United Daily New editorial
translated by Bevin Chu
May 12, 2007

Taiwan Independence "lawmakers" demonstrate their "respect for democracy" by assaulting Pan Blue legislators inside the Legislature

Taiwan Independence Zealots egg them on from outside the Legislature
Confrontations occurred both inside and outside the Legislative Yuan yesterday. On the surface it merely looks like a deadlock in the parliament. A closer look reveals that it is a nation in paralysis.
The Legislative Yuan has been deadlocked for months over the general budget and the Organic Law for the Central Election Commission (CEC). The root of the problem is neither the confrontation between a small ruling party and a large opposition party, nor the confrontation between the Green camp and the Blue camp. The real problem is that the ruling authorities lack any awareness of what it means to govern. The democratic structures that this nation built by means of parliamentary procedure have basically collapsed.
Which is more important? The central government's general budget, or the Organic Law for the Central Election Commission? Actually this is not a question of either/or, how but a question of checks and balances and mediation. A responsible government will always choose to pass a general budget. It will exhaust all legal means to find relief for other deadlocked legislation. But the Democratic Progressive Party's (DPP) attitude is to allow the general budget to become collateral damage in its effort to kill the Organic Law for the Central Election Commission. It would rather allow local development to come to a halt, than relinquish its monopoly on the appointment of Central Election Commission members. It blames opposition party boycotts for the five month long delay in passing the general budget. It would be more accurate to blame the ruling party for adopting "scorched earth" tactics, deliberately treating the general budget as cannon fodder.
If the Kuomintang version of the Organic Law for the Central Election Commission contains "constitutional violations," then the DPP government should propose a more persuasive version to win over the public and its opponents. But what the people are seeing is the ruling party laying its dirty hands on what is supposed to be an independent election mechanism, and unwilling to let go. Instead it turns around and accuses the the opposition parties, the long-suffering victims of flagrant Central Election Commission injustice, of "barbarism." In fact, any Central Election Commission bills pending within the legislature are merely "potentially" in violation of the constitution, whereas delaying the passage of the general budget by five months is already in violation of the constitution. The DPP is using the Republic of China Consitution, for which it has never shown one iota of respect, as a pretext to prevent the passage of a bill establishing a neutral and unbiased Central Election Commission. Now how funny is that?
According to ruling party reasoning, the Organic Law for the Central Election Commission and the general budget are of of equal importance. The general budget doesn't worry the DPP. What worries the DPP is its magic talisman, the Central Election Commission. Now that is something over which it will never relinquish control. From this perspective, the rumbles within the legislature and the protests outside the legislature are all too easy to understand. Because what the DPP cares about is not the promotion of sound governance, but merely the gaining of partisan electoral advantage.
A look at actual developments confirms this assessment. The Executive Yuan has declared that the budget delay will reduce economic growth by 0.64%, and prevent the the implementation of 70 billion NT in new development. Yet neither the Chen administration nor the DPP have shown the slightest concern, or attempted to negotiate with the political opposition. Chen Shui-bian upped the ante on Welfare Subsidies to Elderly Farmers, as usual. Prime Minister Su traveled to Yunling, Chiayi, and Tainan counties in southern Taiwan, issuing checks exceeding 20 billion NT. So what if the general budget hasn't passed? What does that have to do with them?
In power for seven years, the DPP is still unwilling to face the necessity of consultations and compromise. Its political accomplishments add up to a big zero, and yet it has not learned to respect the parliamentary majority in the legislature. This is the reality behind governmental gridlock and national stagnation. A look at the vicious dog eat dog behavior of the DPP's "Four Princes" and rival factions during the DPP primaries reveals the party's true colors. But what really brings a chill to the heart is that apart from being adept at campaigning, electioneering, and infighting, this political party has completely forgotten its responsibility to rule. This is why the DPP has the effrontery to deny the legislature its right to vote, destroying the very roots of democracy and constitutional government!
What the Chen administration is most adept at is packaging the ruling party's electioneering requirements in the guise of government policies. Any policy that doesn't correspond with what the ruling party needs, may be replaced or abolished. Therefore they can flip-flop on the Suhua Freeway project as election circumstances demand. The demolition of the Losheng Sanatorium can start or stop on a dime. Mainland tourists can suddenly be allowed in or kept out on a whim. The Orwellian "rectification of names" for China Petroleum, the Chunghua Postal Service, and even the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, are nothing more than means of diverting public attention in order to trumpet their "achievements." Can this really satifsy the individual aspirations of the public?
In a democratic nation, elections are merely a means. The end is for the ruling party solve society's problems. But on Taiwan, what the people see every day is endless political rallies and political struggles. Political figures have no sooner finished campaigning for this election, than they begin campaigning for the next. Who has a mind to govern? Chen Shui-bian has forsaken the responsibility of being a leader to the nation as a whole for seven years. The ruling party considers political struggle as its highest priority. What policy on Taiwan is not motivated at its root by selfish partisan interest?
Over the past several years, the DPP has earned its reputation as a party that "knows only how to campaign, not how to govern." It has degenerated into a party that "only worries about campaigning, and not about governing." Over two bills, the Legislative Yuan has enacted a series of world-class political farces. This is Taiwan's democracy in retreat. The reason is our "ruling party" is in reality "a party that doesn't rule."
Original Chinese below:
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