Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ma Ying-jeou's Taipei European School New Campus Dedication Speech

Ma Ying-jeou's Taipei European School New Campus Dedication Speech
translated by Bevin Chu
October 17, 2007

In May of last year (2006) Principal John Nixon, Ministry of Foreign Affairs European Affairs Director Wang Yu-yuan, and I participated in the Taipei European School's Wen Lin School District Relocation and Groundbreaking Ceremony. Today I am happy to be able to participate in the Taipei European School's New Campus Dedication Ceremony, to be a witness to the Taipei European School's shining future.

One. European Unification — A Model of Ethnic Integration

The Taipei European School is a very special school. It was established in 1990. Its predecessor was the Taipei German School, the English School, and the French School. In 1992 the three were combined into one. In 2003 its name was changed to the Taipei European School. The school was divided into German, English, and French Departments. It recruited preschool through high school students. Teaching was conducted in German, English and French. It had nearly a thousand students from 50 countries around the globe, and nearly 200 teachers. It was a miniature global village, a microcosmic version of our earth.

The establishment of the Taipei European School is a shining example of ethnic integration. As we know, this is the 50th anniversary of the founding of the European Union. In 1957 six European countries signed the Treaty of Rome. Europe began its journey toward integration. Despite long standing cultural and linguistic differences, Europe found common ground in values such as freedom, democracy, the rule of law, equality, and human rights. In January 2007, Romania and Bulgaria joined the European Union. Now the European Union includes 27 countries. Its total population is 500 million. It has become the world's largest economic and trading entity. European Union members include nations in Western Europe, Central Europe and Eastern Europe. It has 23 official languages. During Europe's integration, nations set aside their differences. They promoted mutual welfare and harmony. The European Union is more than an example for the world to emulate. It is an example for Taiwan to emulate.

Two. Economic Relations between the Republic of China and the European Union

According to European Union estimates, the Taiwan region of the ROC is the European Union 10th biggest supplier. It is the European Union's 14th biggest trading partner. Excluding the European continent, it is the European Union's 10th biggest trading partner. Within Asia it is the European Union's 5th biggest trading partner. In 2006 exports to the European Union amounted to 26 billion Euros, an increase of 9.7%. European Union exports to Taiwan amounted to 13 billion Euros, an increase of 1.5%. In 2006 total trade amounted to 39.4 billion Euros, an increase of 6.8%. Compared to peak trade totals of 43 billion Yuan in 2000, Taiwan's exports to the European Union in recent years has slowed. In 2006 this led to a Taiwan to European Union trade deficit of 13 billion Euros, an increase of nearly 20% compared to 2005.

In terms of investments, the European Union established a new high in 2006. Its investments in Taiwan exceeded 7 billion Euros (Ministry of Economic Affairs figures). In 2006 over half of the ROC's foreign investment came from the European Union. One reason was many subsidiaries on Taiwan stransferred their technology to their European headquarters. Another was that several new investments on Taiwan went forward. Estimates for total European Union investment in Taiwan approach 15 billion US Dollars. Over half from Holland (9 billion US Dollars). Next come the UK (4 billion US Dollars) and Germany (1.7 billion US Dollars). Total European Union investments on Taiwan in 2006 surpassed even those by the US and Japan. The European Union has become the ROC's biggest foreign investor, accounting for as much as as 20% of all foreign investments.

In terms of personnel exchanges, in 2006 visitors from Taiwan to European Union countries increased almost 10% compared to 2005. Over 330,000 visas were issued, a new high. Students going to the European Union to pursue advanced studies also increased, exceeding 12,000 in 2006. The number has doubled since a decade ago. An estimated 25,000 or more students from Taiwan are currently attending school in Europe.

Three. Strengthen the Economy. Connect with the Asian Pacific Region. Adopt a Global Outlook.

Taiwan's economic performance has deteriorated badly since 2000. We were once the first of the Four Asian Tigers. We are now the last. We have steadily slipped in international competitiveness. According to Switzerland's International Institute for Management Development (IMD), mainland China surpassed Taiwan in global competitiveness for the first time this year. Last year we ranked 17th. This year we dropped to 18th. Mainland China meanwhile, advanced from 18th to 15th. The consensus is Taiwan's competitiveness has fallen primarily due to unsound government policy.

I believe we must improve the economy and create employment opportunities. My basic view is:

First. Economic matters should be dealt with by economic means. When Nobel Prize winning economist Robert Mundell visited some time ago, I consulted with him regarding Taiwan's economic development, and that is what he said.

Second. To resuscitate Taiwan's economy requires "pragmatic opening." The Democratic Progressive Party's seven year long Closed Door Policy has seriously impacted normal business development, and cannot be allowed to continue.

Third. Non economic factors that affect economic development must be eliminated. On the one hand we must establish a model for political party cooperation. This will ensure domestic political stability. On the other hand, we must sign a peace agreement with the mainland predicated on "peaceful co-existence and mutual prosperity." This will promote cross Straits economic and trade normalization.

Fourth. Economic development must take into consideration issues of fairness, justice, and sustainable development. Since the Democratic Progressive Party has been in power, the gap between rich and poor has reached new highs. We must reduce this disparity. At the same time, we must also take into account environmental protection issues. We must fulfill our responsibilities as members of the Global Village.

In accordance with these four premises, we hope to strengthen Taiwan, connect with the Asian Pacific Region, and adopt a Global Outlook. Our blueprint for economic development has three goals. They are to transform Taiwan into a global center for innovation, an Asian Pacific economic and trade hub, and a transshipment center for Taiwan businesses.

Our goal is: Six percent annual growth after 2008. A per capita income of US$20,000 by 2011. 100,000 employment opportunities. An unemployment rate below 3%. In short, we must recreate a prosperous Taiwan "knee deep in money."

In order to achieve these goals, we must first accomplish two important tasks.

(1) Open up Three Links and Direct Flights

If I am elected, I will promote direct cross Straits sea and air links as swiftly as possible. This will expedite cross Straits exchanges, save time and money, and hopefully allow Taiwan to become a springboard by which European businesses can advance to the Chinese mainland.

(2) I will promote the normalization of cross Straits relations, predicated on "peace and prosperity."

In addition to President Chen Shui-bian's Five Noes, I have proposed "Five Desires," predicated upon the 92 Consensus. These include: restarting cross Straits negotiations, signing a cross Straits 30 to 50 year peace agreement, normalizing cross Straits economic and trade and moving toward a cross Straits common market, increasing the ROC's international space and strengthening cross Straits cultural exchanges, enabling mainland high school students to attend university on Taiwan. I believe we can achieve mutual trust with the mainland, and with peace and prosperity as our twin goals, establish a win/win cross Straits relationship. Taiwan business investments on the mainland will operate under a deregulated policy of "open as the rule, managed as the exception." This will enable businesses to develop freely.

Fourth. Conclusion

When I held the post of Taipei mayor, I deeply respected the Taipei European School. When the Taipei European School needed to build a new campus, we provided close cooperation. I wanted Taipei to provide a quality environment that would allow international talent to come to Taiwan to live and work, and not worry about their children's schooling.

I hope the establishment of the Taipei European School will enable more international talent to live on Taiwan, attract more international talent to Taiwan, and thereby turn Taipei into an international village. Thank you all.


去(2006)年5月與倪克森(John Nixon)校長及外交部歐洲司司長王豫元一同參加台北歐洲學校文林校區遷建動土典禮,今天很高興能夠來參加台北歐洲學校新校區的開幕典禮,見證台北歐洲學校新校區的未來。


台 北歐洲學校是一個很特別的學校,成立於1990年,前身為台北德國學校、英國學校及法國學校,於1992年整合,2003年再更名為台北歐洲學校 (Taipei European School),學校裡分為德國部、英國部、法國部及高中部,不但招收幼稚園到高中的外籍學生,校內教學亦包括德語、英語和法語三種語言,學校擁有來自全 球50個國家近千名的國際學生及近2百名教職員,是一個小型地球村,也是全球的縮影。

台北歐洲學校的成立,恰好展現了族群融合的典範。我 們知道,今年剛好是歐盟成立50年,1957年歐洲六國簽署羅馬條約後,歐洲走上整合之路,在多元文化、語言與傳統中,歐洲找出共同的自由、民主、法治、 平等及人權等價值。2007年1月羅馬尼亞和保加利亞加入歐盟之後,如今歐盟已擴增至27國,總人口5億,已成為全球最大經濟體與貿易實體,歐盟成員除了 遍及中西歐地區之外,更深入中歐及東歐地區,光官方語言就有23種,歐洲在整合過程中,捐棄前嫌,提升彼此的福祉與和諧,不但是全球學習的對象,也是台灣 借鏡的對象。


根據歐盟統計,台灣是歐盟第10大供應商,是歐盟全球第14位貿易夥伴,在歐陸 以外地區,台灣是歐盟第10大貿易伙伴,在亞洲國家中為歐盟第5大貿易伙伴。2006年台灣對歐盟出口金額達260億歐元,成長達9.7%,歐盟對台灣出 口金額為130億歐元,成長1.5%;2006年貿易總額達394億歐元,成長6.8%,與2000年貿易總額高峰期—430億元比較,似乎近年來台灣對 歐盟出口成長較為趨緩,使得2006年台灣對歐盟逆差130億歐元,較2005年增加近20%。

在投資方面,歐盟2006年對台灣投資金 額創新高,突破70億歐元(經濟部統計),2006年台灣的外來投資,半數以上來自歐盟,原因在於許多既有台灣分公司將資產技術轉移至歐洲總部,以及數項 新投資案在台進行所致。總計歐盟在台投資已累積至150億美元,其中逾半來自荷蘭(90億美元),其次分別為英國(40億美元)與德國(17億美元),歐 盟累計投資台灣金額,2006年甚至超越美國與日本,成為台灣最大外資,比例高達20%。



從2000 年以來,台灣經濟表現比以前差很多。從前我們是亞洲四小龍的第一名,現在變成最後一名,在國際競爭力上也一步步下滑,今年瑞士洛桑管理學院(IMD)的世 界競爭力排名,大陸第一次超越台灣,我們去年17名,今年倒退到18名,大陸卻從18名進步到15名。一般認為台灣競爭力下滑,主要是因為政府政策不正確 所致。












除 了陳水扁總統的五不(Five no’s)之外,我提出「五要」主張,包括在九二共識下,重新啟動兩岸談判、兩岸簽署30~50年和平協議、兩岸經貿正常化並邁向兩岸共同市場、台灣國際 空間及加強兩岸文化交流,讓中學生可以來台灣讀大學。我相信我們可以和大陸取得互信,雙方可以在「和平」(peace)和繁榮(prosperity)的 兩大目標下,為企業界創造一個雙贏的兩岸關係。台商對大陸投資,則採取「原則開放、例外管理」的鬆綁政策,讓企業可以自由發展。




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