United Daily News editorial
translated by Bevin Chu
May 9, 2007

Left to Right: Prosecutors Chen Tsung-ming (陳聰明) Eric Chen (陳瑞仁) and Hou Kuan-jen (侯寬仁) of Taiwan's "Justice System
A Feeble Prosecution has turned the Justice System into a Crap Shoot
United Daily News editorial
translated by Bevin Chu
May 9, 2007
Prosecutor General Chen Tsung-ming yesterday convened a Chief Prosecutors' Conference to discuss the Discretionary Fund case. The conclusion of the conference was: Those already indicted will be handled by the courts. Those still being investigated will be dealt with on a case by case basis, based on subjective perceptions, objective circumstances, and other factors. This tells us that prosecutors at odds with each other will remain at odds with each other, and that the conference arrived at no conclusion whatsoever.
For prosecutors to be afraid of settling on a single standard, amounts to leaving defendants at the mercy of Lady Luck. If one runs into public prosecutor A, one is innocent. If one runs into public prosecutor B, one is guilty. If that is the case, what have district prosecutors' offices become, except crap shoots, and defendants high-stakes gamblers? What have public prosecutors throughout the island become, except religious inquisitors? One might as well allow defendants draw straws to determine whether they are guilty or innocent.
We believe this constitutes a serious dereliction of duty within the public prosecution system. Prior to the Chief Prosecutors' Conference, prosecutors conducted an opinion poll. Of the 16 local prosecutors willing to express in opinion, half thought the Discretionary Fund was public money. At the same time, half thought that officials who drew from the Discretionary Fund were innocent of wrongdoing. In other words, regardless of what the legal status of the Discretionary Fund might be, most public prosecutors thought that drawing from the Discretionary Fund did not constitute either criminal intent or deceit. They did not consider it a crime. Under such circumstances, public prosecutors should arrive at a clearcut legal opinion. Any yammering about "case by case determinations" is merely shirking one's responsibility.
The procedure officials must follow for drawing upon the Discretionary Fund is consistent. The uses to which the funds may be put and the procedures for verification must comply with the requirements of relevant accounting departments, and amount to long-established administrative convention. Therefore, unless a particular official has a special situation that demands special consideration, this is a non-issue, and what is the justification for "case by case determinations?" What would be the ruling government's reason for insisting on "case by case determinations," other than to selectively prosecute political enemies? What would be the public prosecutors' reason for "case by case determinations," other than fear of taking a stand against the ruling government? The same goes for the public prosecutors' canned remark that "Those already indicted will be handled by the courts."
It is precisely because the Discretionary Fund case has led to a "guilty in the north, innocent in the south" scenario, and because the DPP's "Four Princes" have been selectively spared prosecution, leading to gross injustice, that a unified opinion by public prosecutors is urgently needed. Therefore the public prosecutors should either decide that everyone is innocent, and allow the courts to understand the prosecutors' reasoning and defense attorneys to argue on behalf of their clients. Or, they should decide that everyone is guilty, and order district prosecutors and special investigative units to aggressively investigate and prosecute each and every case. As it is now, a solitary defendant is being used as a legal test case for all potential defendants, and all responsibility for the outcome is being pushed onto the shoulders of the courts, making judges susceptible to political attacks from different camps. This behavior is weak and irresponsible.
Speaking of Discretionary Fund cases, the rosters of the now defunct Prosecutor General Office's Anti-Corruption Center and its successor, the Special Investigative Unit, include Public Prosecutor Hou Kuan-jen. Initially, Hou resisted requests for coordination from the Tainan Public Prosecutor's Office. Hou hastily indicted Ma Ying-jeou, even as he intentionally avoided indicting the DPP's "Four Princes," behaving in an obviously unprofessional manner. Hou Kuan-jen declared that "The Four Princes will be indicted a month from now, due to manpower shortages." But as of today, many months have passed. The Anti-Corruption Center has been dissolved and the Special Investigative Unit has been formed. Would Public Prosecutor Hou Kuan-jen care to update us on the progress of his promised indictments of the DPP's Four Princes? Public Prosecutors assure us that they prosecute cases in accordance with the law, that they don't get involved in politics. But the way public prosecutors have handled the Discretionary Funds case, aggressively prosecuting certain individuals while shamelessly shielding others, means they are already involved in politics. If public prosecutors truly don't understand the distinction, then that is a reflection on their education and training. If, on the other hand, public prosectuors do understand the distinction, then their motive for behaving as they do is even more worth pondering.
Because of the Discretionary Fund case, at least one hundred defendants have been indicted. The public prosecutors' differences of opinon regarding the Discretionary Fund case will inevitably show up again and again under different circumstances. As a result, many individuals may be indicted on the heels of the Ma Ying-jeou case, even as many others evade prosecution. For anyone with an iota of respect for the rule of law, this is inconceivable.
Some people might say, even if prosecutors have differences of opinion, the defendant won't necessarily be found guilty. Some may look to the Judicial Yuan and even the High Court to reach a unified opinion. But even assuming this is the case, the indictment process itself is an ordeal. How will the injustice done to the defendant be compensated? To sum up, the prosecutors' refusal to take a stand is not only a dereliction of duty, it is a failure to uphold the spirit of justice.
In the past public prosecutors who defied their superiors' directives would be punished. When members of the public questioned the fairness of the system, prosecutors would always cite "uniformity of prosecution" as a shield. Today, when we truly need "uniformity of prosecution" in the pursuit of justice and equality, prosecutors have fallen silent, and the answer to the question, "Are prosecutors nothing more than political henchmen?" is abundantly clear.
Original Chinese below:
2007.05.09 03:15 am
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