Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The War between Hsieh and Chen

The War between Hsieh and Chen
United Daily News editorial
translated by Bevin Chu
July 31, 2007

Frank Hsieh has returned from his visit to the US. According to his public statements he is waging a "Two Stage Struggle" with Chen Shui-bian, with March of next year as the line of demarcation between the two stages.

According to Frank Hsieh: First, any fallout from the "Join the UN Plebsicite" is Chen Shui-bian's responsibility, because "diplomatic policy is the president's prerogative." Second, he hopes the US will distinguish between him and Chen Shui-bian, and that US opposition to Chen will not cost him the election. Third, the purpose of the "Join the UN Plebsicite" is not to join the UN. Its only purpose is to stir up popular discontent. It is merely an election ploy. Fourth, the Democratic Progressive Party is currently under Chen Shui-bian's control, he cannot prevent the "Join the UN Plebsicite" from being held, otherwise the DPP might be split. Fifth, all these concerns will evaporate after he is elected in March next year. Chen Shui-bian will no longer be able to direct the course of events. The political deck will be reshuffled. As Hsieh put it: "All this nonsense will end in March of next year."

This is Frank Hsieh's "Two Stage Struggle Thesis." It defies normal political logic. Normal political logic declares: A presidential candidate during election season promotes his own political platform full force. His political party supports him whole heartedly. But it is not always possible to fulfill one's promises after one is elected. Frank Hsieh's political campaign is the antithesis of this. During election season he cannot freely promote his own political platform and his own vision for the future. If he does, Chen Shui-bian and the DPP will publicly contradict him, bringing him to his knees. Frank Hsieh's attitude is: "Let Chen Shui-bian make trouble up to March next year. After March next year, I will be in charge." During election season, Chen Shui-bian will command the spotlight. After the election, it will be Frank Hsieh's turn on stage. This is not conventional political logic. Still less is it normal political logic.

Hsieh's "Two Stage Struggle Thesis" says that during election season Frank Hsieh must patiently endure Chen's oppression. He cannot promote his own ideas or assert his own will. If he is elected however, he will boldly enter the arena, defeat Chen Shui-bian, and not allow Chen Shui-bian to continue controlling the post-March political scene. In effect, during the election there will be a covert Hsieh vs. Chen struggle. Following the election, there will be an overt Hsieh vs. Chen struggle. As we can see, the Hsieh vs. Chen struggle has already dominated and distorted the presidential election.

Unfortunately this "Two Stage Struggle" cannot possibly play itself out according to Frank Hsieh's convenient little script. If Hsieh follows Chen's lead, and resorts to such political gimmicks as a "Plebiscite on Taiwan's Future" or a "Join the UN Plebiscite" to win the election, or if Frank Hsieh wins the election due to Chen Shui-bian's endorsement, how will Frank Hsieh jettison Chen Shui-bian after March? Conversely, if Chen Shui-bian overplays his hand pushing a Taiwan independence agenda, and undermines Frank Hsieh's election prospects, will Hsieh really have the courage to break with Chen Shui-bian during the election in order to shield himself from the political fallout?

Besides, what we are witnessing is not merely a Two Stage Struggle between Hsieh and Chen. The DPP is currently under the control of the radical Yu Hsi-kuen. Deep Green party insiders also favor Chen Shui-bian. Therefore this struggle is actually a "Two Stage Struggle" between Frank Hsieh and Deep Green party insiders who support the ruling Chen regime. Deep Green ruling Chen regime supporters will not let off Frank Hsieh off the hook on election day. Even assuming they help him win the presidency, does that mean they are going to give Frank Hsieh carte blanche? Can Frank Hsieh shrug them off? Isn't Frank Hsieh's convenient little script, in which he "first holds back, then charges forward, first feigns weakness, then asserts strength, first defers, then dominates" nothing more than self deception?

The DPP has used its political infighting skills to seize the initiative in the upcoming presidential election. The Hsieh vs. Chen struggle is more vicious than the average person can imagine. Hsieh wants to defend the "Resolution on Taiwan's Future," to declare his opposition to a "Taiwan independence Plebiscite," to declare his opposition to the Taiwan independence movement, to declare his opposition to any future "Declaration of Taiwan independence," as expressed in his "Hsieh's Three Noes." Chen Shui-bian has lashed back, saying "Taiwan's future and cross straits relations must be decided by means of a plebiscite." Yu Hsi-kuen has been even more blunt, and advocated a "Taiwan Independence Plebiscite." Frank Hsieh responded by saying that "There is no need for a Taiwan independence plebiscite, only for a unification plebiscite." If this kind of confrontation were merely a game of "good cop, bad cop," that would be one thing. If on the other hand, this is the main theme of the Democratic Progressive Party's Two Stage Pre Election/Post Election Power Struggle, then it is actually a fight to the bitter end. Frank Hsieh may have some room for bobbing and weaving during the election, but if Chen Shui-bian and Yu Hsi-kuen are the ones credited with getting him elected, the national nightmare will not end in March next year, it will just be beginning.

Frank Hsieh has divided this struggle into "two stages." He hopes the US government and middle of the road voters will sympathize with the fact that he cannot call the shots during election season, and will pin their hopes on him calling the shots after seizing power. That is why Frank Hsieh assured the US: "Let Chen Shui-bian make trouble up to March of next year. After March of next year, I will be in charge." But even an idiot is not going to buy this rosy scenario. How is the US going to buy it? How are a majority of voters? How is Chen Shui-bian?

March is Frank Hsieh's line in the sand, not the DPP's, and not Chen Shui-bian's.

2007.07.31 03:45 am










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