Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ma Ying-jeou's Three in One Thesis

Ma Ying-jeou's Three in One Thesis
United Daily News editorial
translated by Bevin Chu
June 14, 2007

Comment: The following United Daily News editorial, it pains me to say, is yet another gutless, fence-straddling, Pale Blue/Pale Green, non-solution to Taiwan's problems.

It panders to atavistic "ben tu" nativist mob sentiment and fails to address the core issue plaguing the Taiwan region of China, namely, the Taiwan independence movement's self-hating "Taiwanese, not Chinese" identity politics.

It prattles on about "transcendent" solutions even as it utterly defaults on the obligation to offer a transcendent solution.

A truly transcendent solution would require original thought, something sorely missing on today's Taiwan.

Ma Ying-jeou's Three in One Thesis
United Daily News editorial
translated by Bevin Chu
June 14, 2007

Ma Ying-jeou is currently visiting Singapore and India. Before boarding his plane, he gave a speech at National Chiao Tung University, proposing to turn Taiwan into an "Asian Pacific Economic and Trade Platform."

The media did not consider Ma Ying-jeou's proposal worth reporting. Possibly because it reminded them of the Kuomintang (KMT) government's concept of an "Asian Pacific Transhipment Center" over a decade ago, or the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government's trumpeted "Global Operations Center" a few years ago, both of which have remained slogans, neither of which have become a reality. Ma Ying-jeou's name change to "Asian Pacific Economic and Trade Platform" this late in the game, smacks of "Three strikes, you're out!"

Actually, it shouldn't be regarded as a rehash of the same idea. Taiwan's problems can be found at three different levels, represented by three concentric rings. From the inside out, they are: "Taiwan -> The Two Sides of the Taiwan Strait -> The World." Taiwan must have access to the outside world. To establish a role for Taiwan on the world stage, one must use the cross-Straits springboard. Conversely, from the outside in, the three concentric circles are "The World -> The Two Sides of the Taiwan Strait -> Taiwan." Taiwan must make use of links to the outside world to manage cross-Straits relations. Taiwan cannot skip over cross-Straits relations, but cross-Straits relations must be constrained by the international community.

The Asian Pacific Platform is this platform of concentric rings. When Taiwan becomes the international economic and trade platform for the Asian Pacific rim, the international community will unite and interact with this economic and trade platform. So long as this economic and trade platform functions smoothly, economic and trade relations will bring Taiwan and the international community closer, and cross-Straits relations will be constrained by the international community. This has been our position for over a decade. So long as Taiwan's economic and trade role can be internationalized, Taiwan's problem can be internationalized!

The Asian Pacific platform is not merely an economic and trade concept. When the Asian Pacific Platform strengthens Taiwan's economic and trade role, not only does it introduce opportunity and wealth to Taiwan, it also introduces substantive diplomatic relations and "soft resources" beneficial to national defense.

Therefore, the "Asian Pacific Platform" is a "Three in One Thesis." First, it can reinforce Taiwan's primacy, making it Taiwan's "Nativist Thesis." Second, it can promote cross-Straits peace and a win/win scenario, making it Taiwan's "Cross-Straits Thesis." Third, it advocates opening Taiwan to the international community, making it Taiwan's "Globalist Thesis." The Asian Pacific Platform can and must attempt to combine the Nativist, Cross-Straits, and Global theses.

Actually, Taiwan has always played the role of "international platform" at some level in the global economy. During the 50s and 60s, that role was entry level "export processing zone." During the 80s and 90s, that role was upgraded to "science park." But today, that kind of localized platform is no longer adequate to support Taiwan's long term development. Taiwan must transform the whole of Taiwan into a huge platform, exploiting its geographical and cultural advantages. It must attempt to develop the "Three in One Thesis" to its full potential. Only then can it begin to transcend today's unfortunate "Nativist/Cross-Straits/Globalist" zero sum game, and champion a mutually complementary "Nativist/Cross-Straits/Globalist" win/win proposition. In other words, the platform cannot be confined to science parks. The whole of Taiwan must become a huge platform. The more democratic the politics, the freer the trade, the more open the doors to the nation!

Even more importantly, the Asian Pacific Platform is a Nativist Thesis that transcends nativism. It is a Cross-Straits Thesis that transcends cross-Straits considerations. The Asian Pacific Platform transcends reunification vs. independence issues. It is neither reunification nor independence. It is both reunification and independence. "Three Links" under the Asian Pacific Platform is no longer a narrowly defined cross-Straits issue. Instead, it deals with "Three Links" from a commanding international perspective. Only from the global perspective of the "Asian Pacific Platform" can the "Nativist Thesis" and the "Cross-Straits Thesis" trade a "kill or be killed" proposition for a "live and let live" proposition.

Ma Ying-jeou's proposed "Asian Pacific Platform" underscores the futility of Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian's decade long internal bickering and wheel-spinning. Taiwan has missed out on a decade of opportunities to become the Asian Pacific Platform. But although the hour is date, what alternative does Taiwan have?

The Rectification of Names and New Constitution "Nativist Thesis" is nothing less than a demand that Taiwan commit suicide. Taiwan must pursue a "Three in One Taiwan Thesis" that addresses the concerns of each the "Nativist/Cross-Straits/Globalist" rings. Only then will Taiwan have the possibility of long term development. The Asian Pacific Platform could be called the "Asian Pacific Transhipment Center" or "Global Operations Center," but no matter what one calls it, it is the only means by which Taiwan can pursue development and ensure its survival.

Original Chinese below:

2007.06.14 03:48 am











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