Monday, August 3, 2015

TPP Final Stretch: Is Taiwan Ready?

TPP Final Stretch: Is Taiwan Ready?
United Daily News Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
August 4, 2015

Executive Summary: Negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) were scheduled for completion last week. But negotiations on this massive trade liberalization agreement broke down at 98% completion. The final 2% is usually the most difficult part of trade negotiations. So the result was not surprising. This means the TPP is no longer empty talk, and is about to become a concrete reality. For Taiwan, which is interested in joining, the process has entered its final countdown.

Full Text Below:

Negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) were scheduled for completion last week. But negotiations on this massive trade liberalization agreement broke down at 98% completion. The final 2% is usually the most difficult part of trade negotiations. So the result was not surprising. This means the TPP is no longer empty talk, and is about to become a concrete reality. For Taiwan, which is interested in joining, the process has entered its final countdown.

The TPP is the single-handed creation of the United States. At the moment, 12 major Asia-Pacific countries have joined. They include Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore, and Malaysia. Since consultations began in 2010, the United States has trumpeted the TPP as the landmark FTA of the 21st century. Therefore in addition to traditional liberalization of tariffs, service industries, and foreign investments, negotiations will also include
e-commerce, regulatory transparency, fair competition in state-owned enterprises, environmental protection, labor rights, anti-corruption provisions, and other new economic and trade issues. They will even include SME cooperation, capacity building, and the development of  partnership type trade and development agreements.

The United States authored TPP has four characteristics. They are: A high degree of liberalization, a wide range of issues, regulatory reform, and timeliness. The above mentioned passages are consistent with these four characteristics. In any event, the TPP is essentially an FTA. The participating countries all want ways to eliminate tariffs, and to open markets to the service industries and foreign investment. Labor and environmental protection provisions prevent governments from lowering environmental and labor standards with sweatshops to increase competitiveness. Transparency regulations ensure that the views of foreign businesses will be clearly reflected in foreign policy. Anti-corruption provisions prevent the use of funds for bribery instead of economic competition.

The TPP's complicated nature makes negotiations difficult. First, TPP members are diverse. They include industrial giant Japan, but also Malaysia, Vietnam and other rising stars. They also include other large agricultural interests in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, and Peru. Their interests differ. So do their pressures. Japan is strong industrially, yet several agricultural products, such as rice, beef, and pork, are considered sacrosanct and inviolable. Complex interests in all countries make balancing interests extremely difficult.

Second, the 21st century indices of the TPP for health care pricing transparency, anti-corruption, competitive neutrality of state-owned enterprises, labor protection, environmental protection, all impact domestic policy, creating internal conflicts of interest. Using economic and trade agreements to resolve domestic conflicts is no simple matter.

Third, the participating countries are numerous. This sharply increases the difficulty of negotiations. On top of which the United States fired the first shot, to underscore its leadership and pivot to Asia. This makes compromise on liberalization even more difficult. Being pressured to sign for the sake of signing is another source of resistance.

Under these circumstances, the fact that the TPP is 98% complete after five years is astonishing. Meeting the timetable over the past several months involved behind the scenes considerations. Most importantly, US president Obama's term of office ends next year.  Only six months remain before election considerations begin to influence TPP congressional review. Even more urgent is Canada's October elections. The pressure exerted by that is greater still. Each nation wants the agreement reached swiftly. If the United States loses its sense of urgency, overall momentum will be lost. The current talks have failed. The nations will begin bilateral talks with rivals and nations that present the most serious problems. Twists and turns in the coming weeks cannot be ruled out.

Each of the nations joining the TPP will pay a price. Membership will help industries lower export barriers. Nations will use the TPP to accelerate domestic reform. For example, they will be used to convince sweatshop bosses that the old way will no longer work. Governments will use the United States to overcome resistance within their own countries. Based on past experience, external pressure for reform is quicker and more thorough than attempts to achieve domestic consensus.

For Taiwan, joining the TPP is not about this. Taiwan corruption mitigation, environmental protection, and labor standards meet international standards. But transparency and regulation still fall short compared to the United States and Australia. It still has many state-owned enterprises. One of Taiwan's largest scale reforms took place over 10 years ago, when it joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). This opened up the mobile phone market and abolished the Tobacco and Wine Monopoly.  These international obligations accelerated internal reforms. Without them Vietnam and Malaysia would have leapfrogged ahead, and Taiwan would have been too late. Moreover, the TPP does not apply to the Chinese mainland. It does not involve complex and sensitive cross-Strait issues. Therefore we pray the TPP passes quickly, re-opens the door, and invites Taiwan in. The only question that remains is: Is Taiwan Ready?











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