did not fall from heaven". It is rooted in the shared recognition that both sides would adhere to the 1992 Consensus and oppose Taiwan independence. Tsai Ing-wen has refused to accept the 1992 Consensus. She has refused to repudiate the Taiwan independence party platform. Without the support of the 1992 consensus, how can the rewards of cross-Strait exchanges not evaporate? The destination is remote, and the road is long. Mere lip service to "maintaining the status quo" will not enable Tsai Ing-wen to sprout wings and fly there.

This newspaper has vowed to act as a channel for cross-Strait communication. It would like to remind those on the Mainland and Taiwan who support the status quo, that the number of those advocating both immediate independence and gradual independence has fallen. This should be cautiously viewed as good news. At least the number of those who advocate rational cross-Strait relations has not fallen. The public on Taiwan is increasingly receptive to political reality regarding Taiwan independence. Unfortunately hatred toward the Mainland has also increased. This anti-Mainland sentiment is a toxin, highly destructive of long term cross-Strait relations.

The Mainland is right to insist that Taiwan abide by the 1992 Consensus. This is something we have repeatedly called for. Acknowledging the existence of the Republic of China is the only thing that will enable genuine reconciliation with the Taiwan public, and the dissolution of anti-Mainland sentiment. Tsai Ing-wen no longer speaks of a "government in exile". She has pledged to uphold the Republic of China's constitutional framework, in form if not in spirit. Chiang Ching-kuo's final years witnessed the rise of Taiwan independence. Three decades of political agitation ensued. Yet today, the green camp is paying lip service to the Republic of China, right along with the blue. This is unprecedented on Taiwan. Naturally it must be viewed as significant.

Beijing realizes that the KMT has lost control over politics and policy on Taiwan. It has concluded that Tsai Ing-wen's election victory next year is a foregone conclusion. Therefore it is changing its policy toward Taiwan. It is adopting a unilateral decision-making model. It is seizing the initiative. It is making decisions according to its own time table. It is no longer negotiating with Taiwan. It is no longer seeking Taiwan's consent. The M503 flight path, the amending of national security laws, and the implementation of MTP smart cards, all reflect Beijing's new attitude. We would remind Beijing however that peaceful development and the reduction of public hatred will require "strategic firmness and tactical flexibility".

20150925 中國時報










Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Obama Xi Summit: Love and Hate between Major Powers

Obama Xi Summit: Love and Hate between Major Powers
United Daily News Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
September 24, 2015

Executive Summary: An Obama Xi meeting has been on the back burner for two years. But tomorrow Mainland leader Xi Jinping will finally set off for the United States and meet once again with US President Barack Obama. Obama's term is coming to an end. If nothing unexpected happens, this will be the last meeting between Obama and Xi. It will also be the most intense summit between the Mainland and the US since the Mainland's rise to power.

Full Text Below:

An Obama Xi meeting has been on the back burner for two years. But tomorrow Mainland leader Xi Jinping will finally set off for the United States and meet once again with US President Barack Obama. Obama's term is coming to an end. If nothing unexpected happens, this will be the last meeting between Obama and Xi. It will also be the most intense summit between the Mainland and the US since the Mainland's rise to power.

Relations between major powers such as the Mainland and the US are a sort of international wrestling match. The Obama Xi summit is a diplomatic dance of love and hate. Superficially the two sides may remain polite to a fault. But each side has its own calculations. There is no love lost between the United States and the Mainland. All they have are interests and tactics, including how to counter the other without causing a complete break. Both sides will shake hands and embrace. Each side will have its hidden agenda. Both sides will compromise on sensitive issues. Over the past two years, the two governments have been wracked by anxiety and suspicion. The summit will reaffirm what the dance steps are, so that no one will upset the rhythm and undermine already weak trust.

The Tango is a fast-paced dance. It includes steps forward and backward, as well as turns. Early this month, CCP leaders invited leaders from Russia, South Korea and other countries to attend a military parade. The parade showed they were no longer the "Sick Man of Asia". The United States forced Japan to pass a "security law", to counter the Mainland's military rise in Asia. The Mainland and the US have targeted each other, and are crossing swords everywhere. These are the results of struggles between the major powers.

The Tango has another unique feature, its intensity. It is often brusque and hard. This is to shock the viewer. On the eve of the Obama Xi meeting, the CCP arrested Chinese American businessman Pan Wanfen on charges of stealing state secrets and espionage. The United States accused the Mainland of connivance with Internet hackers to steal US trade secrets. It threatened the Mainland with economic sanctions. Tit for tat between the two countries, both official and private, continues unabated.

The Tango is fierce dance. The partners move forward and backward. They turn and reverse. The moves however, are coordinated. Love and hate. Push and pull. The performance depends on the skill of the partners and their degree of coordination. The Obama Xi summit involves both competition and conflict. Some have even suggest that it is unlikely to yeild any important results. But pragmatism require the two governments to find consensus within conflict, and cooperation within competition. This is to everyone's benefit. At the very least, "jaw jaw is better than war war".

From a macro level perspective, the Obama Xi summit is taking place amidst a global economic recession. The heating up of the South China Sea conflict and domestic worries help ease Beijing Washington differences and confrontation.

First, consider the global economic recession, which differs from the situation two years ago. This time the Mainland has endured both a housing market crash and a stock market crash. Its economy may experience a hard landing. Growth is nowhere as strong as it was before. This will act as a drag on global economic recovery. The CCP devalued the RMB to save exports. This immediately impacted US economic growth. This is one of the main reasons the US Federal Reserve delayed raising interest rates. The Obama Xi summit will focus on economic issues in order to reach a negotiated settlement.

Second. The heating up of the South China Sea conflict. Through its "Asian Rebalancing" policy, the US hopes to strengthen its East Asian allies against the rise of the Mainland's military. But the United States overplayed its hand in the South China Sea. This led to military confrontation. It backfired and provoked the Mainland to accelerate the construction of runways on artificial reefs in the South China Sea. To reduce the prospect of military confrontation between the two, the United States hopes to increase military cooperation and exchanges. When Mainland and US military aircraft require emergency rescue, the two sides will have a predetermined protocol.

Finally, the Mainland and the US each has domestic concerns. Over the past two years, Xi Jinping's anti-corruption sweep resulted in many corrupt Mainland officials fleeing to the US. The two governments have no extradition treaty. The CCP hopes the United States will assist in apprehending these fugitives and repatriating them, especially those with politically sensitive backgrounds such as former United Front Department Heads. US companies on the Mainland fear the theft of trade secrets.They dare not cooperate with Mainland enterprises. The protection of intellectual property rights has become a major concern for US companies. Will the two governments sign an extradition treaty in exchange for the protection of of intellectual property rights? That is something the Obama Xi summit will address. The summit will be a dance of love and hate among major power.

As for Taiwan, the US has repeatedly issued assurances that the US position on Taiwan will not change. But on Taiwan, the fear is that the Obama Xi summit will wind up playing a different tune. When the Mainland US duo becomes a Mainland US Taiwan trio, will Taiwan find itself out of step and not know which way to move?

2015-09-24 聯合報











Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Time that Tsai Ing-wen Debated Hung Hsiu-chu

Time that Tsai Ing-wen Debated Hung Hsiu-chu
China Times Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
September 23, 2015

Executive Summary: The year 2016 will be a turning point for Taiwan. This election is of critical importance. Candidates must tell voters what they think the current problems are, and how they intend to remedy them. We cannot allow voters to be deceived into supporting candidates, only to become disillusioned upon learning otherwise. The harm inflicted upon the nation, the winning candidates, and the voters is unacceptable. We solemnly urge Tsai Ing-wen and Hung Hsiu-chu to begin debating the issues.

Full Text Below:

DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen's election prospects are bright. Victory appears to be at hand. The DPP has a good chance of gaining a majority in the legislature as well. KMT presidential candidate Hung Hsiu-chu's momentum is weak. She lacks both manpower and funds. Nevertheless she exhibits willpower and determination. Her own party is apathetic. Rivals from within her own party are pressuring her. Yet she stands alone, resolute in her opposition to populist demagoguery and Taiwan independence fanaticism. The election campaign has now reached the point where the candidates must face each other. The two main candidates have begun to share their political views. Voters must set aside their prejudices and look at what the candidates actually advocate.

The DPP recently held a party wide "pledge session". Tsai Ing-wen gave a speech, calling for responsibility, tolerance, reconciliation, unity, commitment, and vision. Taiwan does indeed require unity before it can achieve any sort of vision. All of this requires a responsible government. Tsai's pledges will probably win public support. But how does she intend to fulfill them? How will she bring them to fruition? She refuses to say. She scrupulously avoids mention of specific policies or programs. Energy policy is highly controversial. Tsai Ing-wen pledged that there would be no power shortages following the DPP's return to power. Last week Tsai Ing-wen announced her green energy policy. Green power, including wind power and solar power, would be increased to over 20%. Given current technology, green power is more costly than thermal power and nuclear power. Therefore others have predicted price increases. Yet Tsai immediately fired back, saying that she "did not expect prices to rise within 10 years."

Tsai Ing-wen has made three pledges. But those in the know realize that Taiwan's more serious crisis involves disunity, myopia, and paralysis. The existence of problems is common knowledge. Pointing them out is easy. Solving them is hard. How can Taiwan be united? Tsai Ing-wen says "We are at a crossroads. Division or reconciliation hangs in the balance". In other words, whether we are blue or green, we must unite. These are pretty words. This is the right direction. But how does she intend to achieve this? She refuses to say.

At the very moment Tsai Ing-wen was making her pledge, DPP politicians and party members were red-baiting, accusing others of "selling out Taiwan". So where was the tolerance, reconciliation, and unity Tsai trumpeted? Does it really boil down to "Obey me and live, defy me and die"? Taiwan is wracked by unprecedented political divisions. Whither the tolerance? Whither the reconciliation? Whither the solidarity? Tsai Ing-wen needs to walk the walk. She needs to do so, up close and personal.

Candidates can of course propose specific programs. But Tsai has no intention of proposing any. Besides, the major obstacle to unity on Taiwan has been disagreement on matters of national identity and cross-Strait relations. Allegiance to the Republic of China vs. allegiance to a would-be "Republic of Taiwan", guarantee blue vs. green incompatibility. Today the DPP is holding high the banner of the Republic of China. Tsai Ing-wen has pledged to uphold the existing constitutional framework. But suspicions of "backdoor listing" remain. That said, consensus has been increased. The issue of allegiances has been partially resolved. A basis for unity has perhaps emerged, Tsai Ing-wen enjoys the home court advantage. She is obligated therefore to make concrete changes.

Consider cross-Strait relations. When the KMT was in power, it reached an agreement with the CCP to treat the 1992 Consensus as the basis for cross-Strait relations. This was not a formal agreement. It was an implicit understanding. Is "one China" the Republic of China? Or is it the People's Republic of China? Each side has its own interpretation. The DPP has long clung to Taiwan independence. It now finds it difficult to accept one China, different interpretations. Today Tsai Ing-wen says she intends to uphold the status quo. She says she has accepted the Republic of China. In doing so, she has implicitly recognized the 1992 Consensus. Tsai Ing-wen might as well publicly recognize the 1992 Consensus, or suggest an alternative rationale. This would be the first step in unifying Taiwan, and stabilizing cross-Strait relations.

Consider the past. The DPP's pretty slogans have usually contradicted reality. President Chen Shui-bian shouted "higher standards" during his election campaign. But the moment he won, lower standards were the rule, leading to the "Cape 700 million" embezzlement scandal. When Frank Hsieh ran for president, he championed "reconciliation and coexistence", even while his aides were brazenly engaing in red-baiting Hsieh's opponents. Hsieh alleged that the liberalization of cross-Strait exchanges would result in "workers on Taiwan unable to find work, women on Taiwan unable to find husbands, and children on Taiwan would be exiled to Heilongjiang". Hsieh said this to frighten people. Tsai Ing-wen calls for solidarity on Taiwan. But if she fails to offer action, programs, or implementation, the entire exercise will merely become another case of political deceit and rubber checks.

Tsai Ing-wen has stressed vision and responsible government. She elaborated on the vision part. But unfortunately it failed to withstand scrutiny. On energy policy for example, she diverges from Hung Hsiu-chu. But more importantly, experts have exposed Tsai Ing-wen's fallacies. Yet the Tsai Ing-wen camp has yet to offer a satisfactory response. What manner of "vision" is this? How is evasion consistent with "responsible government"? In order to achieve victory, Tsai Ing-wen is relying on current momentum. She is attempting to muddle her way to victory. if so, Tsai Ing-wen's victory will mean the demolition of yet another politician's fancy rhetoric.

Hung Hsiu-chu has also offered her vision and political views. They include opposition to populist demagoguery and opposition to Taiwan independence. These two views have been challenged by the DPP and green camp supporters. Her public policies have been criticized by the opposition Democratic Progressive Party. Will these policies benefit Taiwan? Will they enable voters to enjoy the good life? They too need to be scrutinized.

The global economy faces great uncertainty. The national strength of the United States is waning. This has led to volatility in the East Asian strategic situation. Mainland China's economic and military rise has led to shifts in the international political equilibrium. Consider three factors. The year 2016 will be a turning point for Taiwan. This election is of critical importance. Candidates must tell voters what they think the current problems are, and how they intend to remedy them. We cannot allow voters to be deceived into supporting candidates, only to become disillusioned upon learning otherwise. The harm inflicted upon the nation, the winning candidates, and the voters is unacceptable. We solemnly urge Tsai Ing-wen and Hung Hsiu-chu to begin debating the issues.

20150923 中國時報











Monday, September 21, 2015

Does Taiwan Intend to Be a Player, or a Provocateur?

Does Taiwan Intend to Be a Player, or a Provocateur?
United Daily News Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
September 21, 2015

Executive Summary: Recently the CCP announced that it would be holding military exercises off the coast of Fujian, once again touching sensitive nerves on Taiwan. As it has in the past, Beijing issued an official statement, saying "This was merely a routine exercise". But it went a little overboard in its clarification. The Global Times, the CCP party newspaper, quoted a military expert who said that the live-fire exercises "cannot be referred to in the same terms as the 1996 Taiwan Strait missile crisis."

Full Text Below:

Recently the CCP announced that it would be holding military exercises off the coast of Fujian, once again touching sensitive nerves on Taiwan. As it has in the past, Beijing issued an official statement, saying "This was merely a routine exercise". But it went a little overboard in its clarification. The Global Times, the CCP party newspaper, quoted a military expert who said that the live-fire exercises "cannot be referred to in the same terms as the 1996 Taiwan Strait missile crisis."

Taiwan has sensitive ears. In response, Beijing has learned to fine tune its public statements. It no longer shouts at the top of its voice. Instead it has learned to play the "acknowledge" and "deny" game. Just listen to the wording of its denial: "cannot be referred to in the same terms as the 1996 Taiwan Strait missile crisis." In fact, no one asked about 1996. Instead Beijing brought 1996 up itself.

In 1996, Jiang Zemin realized he could not trust Lee Teng-hui. He ordered missiles fired into a no fly zone. Unarmed missiles were fired into the sea just off the north and south coasts of Taiwan. The result merely boosted voter support for Lee Teng-hui. During the 2000 election, Zhu Rongji once again engaged in intimidation. Chen Shui-bian inadvertently benefited. These fiascoes helped Beijing understand the psychology of the Taiwan public, to understand the recklessness of the masses, and to realize that intimidation will only backfire.

History is repeating itself. A third pro-Taiwan independence candidate will probably win the general election. Beijing no longer has any desire to overturn the boat inside the gutter. During the National People's Congress in March, Xi Jinping said, "Without a solid foundation, the earth will move". His tone was mild. It lacked any trace of rancor. As a result it was even more inscrutable.

This does not mean that Beijing is willing to tolerate the din generated by Taiwan independence advocates. Taiwan independence passions today are the highest they have been in history. The Sunflower Student Movement precipitated a wave of anti-[Mainland] China hatred. Lee Teng-hui openly declared that the mother country of the Taiwan people is Japan. Beijing realizes it cannot control Taiwan by itself. Taiwan is controlled in part by the US and Japan. The CCP realizes that for the near future the Mainland will be approaching the home stretch, and that the only obstacles in its way are the United States and Japan.

The 1996 missile crisis and the 2005 anti-secession law show that Beijing considers military reunification a last resort. In 2010, Mainland China surpassed Japan as the world's second largest economy. Analysts predicted Mainland China would eventually surpass even the US. As a result, the Chinese Communist Party's global and cross-Strait perspective dramatically changed. The new Politburo realized that economics is the ultimate weapon. As long as the industrial and technological center of gravity shifts toward China and away from the United States, the world's knowledge, talent, and markets will undergo a paradigm shift. The winds will blow from the East instead of the West. Military power will be secondary in importance.

Beijing's recent moves make this change in perspective obvious. The M503 flight path and the reissuing of MTPs as smart cards were both intended to do away with the adversarial mentality on both sides of the Strait. The former was intended to promote the demilitarization of the Taiwan Strait. The latter was intended to tear down the fence between the two sides. These are consistent with Beijing's global strategy of "peaceful development". Military power will of course not be ruled out. But it has been demoted from the head table to the guest table. In its quest to be first among nations, peace will be Beijing's first resort.

Therefore, the recent military exercises are merely warning. CCTV broadcast them in July. Only later did observers recall the Zhu Er He military exercise. A replica of the presidential palace in Taipei was visible. But no departures were made from the regular training pattern. The Maritime Safety Administration in Fujian announced a small-scale no-fly zone for artillery drills below 8000 meters. These served only one purpose, to remind Taiwan to be afraid, lest leaders on Taiwan become too impulsive and make an unexpected move, undermining Mainland China's drive down the home stretch.

Taiwan now has two options. One. Become an active participant as the Mainland makes its drive down the home stretch. Share the fruits of that final mile. Two. Remain a pawn of the United States and Japan, as they attempt to “contain” Mainland China, and become willing cannon fodder rather than see the light.

The United States strongly supports Abe's new "Security Law". As one can imagine, Mainland China and the United States will become caught in a fierce struggle. The US is a regional hegemon and long-term global hegemon. The United States defeated Wilhelmine Germany, Nazi Germany, and the Japanese Imperial Army. It used the Cold War to implode the Soviet Union. It apparently intends to dispense with Mainland China in the same fashion. Taiwan is an wonderfully convenient strategic pawn. The United States may reward it or use it as bait. Can Taiwan continue to hide in the cracks between the United States and Mainland China? Voters during the coming election, and the new president next year will have to decide.












Sunday, September 20, 2015

How Will Today's Tsai Ing-wen Deal With Yesterday's?

How Will Today's Tsai Ing-wen Deal With Yesterday's?
China Times Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
September 21, 2015

Executive Summary: Taiwan's economy is sliding deeper and deeper into recession. DPP chairperson and presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen is getting closer and closer to assuming power. Her pronouncements are moving closer and closer to the political center. But conflicts have arisen between her and past DPP economic policies. She needs to explain the differences between her past and present policies. Do they differ? If they do, why?

Full Text Below:

Taiwan's economy is sliding deeper and deeper into recession. DPP chairperson and presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen is getting closer and closer to assuming power. Her pronouncements are moving closer and closer to the political center. But conflicts have arisen between her and past DPP economic policies. She needs to explain the differences between her past and present policies. Do they differ? If they do, why?

The most important trade meeting between Taipei and Washington is the Ninth Taiwan-US Trade and investment framework agreement (TIFA), to be held in October in Taipei. Minister of Economic Affairs Teng Chen-chung says "The issue of pork will not be discussed at this time". But as everyone knows, the United States' key interest in the TIFA meeting is US beef and pork imports to Taiwan. Three years ago, AIT Taipei Office Director William A. Stanton gave a speech before leaving office. He said the US beef controversy is a symbol of Taiwan's trade protectionism. If the government on Taiwan bans US beef imports, Taipei will have a hard time restarting TIFA talks with Washington. Taiwan can then forget about joining the TPP. So how do Tsai Ing-wen and DPP stand on this issue?

The US beef and pork import issue is considered a bipartisan battle. It is a typical case. The common people are not consulted. The economic consequences are ignored. When the DPP and Chen Shui-bian were in power, mad cow disease broke out in the US. The government on Taiwan banned the import of US beef. The US government then applied pressure. In 2007, during the sixth TIFA meeting, the US ended TIFA negotiations because Taiwan refused to allow US beef imports. The Chen Shui-bian government attempted to give in and allow imports, but the KMT vigorously opposed and Chen's effort failed.

Following ruling party change, the contestants switched positions. In 2012, in order to restart TIFA, the Ma government prepared to allow US beef containing ractopamine. The DPP expressed opposition, and blasted the Ma government for ignoring public health by allowing in "poisoned beef" from the US. It demanded a "zero tolerance"policy. DPP legislators forcibly occupied the legislature for five days and four nights. Their political theater is still fresh in our memory. In October, TIFA will reconvene. Tsai Ing-wen considers a DPP return to power a foregone conclusion. She has told foreigners "We are confident that next year we will be the ruling party". Tsai Ing-wen has repeatedly pledged to join the TPP. Does Tsai seek to mend Taipei-Washington economic and trade relations? Does she seek to persuade the US to support Taiwan's bid for TPP membership? If she does, she and the DPP will need to repudiate their past position on US beef and pork imports. Isn't it time for Tsai Ing-wen to explain her position on US beef and pork imports?

Outside observers have long worried about Democratic Progressive Party rule. Will it impose a Closed Door Policy on foreign trade? Tsai Ing-wen has pledged that the economy will be more open once the DPP takes power. But recall DPP criticism of Ma government fiscal and economic policy, Where was DPP support for free trade? The STA was denounced as "cozying up to [Mainland] China and selling out Taiwan". The DPP opposed it to the bitter end. The MTA remains delayed even this day. The DPP leveled "eight criticisms" against the FEPZ test case. It engaged in obstructionism until the bill eventually died, stillborn. The DPP stubbornly insists that free trade will hurt the most vulnerable SMEs.

But pray tell how free trade harms vulnerable industries? Doesn't economic liberalization allow external stimuli and competition to stimulate domestic industrial upgrading? Doesn't it eliminate inappropriate and non-competitive industries and companies? Tsai Ing-wen must explain herself. She must explain how she intends to liberalize Taiwan's economy. She must tell us whether she supports the MTA and STA. If she persists in opposing the STA, does she also intend to oppose the Gold and Silver Conference now under way. After all, it too requires cross-Strait liberalization.

If Tsai's answer is "We must not look only to the Mainland", then she must tell the public and the business community how she intends to persuade the US, EU, and other heavyweight economies to sign FTAs, when she herself refuses to sign the MTA and STA with the Mainland. How can Taiwan's economy and exports ignore the world's second largest economy, yet not be affected?

Are we to understand that upon assuming power, Tsai Ing-wen will repudiate the Tsai Ing-wen of yesterday?

Tsai Ing-wen's election campaign four years ago, trumpeted "fairness and justice". It emphasizes fair distribution and social justice. People on Taiwan have long considered the lack of real estate taxes and capital gains taxes as a cause of social injustice and a reason for the widening wealth gap. Recently the capital gains tax has caught the attention of the Legislative Yuan and the public. The DPP and the KMT have overtly supported its passage while covertly sabotaging it. They have offered a Lin Chuan version of the tax. In fact, the Lin Chuan version is merely one of many versions of the capital gains tax. It is definitely not rooted in the principles of capital gains tax laws. Is this consistent with Tsai Ing-wen's calls for "fairness and justice"?

Focusing on fiscal policy is certainly an option. It is undeniably a professional approach. For the sake of Taiwan's economic development, will the Tsai of today repudiate the Tsai of Yesterday? We hope so. But recall how the opposition DPP deviated from professionalism yesterday. Recall how it incited populist opposition and forced Taiwan to lose years of valuable economic progress.

蔡英文 今日之我如何戰昨日之我











Thursday, September 17, 2015

Highlight Taiwan Retrocession: Defend Republic of China

Highlight Taiwan Retrocession: Defend Republic of China 
China Times Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
September 18, 2015

Executive Summary: Does the KMT government care about the survival of the Republic of China? Does it value the historical facts about the Republic of China? Does it want to reaffirm the connections between the Republic of China and Taiwan, and the two sides of the Taiwan Strait? If it does, then the 70th anniversary of Taiwan retrocession must be treated as an festival of historic importance. It must be made a grand commemoration, with more substance, more discussion, and more activities highlighting the historic significance of Taiwan's retrocession. This will help preserve the Republic of China. This will differentiate between the real Republic of China and the Taiwan independence movement's "Frozen Republic of China" and "Hollowed Out Republic of China”.

Full Text Below:

The 2016 election, by accident or otherwise, now revolves around the Republic of China -- its definition, its history and its future. Was this an accident? During past national elections on Taiwan, the core issue was usually reunification vs. independence. The dispute was usually between Taiwan independence and opposition to Taiwan independence. It was usually between maintaining the status quo and changing to the status quo. Since the Sunflower Student Movement so-called "natural independence" rhetoric has become ubiquitous. A major battle between reunification and independence is imminent. Tsai Ing-wen is waging a campaign based on maintaining the status quo. While remaining deliberately ambiguous on Diaoyutai, history curriculum reform, comfort women, Japanese colonial rule, and the commemoration of the War of Resistance Against Japan. She has announced her intention to participate in the National Day celebration. As a result, the struggle between reunification and independence has become a struggle between conflicting definitions of the Republic of China and conflicting historical interpretations of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Was this something other than an accident? Mainland China has risen. Taiwan independence consciousness has deepened. The peaceful development and cross-Strait opening that began in 2005, has now reached a turning point. The political status of the two sides and the Republic of China's survival and future, have become issues the ruling and opposition parties on Taiwan cannot avoid. They must deal with the political status of the ROC and PRC. They must clear up questions about the Republic of China and its continued existence. They must resolve a number of lingering historical controversies. These include the meaning of the Xinhai Revolution, the definition of the KMT/CCP civil war, the facts of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the significance of Taiwan's retrocession to China. These issues are inescapable and cannot be avoided.

Under Tsai Ing-wen, the DPP has adopted a "maintain the status quo" path. It has announced that it will accept the constitutional framework of the Republic of China.  It will participate in this year's Republic of China National Day celebration. It has even posed as a defender of the ROC's leadership role during the war, and criticized Lien Chan for attending the victory parade in Beijing. It is deliberately creating a superficial blue-green consensus in order to undermine KMT solidarity and the KMT's historical narrative.

DDP mouthpieces are proclaiming that the DPP has always defended the Republic of China, even though the DPP flatly refuses to repeal the Taiwan independence party platform, and refuses to forsake Taiwan independence. This confirms that the DPP's real intent is to empty the name “Republic of China” of substance. It is to freeze the Republic of China. It is to achieve its end game of Taiwan independence, by hollowing out the Republic of China.

Members of the public and DPP insiders alike are demanding the abolition of the Taiwan independence party platform. The DPP's pro forma response has been to claim that the Taiwan independence party platform has essentially been frozen, and that the Taiwan independence party platform has been replaced by the Resolution on Taiwan's Future. But the Resolution on Taiwan's Future asserts that "Taiwan is a sovereign and independent country, its sovereignty is limited to Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, and other nearby islands". It asserts that "Taiwan is called the Republic of China in accordance with the current constitution, but does not belong to the People's Republic of China". The DPP's definition of the Republic of China is temporary, vague, and a total departure from the Republic of China envisioned in the "Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China", "prior to national reunification". Naturally it flatly contradicts Tsai Ing-wen's pledges to "maintain the status quo" and "abide by the Republic of China's existing constitutional framework".

The Resolution on Taiwan's Future is ostensibly a compromise revision of the DPP's Taiwan independence party platform. In fact it is an evasive maneuver by the Taiwan independence movement. Instead of repudiating the Republic of China outright, it asserts that the "Republic of China is Taiwan", and that "Taiwan is the Republic of China". The Resolution on Taiwan's Future is simply the Taiwan independence party platform Version 2.0. Meanwhile, the "Resolution on a Normal Nation" adopted in 2007, calls for the “rectification of names and the authoring of a new constitution. Substantively speaking, it is even more radical than the Taiwan independence party platform. The DPP's "Resolution on a Normal Nation” is even more recent than the Resolution on Taiwan's Future. Therefore it represents the DPP's current position. The DPP now postures as "defender of the Republic of China”.  In fact it is deceiving part of the electorate. This deception has been subject to strict scrutiny. The Republic of China government and the ruling Kuomintang must do something about this.

Recently, Lien Chan went to the Mainland to participate in the "70th anniversary Commemoration of the Chinese Peoples' War of Resistance Against Japan and Victory in the Global Anti-Fascist War". His visit provoked political controversy. Initially the dispute was over the historical interpretation of the war. But the Mainland has been changing its interpretation of history. It has been gradually rehabilitating the image and contribution of the National Revolutionary Army, especially in public television programs on the Mainland. Differences have been narrowed. Remaining differences should be controlled and resolved gradually, rather than widened deliberately.  In particular they should not undermine peaceful cross-strait relations.

Lien Chan's visit to the Mainland provoked controversy. It also prompted many people to rethink the ROC government's commemoration of the War of Resistance Against Japan. Why has any commemoration been seen in an increasingly negative light over the past few years? The eight-year long war that led to the recovery of Taiwan is closely related to the legitimacy of the Republic of China on Taiwan, and inseparable from its legality. Why so little interest in commemorating the historical facts? Why have the facts and significance of Taiwan retrocession been buried? Taiwan Retrocession Day is not even accorded the respect of a legal holiday. The so-called commemoration is an afterthought and fails utterly to highlight its historical importance and practical significance.

Does the KMT government care about the survival of the Republic of China? Does it value the historical facts about the Republic of China? Does it want to reaffirm the connections between the Republic of China and Taiwan, and the two sides of the Taiwan Strait? If it does, then the 70th anniversary of Taiwan retrocession must be treated as an festival of historic importance. It must be made a grand commemoration, with more substance, more discussion, and more activities highlighting the historic significance of Taiwan's retrocession. This will help preserve the Republic of China. This will differentiate between the real Republic of China and the Taiwan independence movement's "Frozen Republic of China" and "Hollowed Out Republic of China”.

彰顯台灣光復 才是捍衛中華民國
20150918 04:10中國時報










Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Changes in Mainland Attitude Toward Taiwan

Changes in Mainland Attitude Toward Taiwan
China Times Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
September 17, 2015

Executive Summary: Following last year's March 18 Sunflower Student Movement, authorities on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have made significant efforts to ensure continued bilateral relations. The results however, have been lackluster. The STA, MTA, cross-Strait representative offices, and Oversight Regulations for Cross-Strait Agreements all remain stillborn. Routine cross-Strait consultations seem ineffective. Taiwan has entered election season. Political campaigns are now in full swing. Few anticipate progress in cross-Strait relations. Everyone is waiting for the political picture to clear next May before commenting.

Full Text Below:

Following last year's March 18 Sunflower Student Movement, authorities on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have made significant efforts to ensure continued bilateral relations. The results however, have been lackluster. The STA, MTA, cross-Strait representative offices, and Oversight Regulations for Cross-Strait Agreements all remain stillborn. Routine cross-Strait consultations seem ineffective. Taiwan has entered election season. Political campaigns are now in full swing. Few anticipate progress in cross-Strait relations. Everyone is waiting for the political picture to clear next May before commenting.

Recent developments may worsen cross-Strait relations. Some cross-Strait issues cannot be postponed until a new government takes over ext May. The Ma government and the DPP must each formulate a response.

One. A local police station in Guangdong Province, on the Mainland, recently sent an official document to a police station in Yancheng, Kaohsiung, on Taiwan. Two. Government agencies on the Mainland recently told travel agencies on Taiwan that they should not play audio and video recordings containing ideological, religious, or anti-communist content on tour buses transporting Mainland tourists. Three. The day before yesterday Beijing announced that it was updating Taiwan Compatriot Permits by issuing them as smart cards. These actions failed to accord with Taiwan requirements. Taiwan authorities were not consulted beforehand. Four. Negotiations on five cross-Strait meetings on gold and silver, and round five negotiations on Mainland tourist transit rights remain deadlocked. Beijing refuses to budge. It is no longer making concessions in order to demonstrate goodwill. These piecemeal developments have deeper political implications.

From a neutral or positive perspective, direct contact between agencies on the two sides bypasses red tape, saves time and energy, and allows more efficient operation. Smart cards are helpful for people from Taiwan who wish to tour, visit relatives and friends, or seek employment on the Mainland. But the political status of the two sides remains a sensitive issue. Both sides have their own political considerations. Therefore they must interact with each other in accordance with existing mechanisms or white gloves. They must communicate beforehand. The CCP has unilaterally sent official documents to local agencies on Taiwan. Does this mean that Beijing has decided it no longer cares about Taiwan's political status, or how it may react? Does this mean Beijing has decided to do things its own way, on its own timetable? Taiwan's ruling and opposition parties need to think hard about this.

Rumors are that the CCP recently held meetings addressing its attitude toward Taiwan. It conducted a comprehensive review of cross-Strait relations and potential changes in direction. It anticipates the possibility of political changes on Taiwan. Beijing probably realizes that the Mainland cannot change the outcome of Taiwan's elections. But it knows it must solemnly declare its position and attitude, both for the international community and for voters on Taiwan.

Last month ARATS Chairman Chen Deming said cross-Strait relations will continue to rely on the two cross-Strait committees. This implies private sector interaction. The daily lives of the general public will not be affected. This also implies that the CCP will selectively target groups, political parties, and individuals who promote separatism and sabotage cross-Strait relations. Beijing will make the impact tangible, hence understandable to the public on Taiwan understand. Next week, Xi and Obama will meet. The Mainland and the US may seek consensus. They may decide to implement joint Beijing-Washington management of Taiwan, to ensure that the DPP and the public on Taiwan understand the political realities.

Beijing understands that after eight years of peaceful development, Taiwan has undergone profound changes in social psychology. Taiwan independence ideology has faded. Even if the DPP wins the election next year, Tsai Ing-wen will not dare pursue de jure independence. But the DPP government will undoubtedly maximize de facto independence, because intensifying "Taiwanese consciousness" will enable the DPP to expand its power base and ensure its long-term rule.

Beijing will of course expect Tsai Ing-wen to uphold the constitutional framework of the Republic of China. It will use it to gauge Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP's stand on international and cross-Strait issues. If they cross the line, Beijing will reaction strongly, and hold the Tsai government responsible. The Democratic Progressive Party will find it difficult to avoid expressing support for certain green camp issues, such as whether to join the United Nations. Given the DPP's habitual behavior, Beijing will have no difficulty finding reasons to object.

Beijing has already concluded that the DPP will probably return to power. It is now making preparations. Concrete moves are likely in the near future. President Ma Ying-jeou, Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen, and even the public on Taiwan, must be prepared. The Ma government must not do nothing and merely wait to step down. That is not the behavior of a responsible government. Ma's term of office may be running out. But President Ma is still the head of state. He must summon up the courage to make further achievements in cross-Strait relations.

During his term in office, President Ma was responsible for many cross-Strait and international achievements. These were enthusiastically affirmed by the public. He must not backpedal during the final months of his administration. If he does, he will undermine his achievements, tarnish his halo, and leave behind him a legacy of failure.

For DPP Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen, victory appears imminent. She must not be so arrogant as to imagine that the Mainland will simply accomodate Taiwan following the election. She must not assume that as long as the DPP refrains from pursuing de jure independence and upholds the "Republic of China", that stability in the Strait will be assured, and that the Mainland will be able to do nothing. That would be egocentric wishful thinking. Tsai must make changes as soon as possible on cross-Strait relations, in anticipation of all possibilities. The general public must see the truth. It must not be deceived by appearances. After all, the ballots are in their hands. If they make the wrong choice, they are the ones who will suffer the consequences.

山雨欲來 對台思維起變化
2015-9-17 中國時報










