China Times editorial
translated by Bevin Chu
May 1, 2007

Now: US controlled Puppet Regime on Taiwan poses Deadly Threat to China

Then: Soviet controlled Puppet Regime on Cuba posed Deadly Threat to America
Comment: The following China Times editorial astutely notes that the puppet regime illegally squatting in the Republic of China Presidential Palace has dropped the ball, big time. The Chen Shui-bian regime, like the Lee Teng-hui regime before it, has proven thoroughly incompetent at anything other than populist rabble-rousing.
Forget any hope that it can increase the nation's long term economic prosperity. The Chen regime doesn't even have the ability to slow the nation's precipitous decline in prosperity.
But when the author of this otherwise excellent editorial wrings his hands over this undisputed fact, and demands that the Chen regime do a better job of countering Beijing's "soft offensive," he is confessing that he can no longer see the forest for the trees.
The China Times, as its name implies, is a Chinese newspaper. It is not a "Taiwanese" newspaper. By that I mean that it is a newspaper in the nation of China. It is not a newspaper in any "Nation of Taiwan." It is not a newspaper in any "Nation of Taiwan" because there is no "Nation of Taiwan."
Since it is a newspaper in the nation of China, presumably concerned with the well-being of the nation it is a part of, should the China Times be wringing its hands over the failure of a puppet regime to advance its traitorous agenda of Balkanizing the Chinese nation?
It is one thing to wring one's hands over the economic plight of the Chinese people in the Taiwan region of the Republic of China.
It is another thing altogether to wring one's hands over the fact that a puppet regime is bungling its efforts to divide and conquer the Chinese nation on behalf of hostile governments in neighboring nations.
The mainland authorities are indeed attempting to use soft, i.e., economic, power to reunite the Chinese nation. Remembering that economic power is the power of persuasion, one can't help asking the author of the China Times editorial, how exactly is that a bad thing?
When did our "pro reunification media" become Taiwan independence fellow travelers?
Now, more than ever, our pro reunification media needs to be clear that the Republic of China is not "Taiwan." The Republic of China is China.
The author of the China Times editorial asks "Where is Taiwan's response to the mainland's soft offensive?"
Permit me to point out that "Taiwan" shouldn't have a response to the mainland's soft offensive. If anybody should have a response to the mainland's soft offensive, it is not "Taiwan," but the Republic of China.
As long as mainland authorities are striving to reunite China in a manner consistent with the values embodied in the Republic of China Constitution, such as free markets and property rights, the pro reunification media on Taiwan should welcome, not dread such soft offensives.
Otherwise Taiwan independence Quislings should stop giving the China Times and the United Daily News undeserved credit by referring to them as "pro reunification media," and begin referring to them as "pro independence media."
Where is Taiwan's Response to the Mainland's Soft Offensive?
China Times editorial
translated by Bevin Chu
May 1, 2007
First problems arose with the introduction of the Olympic Flame to Taiwan. Next, the recent Kuomintang/Chinese Communist Party Forum announced its newest proposal for opening up the mainland to Taiwan. Finally, we saw the ruling regime's response, and we are more worried than ever. On the one hand we are witnessing wave upon wave of increasingly methodical soft offensives on the part of Beijing. On the other hand Taiwan's ruling regime seems to have no response other than sitting on its hands or mechanically repeating the word "No!"
To put it bluntly, the mainland's attitude is one of supreme confidence, throwing its doors wide open to anything and everything from Taiwan. Taiwan's response, by contrast, is to slam its doors shut on anything and everything from the mainland in an unseemly panic. As a result, pandas can't enter, mainland tourists can't enter, even the Olympic Flame can't enter. And judging by the ruling regime's initial reaction, mainland students probably won't be allowed to enter to study at universities on Taiwan either. This situation, in which one side opens up while the other side closes down, is one in which the Taiwan side is always the one dragging its feet, always the one whose position is problematic, and always the one responsible for any failure to reach an accommodation.
Take the current wave of mainland concessions for example. As the party granting concessions, the mainland can decide to give this, that, or the other to Taiwan. Whether Taiwan actually needs any particular concession is beside the point. Whether Taiwan accepts or rejects the concessions is no skin off the mainland's nose. If the Olympic Flame is not allowed to pass through Taiwan, does that mean the Olympics will no longer be held? Of course not! On the other hand, some people on Taiwan are worrying whether athletes from Taiwan will be allowed to participate in their events when the games begin. By the same token, if mainland students are not allowed to study at universities on Taiwan, universities from other nations will fall over each other competing for them. Those truly concerned will be universities on Taiwan already plagued by less than full enrollment.
One might say that these are two entirely different modes of strategic thinking. The mainland's focus is global public relations. By opening the mainland to Taiwan, they are demonstrating their sincere desire to improve cross-Straits relations. Based on global media coverage, they have surely succeeded. But how about Taiwan? Unfortunately, the ruling regime remains focused on internal elections. As a result, the ruling regime's kneejerk response to the mainland's soft offensive, besides saying "No!" is to angrily denounce both Beijing and the Blue Camp. The sole purpose of this kind of maneuver is to mobilize for elections. Even when an election is not pending, the ruling regime will choose to do nothing for fear of offending pro independence sensibilities. When one side is aggressively managing global perceptions, and the other side insists on haggling over short term internal advantage, which side do you imagine is going to gain the upper hand?
If truth be told, the concessions the mainland is granting Taiwan, such as allowing mainland students to attend universities on Taiwan, allowing mainland tourists to visit Taiwan, increasing the number of cities allowed to schedule direct cross-Straits charter flights, increasing the number of ports of entry for compatriots on Taiwan, all require complex negotiations by agencies from both sides of the Straits before they can become a reality. Without consultations, no matter how many concessions Beijing is willing to grant, they will remain nothing but lip service. Everyone knows the key is consultations. As long as the status of these issues is neither official nor unofficial, neither international or domestic, they will remain unresolved. Any discussions will be meaningless. A single technical detail can lead to deadlock. For the past several years, the Beijing authorities have not yielded on a single key issue. Taiwan's participation in the WHO is a clear example. Taiwan's maneuvering room on cross-Straits issues is becoming small and smaller. Under these circumstances, we can not only predict that direct flights will never happen, we can also predict that Taiwan will never be opened to mainland tourists. And you can forget about mainland students coming to Taiwan to attend university.
By contrast, the mainland, through its rapidly growing economy, has been beckoning to Taiwan's professional class. Last year the KMT/CCP Forum recognized diplomas issued by institutions of higher learning on Taiwan, and permitted doctors from Taiwan to practice on the mainland. This time the KMT/CPP Forum has opened the mainland to 15 different kinds of professionals from Taiwan, including economists, accountants, translators, auctioneers, real estate brokers, certified tax agents, and pharmacists. They are welcoming students from Taiwan to register for mainland commercial aviation schools. Aircraft maintenance technicians from Taiwan can also apply for mainland licenses. We should realize that these openings do not require any nod from agencies on Taiwan. The mainland merely needs to make a unilateral announcement to that effect. It takes little thought to realize that in the foreseeable future, these opening measures to Taiwan's specialized human resources will exert an intense magnetic attraction. Within a few years, after manufacturing industries have completed their massive westward migration, talented professionals will follow. In view of this trend, what strategy should Taiwan adopt? Don't ask the ruling regime.
With the exception of certain key industries, the euphemistically named "Exercise Patience, Avoid Haste" and "Aggressive Management, Effective Opening" policies imposed by Taiwan's ruling regime have not prevented the western migration of manufacturing industries. Those industries that have been blocked lost their chance to take the lead long ago. The very next step will be a wave of talented professionals from Taiwan following in their footsteps. Needless to say, we know exactly what the ruling regime is going to say and do. What we want to know is, in these challenges, where is Taiwan's strategic response?
Original Chinese below:
中國時報 2007.05.01
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