United Daily News editorial
translated by Bevin Chu
July 25, 2007

Double Ten Troop Review: the Real Thing, during the Two Chiangs Era
Comment: The following United Daily News editorial is unquestionably the best I've had the honor of translating since I created Dateline Taipei. Better even than the recent July 11 editorial on Ma Ying-jeou. Working on it was a joy. Many recent Pan Blue op ed pieces show signs of having caved in to Pan Green "ben tu" nativist Political Correctness. Not this piece. This piece represents True Blue adherence to constitutionalism and the rule of law.
Is Chen Shui-bian celebrating the National Day of an "Alien Regime?"
United Daily News editorial
translated by Bevin Chu
July 25, 2007
The question is not whether the upcoming Republic of China National Day celebration is a "troop review" or a so-called "national defense performance." The question is why Chen Shui-bian, who has spared no effort to do away with the Republic of China, insists on spending vast sums of public money celebrating the National Day of the Republic of China, when the ruling DPP insists on labeling the Republic of China as an "alien regime?"
Chen Shui-bian is an advocate of Taiwan independence. His political banner is "Four Imperatives and One Non-Issue." He wants Taiwan independence, he wants the so-called "rectification of names," he wants the "authoring of a new constitution," he wants to establish a "Republic of Taiwan," and he wants to eliminate the Republic of China. Why does such an fanatical advocate of Taiwan independence such as Chen Shui-bian want to celebrate the National Day of the Republic of China in such an extravagant manner?
The question is not whether the upcoming Republic of China National Day celebration is a "troop review" or a "national defense performance." The question is whether a president of the Republic of China has the right to promote Taiwan independence.
The Double Ten Festival commemorates the 1911 Revolution. The 1911 Revolution established the Republic of China (Chen Shui-bian's "Four Imperatives" demand the repudiation of the Republic of China). The Republic of China's Founding Father was Sun Yat-Sen (high school textbooks will soon be subjected to historical revisionism and repudiate this fact). The Republic of China recovered Taiwan from its Japanese colonial occupiers (yet Chen Shui-bian refers to the Republic of China as an "alien regime"). The recovery of Taiwan made possible the establishment of the Democratic Progressive Party (otherwise Chen Shui-bian, as a member of a Category Three Impoverished Household would long ago have become a member of the "Five Red Categories" under Chinese Communist Party rule), The establishment of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) made possible the election of Chen Shui-bian and his current advocacy of Taiwan independence, his Orwellian "rectification of names" campaign, his demands for the "authoring of a new constitution," his "Four Imperatives and One Non-issue" (without the Republic of China, Taiwan would be under People's Republic of China rule. Taiwan independence would have the same status as Tibetan independence. There would be no Republic of China president from Taiwan and no possibility of promoting Taiwan independence). There would be no Chen Shui-bian to advocate Taiwan independence, or the "rectification of names," or the "authoring of a new constitution." There would be no extravaganza commemorating the National Day of this alleged "alien regime" known as the Republic of China. This paradox is a microcosmic version of the grand paradox at the heart of politics on Taiwan. This fraud is a microcosmic version of the massive fraud at the heart of politics on Taiwan.
This fraud is full of contradictions. For example, the ruling DPP government is financially underwritten by the Republic of China, yet it demands Taiwan independence and the death of the Republic of China. The Taiwan independence movement demands the death of the Republic of China, yet Taiwan independence can survive only under the protective wing of the Republic of China. Chen Shui-bian refers to the Republic of China as an "alien regime," as "invaders belonging to an alien race," as "colonizers belonging to an alien race," yet he enjoys the rights and privileges of the highest-ranking official of the Republic of China government, and abets his family's abuse of Republic of China presidential power and influence to embezzle hard-earned dollars belonging to Republic of China taxpayers. Chen Shui-bian advocates Taiwan independence, the "rectification of names," the "authoring of a new constitution," his "Four Imperatives and One Non-issue," and the death of the Republic of China. Yet he uses his legal status as "President of the Republic of China" to preside over ceremonies commemorating the founding of the Republic of China, in front of the Republic of China Presidential Palace. Is this not a grotesque paradox? Is this not an outrageous fraud?
During last year's National Day celebration, Red Shirt Army protestors heckled Chen Shui-bian during his address, primarily because given his malfeasance and misgovernance, they felt he had long ago forfeited his status as "President of the Republic of China." Chen Shui-bian's apoplectic response was "Since everyone has so many objections, next year there won't be a National Day ceremony!" Realizing his legitimacy had been openly challenged, Chen threw a temper tantrum and threatened to cancel next year's festivities. But even as his words rang in our ears, Chen Shui-bian reneged on his threat. Not only will he enthusiastically celebrate the National Day of the Republic of China, an alleged "alien regime," he will gild the lily by holding a "national defense performance." But what pray tell does "national defense" mean on today's Taiwan? Is "national defense" the defense of a nation known as the Republic of China, a alleged "alien regime?" Or is it for the defense of a would be "Republic of Taiwan," a "Nation consisting of Saliva," that exists only in the corner of Chen Shui-bian's mouth?
Chen Shui-bian, in the final days before he must leave office, wants to misappropriate the National Day of the Republic of China, to mobilize the Republic of China's armed forces, to squander the Republic of China's public funds, to trumpet "his accomplishments as president" and underline "his status as commander in chief." On the National Day podium, he will abuse his status as "President of the Republic of China" to demand Taiwan independence, the "rectification of names," the "authoring of a new constitution" and the imposition of his "Four Imperatives and One Non-issue." His goal will be the annihilation of the Republic of China. How long can Chen Shui-bian and the Democratic Progressive Party get away with this grotesque paradox, this outrageous fraud? How long will the people tolerate to this grotesque paradox, this outrageous fraud?
The Taiwan independence movement uses the Republic of China as a shell, under whose protection it promotes Taiwan independence. Taiwan independence in turn, destroys the Republic of China shell. Chen Shui-bian and the Democratic Progressive Party have nothing in their hearts but Taiwan independence and the overthrow of the Republic of China. On the Republic of China's National Day, they will go through the motions of celebrating the founding of the Republic of China, an alleged "alien regime." What manner of "National Day" celebration will this be, other than a charade in which citizens of the Republic of China are compelled to celebrate Chen Shui-bian's political fraud?
This year's National Day "national defense performance" will be nothing more than a smoke screen. The real drama will be enacted behind the scenes. It will be a "Taiwan independence Double Ten" ceremony celebrating Chen Shui-bian and the Democratic Progressive Party's Magic Trick of the Century.
2007.07.25 03:23 am
雙 十節是紀念辛亥革命。有辛亥革命始有中華民國(但陳水扁以「四要」否定中華民國),有中華民國始有國父孫中山(但中學教材已打算否定此事),有中華民國始 有台灣光復(但陳水扁指其為「外來政權」),有台灣光復今日始有民進黨(否則陳水扁以三級貧戶早已是「紅五類」),有民進黨始有陳水扁在今日主張台獨正名 制憲的「四要一沒有」(若是沒有中華民國,台灣在中華人民共和國治下,台獨可能如藏獨,絕無今日連總統亦可倡言台獨之光景)。然而,何以主張為台獨正名制 憲的陳水扁,又欲以「盛大嘉年華」來熱烈慶祝「外來政權」中華民國的開國革命國慶日?這個矛盾,正是台灣整個政治大矛盾的縮影;這個騙局,也正是台灣整個 政治大騙局的縮影。
此一騙局充滿矛盾。例如,民進黨政府受中華民國的供養,卻主張欲置中華民國於死地的台獨;又如,台獨欲置中華民國於死 地,其實台獨自身卻是在中華民國的政治羽翼下始能存活;又如,陳水扁指中華民國為外來政權,為異族侵略者,為異族殖民者,自己卻享受中華民國的俸祿和權 柄,還縱容家族利用總統權勢在中華民國的體制內貪汙;再如,陳水扁主張台獨正名制憲的「四要一沒有」,欲置中華民國於死地,卻以「中華民國總統」的身分, 在中華民國總統府前主持中華民國開國革命紀念日。這是不是矛盾?這是不是騙局?
去年國慶,紅衫軍鬧場,主因即在有不少國人根本否認失政敗 德的陳水扁仍具「中華民國總統」的「合法正當性」;而去年陳水扁氣急敗壞地稱:「如果大家這麼有意見,明年就不再舉辦國慶。」一方面顯是感知自己的「合法 正當性」已受質疑,另一方面則亦在以否定「國慶」來威脅國人。但是,言猶在耳,陳水扁卻已變卦,不但要熱烈慶祝中華民國這個「外來政權」的開國革命紀念 日,而且還要舉行「國防表演」。問題是:台灣今日國防的意義已不知何指,是為了「外來政權」中華民國而國防嗎?或是為了只是存在於陳水扁等人嘴角的「口水 國家」台灣共和國而國防?
陳水扁在他卸任最後時日,仍欲假借慶祝中華民國國慶的名義,動員中華民國的三軍,揮霍中華民國的公帑,來彰顯其 作為「總統」及「三軍統帥」的威儀;但在「國慶」的典禮台下,他卻利用「中華民國總統」的地位,去推動他台獨正名制憲的「四要一沒有」,以消滅中華民國為 目的。陳水扁及民進黨能將這個大矛盾的大騙局支撐到幾時?國人又能對這個大矛盾的大騙局容忍到幾時?
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