Thursday, June 27, 2013

Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) Too Little Economics, Too Much Politics

Trade in Services Agreement (TISA)
Too Little Economics, Too Much Politics
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
June 28, 2013

Summary: The terms of the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) have been made public. They clearly favor the Taiwan side. It is yet another old-fashioned cross-Strait economic and trade agreement. It is obviously not a truly complementary, mutually beneficial trade agreement. It does not help Taipei become part of the trend toward international and regional economic cooperation. The two sides must review the agreement and make improvements down the line.

Full Text below:

The terms of the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) have been made public. They clearly favor the Taiwan side. It is yet another old-fashioned cross-Strait economic and trade agreement. It is obviously not a truly complementary, mutually beneficial trade agreement. It does not help Taipei become part of the trend toward international and regional economic cooperation. The two sides must review the agreement and make improvements down the line.

The agreement is old hat. The truth is, the agreement pointedly underscores the benefits the Taiwan side secured. This is the result of Taiwan's vicious partisan political battles, and Political Correctness. To this extent, it reminds one of the 2010 cross-strait economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA). The Ma administration underscored how the ECFA "early harvest list" granted the Taiwan side significantly higher tariff cuts than the Mainland side. This may have been what eventually quieted the uproar against ECFA. The ruling party deftly turned it into a key cross-Strait achievement. It won a series of important elections with it.

Such cross-strait economic cooperation agreements contain too much political content. The party in office obsesses over public perception. It avoids provisions that make the public feel they have been "suckered," and which may hurt the party at the polls. The substance of cross-Strait trade agreements signed with such a mentality can easily be compromised. Such agreements fail to provide a consistent template for similar future agreements with foreign governments. When foreign governments hold talks about economic matters with us, their sole concern is business, not currying favor with voters on Taiwan.

When cross-strait economic and trade cooperation began, the public on Taiwan expected and feared victimization. They deliberately demanded arrangements obviously favorable to the Taiwan side. This was understandable. It was a way of testing the waters. Today however, cross-Strait economic and trade cooperation has passed the trial period. It must be systematized and normalized. The waters have already been tested. The two sides must expand their common interests. Take the recent global financial turmoil. The two sides need an efficient cross-Strait economic and trade cooperation mechanism. Such a mechanism would substantially reduce the negative impact of such turmoil on both sides of the Strait.

The newly signed agreement on trade in services remains burdened with non-economic baggage. Our side hoped to maintain quasi-Free Trade Agreement status to underscore our status as a political entity. Therefore we were forced to accept Mainland demands to open our markets. As a result, the market segments we were forced to open to the Mainland, were food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, and entertainment oriented. These segments directly impact millions of small businesses and families.

The government made all sorts of public relations oriented political calculations. It erected all sorts of firewalls for the relevant sectors. It hoped to show that the impact on the relevant sectors was under control. It wanted the public to accept the opening without panicking. For example, the Mainland was permitted to invest in beauty parlors, but blue collar workers were not allowed to enter. For example, the Mainland is permitted to establish only three travel agencies on Taiwan, and only permitted to seek domestic tourism business.

These defensive arrangements were of course part of the TISA negotiations. They were approved by the Mainland. They became important "victories" for the Taiwan side. Before and after the agreement was signed, the government repeatedly underscored that opening the service industry to Mainland capital was entirely below the WTO (World Trade Organization) specified threshold. It underscored that we succeeded in raising the threshold for Mainland capital investment in Taiwan's service sector.

But deliberately raising the threshold cannot stem the tide of of trade and economic development. Mainland capital is permitted to invest in the hair salon and beauty parlor industry. Mainland labor is not permitted to enter the island. But the effectiveness of such provisions is short-term. The Mainland may one day produce technically proficient and sophisticated hair salon and beauty parlor experts who meet with the approval of Taiwan consumers. When that happens, people will do everything possible to introduce these experts to Taiwan. Conversely, if the level of proficiency in such sectors remains backward, the TISA restrictions will become a dead letter. Taiwan consumers will not patronize Mainland beauty salons. Such controls will be meaningless.

As we can see, cross-Strait trade and market liberalization has its own iron logic. That logic is economic. It is the iron logic of the marketplace. Wherever there is a demand, there will be a supply. WTO rules allow outsiders to operate such businesses. Therefore the two sides must open their markets to each other. It makes no difference how many sectors are opened. The degree of openness must be adequate. It must not be deliberately constrained.

We hope the two sides will review and revise the Agreement on Trade in Services. First they must reduce the political content. They must transform it into a genuine cross-strait economic link. Of course the Taiwan side is not the only side that must make changes. The Mainland side must not deliberately restrict the extent to which it opens up the Mainland. It too must make adjustments. Both sides must make an effort. Only then will the two sides find themselves on the high road to cross-Strait economic and trade cooperation.

中時電子報 新聞
中國時報  2013.06.28
社論-兩岸服貿協議評析 系列四 經濟帳過少、政治帳過多 開放未到位











Wednesday, June 26, 2013

ECFA: Opiate or Panacea?

ECFA: Opiate or Panacea? 
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
June 27, 2013

Summary: The "Trade in Services Agreement," signed in accordance with ECFA, has provoked an uproar. Two issues are involved. One. The administration failed to communicate properly in advance. Two. some local industries whose markets have been opened up may be at risk. Will ECFA and the service industry agreement become a case of "boiling the frog?" That remains to be seen. The key is awareness. We must realize that the pot is being warmed up, either by Beijing or by ourselves.

Full Text below:

The "Trade in Services Agreement," signed in accordance with ECFA, has provoked an uproar. Two issues are involved. One. The administration failed to communicate properly in advance. Two. some local industries whose markets have been opened up may be at risk.

These two issues are real. They must be dealt with appropriately. But if we concentrate exclusively on them, we may overlook the bigger picture, and a more serious problem. If Taiwan becomes addicted to Mainland China's concessions, we may cling to them for dear life, the way infants cling to their baby bottles. We may focus all our attention on cross-Strait trade negotiations, and neglect the larger battlefield of global trade that awaits. By the time we come to our senses and attempt to catch up, it may be too late.

Frankly the crisis is already here. Twenty years ago, Taiwan businesses moved to the Mainland in droves. The NT dollar was appreciating. We successfully invested it outside the island. Within a few short years, we vastly expanded the reach of Taiwan's economy. These opportunities were created through our courage and wisdom. But consider the situation today. The GATS agreement allows beauty parlors, printing shops, herbalists, and other traditional service industries to operate on Taiwan. This has provoked a massive backlash. The opposition DPP has accused the government of "forfeiting our rights and humiliating the nation," and of "selling out Taiwan." But the DPP is pointedly ignoring other, positive aspects of the agreement. Taiwan has retreated, from offense to defense. This is cause for regret. This is precisely why Taiwan is on a path of economic stagnation.

Two indicators reveal Taiwan's stagnation. One. Compare the present to the past. We have lost our momentum. Salaries have not increased for years. This is a key indicator. Two. Compare Taiwan with the Mainland. The gap between the two is rapidly narrowing. People are apprehensive about permitting the Mainland to invest on Taiwan. This is another key indicator. These indicators leave little room for self-deception.

Taiwan's economy has stagnated in recent years. But why? Is it really, as the opposition DPP alleges, because "ECFA is poison?" Taiwan External Trade Association figures show that this is not the case. Last year Taiwan's foreign exports amounted to 300 billion US. Exports to the Mainland amounted to 130 billion US, 43% of the total. Taiwan's imports amounted to 270 billion US. Imports from the Mainland amounted to 37 billion, a mere 14%. Taiwan enjoyed a trade surplus relative to the Mainland amounting to over 90 billion US.

Let us keep it simple. If Taiwan's stagnation was the consequence of opening up the Mainland market, our trade deficit would have been 60 billion US. Taiwan has long trumpeted itself "an economy built on trade." Such a figure is inconceivable. It proves that the allegation that "ECFA is poison" is nonsense. On the other hand, does this figure prove that ECFA was a magic pill that revived Taiwan's economy? Alas, the answer is also no.

Taiwan's stagnation has nothing to do with whether ECFA is good or bad, a poison or panacea. The problem lies elsewhere. Cross-strait issues dominate the thinking of ruling and opposition party politicians and even the public on Taiwan. This makes it impossible for them to see the bigger global picture. They may even reflexively perceive Taiwan's relationship to the world through the lens of cross-Strait relations. Doing so turns ECFA into a funhouse mirror. This makes it impossible for us to accurately evaluate our relationship with other trading partners. Becoming addicted to Mainland concessions is akin to becoming addicted to opiates. We mistakenly begin to think that this is a world without pain, and that everything we desire can be obtained cost free.

For years, Taiwan has harbored two contrasting perceptions of the Mainland. The first is that the Mainland market offers endless opportunities. The second is that the Mainland conceals endless threats. The perception of endless opportunities induced Taiwan businessmen to invest in the Mainland. The perception of endless threats induced Beijing to make endless strategically motivated concessions to Taiwan for the sake of reunification. But lest we forget, the endless opportunities and the endless threats are two sides of the same coin. Constant worry, fear, or complacency may lead to lost opportunities. Blind naivete without vigilance may lead to the threats coming true.

The GATS agreement has been signed. From the perspective of individual industries, trade-offs are inevitable. The government must respond. From the perspective of Taiwan's overall economic well-being, if the benefits outweigh the costs, if the opportunities outweight the threats, then the agreement is worth trying out. More importantly, we must not allow ourselves to become hooked on ECFA concessions. We must not fall into the trap of low standards for cross-Strait talks. We must not forget that the ROC must conduct bilateral negotiations with other countries. Global multilateral negotiations are proliferating. Taipei's diplomatic allies remain few, and on the fringe.

Will ECFA and the service industry agreement become a case of "boiling the frog?" That remains to be seen. The key is awareness. We must realize that the pot is being warmed up, either by Beijing or by ourselves.

2013.06.27 05:14 am











Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Four-Star Connection: From 9/11 to Edward Snowden

Four-Star Connection: From 9/11 to Edward Snowden
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
June 26, 2013

Summary: Why speak of a connection between 9/11 and Edward Snowden? The 9/11 incident of September 11, 2001, was the most horrifying act of terrorism in history. It was the most anti-American single act in history. The current US manhunt for Edward Snowden is the most appalling human rights violation by a government in the Internet era. The U.S. government argues that it is using Internet spying to fight terrorism. This leads us back to 9/11.

Full Text below:

Why speak of a connection between 9/11 and Edward Snowden? The 9/11 incident of September 11, 2001, was the most horrifying act of terrorism in history. It was the most anti-American single act in history. The current US manhunt for Edward Snowden is the most appalling human rights violation by a government in the Internet era. The U.S. government argues that it is using Internet spying to fight terrorism. This leads us back to 9/11.

The 9/11 incident had its roots in Arab and Islamic world hostility toward "American civilization." The Snowden incident exposed the dark underside of the American system of constitutionalism and the rule of law. The 9/11 incident was an example of Samuel Huntington's international "clash of civilizations." The Snowden incident is an example of an international, Internet "clash of civilizations." The content and form may differ. But both represent landmark "clashes of civilizations."

Between 9/11 and the Snowden incident, we had the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, and the 2007 Wall Street financial crisis. All four events are links in a chain. All are acid tests of America's democracy and free market economy.

The 9/11 terrorist attacks earned severe global reprimands. But the United States should also ask itself why the murderers harbored such hatred for the United States. For a long time, the United States, with its powerful military, has been engaged in an unequal conflict with vastly weaker civilizations. No Arab or Islamic country can resist the power of the United States government. But terrorists have broken out of the framework of state to state military conflict. Their conflict is not part of a nation vs. nation conflict. Instead, it is a person vs. person conflict. It is asymmetrical warfare between the weak and the strong.

Bush Jr. invaded Iraq. He turned a person vs. person conflict back into a nation vs. nation conflict. This is where America has the advantage. But this also provoked intense controversy. Afterwards, facts proved that the U.S. military invasion of Iraq was an act of naked aggression, rationalized by lies about "weapons of mass destruction." Seven years later, when U.S. troops pulled out of Iraq, they left behind an Iraq in ruins, spiritually and physically. They left behind hundreds of thousands of widows and orphans. When America sent troops over there, it may not have realized it would inflict even more harm upon Iraqi than Saddam Hussein. It left behind powerful doubts about America's "civilization." One. How could America spout such lofty moral rhetoric, yet initiate on such a lose-lose war of aggression? Two. How can the United States' boast about its advanced democracy, yet countenance such flagrant abuses of power by George W. Bush and his cronies? Three. Was the invasion of Iraq really nothing more than a "misunderstanding" between civilizations?

These events were followed by yet another "civilizational misunderstanding." In 2007, the financial tsunami struck Wall Street. Too much freedom and indulgence in the financial markets aided and abetted unscrupulous Wall Street vultures. These vultures devised pyramid schemes that caused many the world over to lose everything. Families were shattered. People perished. The very foundations of the nation were shaken. This extreme form of capitalist [mercantilist] "civilization" was nothing more than a meat grinder. The US government's rule of law could not prevent this horrible disaster. American civilization could not prevent the Wall Street vultures' barbaric conduct. The financial tsunami shook many peoples' faith in "capitalism." It undermined many peoples' faith in the marketplace. Today the impact of the financial tsunami continues to be felt. The question in many people's minds is, "Is this really civilization?"

Snowden exposed the Prism Surveillance Program for what is was -- unbridled and brazen criminal conduct by the US government. Ironically, some have compared Snowden to Chen Guangcheng. In order to silence Chen Guangcheng, Beijing virtually sealed off Dongshigu Village. This led to denunciations by democracy activists, foreign and domestic. Eventually a hapless Beijing handed Chen Guangcheng over to the United States. The Beijing regime lost face. Now however, the US government's Prism Surveillance Program ordered the world's largest information technology companies to conduct "stability maintenance" programs at little political and monetary cost to itself. This enabled the US government to keep its hand clean while engaging in illegal activities.

The U.S. government granted Chen Guangchen political asylum. Meanwhile, they have done everything possible to extradite Snowden. This too invites questions about what constitutes "civilization." One. What are the America's core value? Are they the US government's "right to rule," or are they human rights? Are they freedom, democracy, and a long list of other values? Two. Can the US government violate the spirit of the US Constitution and order civil servants, including outside consultants, to violate human rights? Do whistleblowers have the right to disobey and reveal the truth? Three. Suppose state power has a "clash of civilizations" with human rights. Is a country such as the United States really more "civilized?" Will it treat Edward Snowden worse than Beijing treated Chen Guangcheng?

In recent years, the U.S. has been sliding downhill. Its military might is increasingly inadequate and unreliable. Take for example, the invasion of Iraq. Even more importantly, its ethical foundations are being called into question. Take for example, the financial crisis. The US may have the Prism Surveillance Program to prevent a recurrence of 9/11. But such programs undermine the United States' image as a model of civilization. This is not a question concerning a nation's power. This is a question concerning a nation's soul.

America is still a free and democratically ruled country worthy of respect and emulation. But somewhere between 9/11 and Edward Snowden, it arrived at a turning point. Can American civilization reform itself? Can it validate itself? This question concerns the very nature of civilization.

2013.06.26 04:34 am











Monday, June 24, 2013

Can the Legislative Yuan Show Chen Guangcheng the Virtues of Democracy?

Can the Legislative Yuan Show Chen Guangcheng the Virtues of Democracy?
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
June 25, 2013

Summary: Mainland Chinese human rights lawyer Chen Guangcheng is currently visiting Taiwan. He said he wanted to experience the "virtues of democracy" on Taiwan. He will deliver a speech today in the Legislative Yuan. Chen Guangcheng may witness name-calling and physical violence during the extraordinary legislative session. If he does, he must understand that these are part and parcel of the "virtues of democracy" on Taiwan.

Full Text below:

Mainland Chinese human rights lawyer Chen Guangcheng is currently visiting Taiwan. He said he wanted to experience the "virtues of democracy" on Taiwan. He will deliver a speech today in the Legislative Yuan. Chen Guangcheng may witness name-calling and physical violence during the extraordinary legislative session. If he does, he must understand that these are part and parcel of the "virtues of democracy" on Taiwan.

People arriving from a totalitarian state are envious of democratically-elected legislatures and the right to dissent. The public on Taiwan once felt the same way. But 20 years later, the public on Taiwan wants answers to a number of questions. For example, can a democratically-elected legislature ensure the rule of law that the era we inhabit requires? Will dissent prevail to the extent that society loses its ability to reach consensus? Will the nation grind to a halt as a consequence? If so, what then? Chen Guangcheng may be able to ask these questions in the legislature today. He may be able to ask why legislators cannot settle down and review bills during regular sessions. Why must they call for extraordinary sessions? Why must the legislative process be dragged out even then?

The extaordinary legislative session is about to adjourn. The ruling party initally sought passage of the capital gains tax, 12 year compulsory education, public bonds, and the referendum on the Number Four Nuclear Power Plant. But the opposition DPP was unhappy with the cross-Strait GATS agreement. This could impact the third reading. The bills may not be resolved until a second extraordinary session is called. The slightest dissatisfaction can impact the passage any bill. The slightest mood swing can lead to yet another round of ruling vs. opposition party confrontation, This has been commonplace for years. Anything that can be put off and delayed, will be. Nothing is ever dealt with on its own merits. In principle, democracy involves "checks and balances." But on Taiwan, all we have are checks, and no balances.

Checks differ from balances. Several examples underscore the difference. Recently the private sector expressed doubts about the GATS agreement. Before that, opposition legislators never gave the matter a second thought. They devoted all their energy to obstructing the establishment of cross-Strait representative offices. They even occupied the Legislative Chamber and held a slumber party. But as soon as some in the private sector began grumbling about the GATS agreement, ruing and opposition party legislators immediately latched on to this new political football. The establishment of cross-Strait representative offices suddenly became yesterday's news. And so it was for 12 year compulsory education. The DPP initially demanded a "wealthy exclusion" clause. But once the Executive Yuan heeded outside recommendations and agreed to incorporate a wealthy exclusion clause, the opposition DPP immediately adopted precisely the opposite position. It then began accusing the Ma government of acting in bad faith.

Simply put, "checks" is nothing more than proclaiming one's opposition and engaging in irrational obstructionism. By contrast, "balances" obligates one to offer alternatives. It calls for a third way that transcends differences. If democracy involves only "checks," and no "balances," politics will inevitably proceed down a blind alley. People will lose their faith in democracy and its values.

Take the referendum on the Number Four Nuclear Power Plant. The public has been arguing over whether to complete or to halt construction on the Number Four Nuclear Power Plant for years. The ruling party has a responsibility to finish building the plant. But it also faces powerful public opposition to nuclear power generation. Under the circumstances, a referendum is probably the only solution to the problem. The DPP halted then resumed construction on the plant, incurring tens of billions of dollars in additional costs. Now that the nuclear power plant has been completed, the DPP has once again adopted an anti-nuclear stance. What's even more astonishing, it now vehemently opposes any referendum on the plant. It opposes the plant, but simultaneously refuses to allow the public to express its views on the plant by means of a public referendum. Under these circumstances, how can any resolution be reached on the plant controversy?

The Legislature lacks any sense of responsibility for problem solving. The Executive, meanwhile, is inept at both communication and coordination. These are additional reasons why Taiwan's democracy has fallen and cannot get up. Take negotiations between Taipei and Manila over the fishing vessel shooting incident. Premier Chiang embarrassed Foreign Minister Lin Yong-le. This was followed by controversy over the accounting law bill. President Ma put the Executive Yuan on the spot. Controversy raged over the "wealthy exclusion" clause in the 12 year compulsory education bill. This led to the Premier giving Education Minister Chian Wei-ning a slap in the face. Every one of these events leave one flabbergasted. Policy can be changed. Policy can be modified. But the government must improve internal communications. It must coordinate with the legislature. This will prevent higher level authorities from pulling the rug out from under lower level authorities. This will prevent the executive branch from singing a different tune than the legislative branch.

Frankly, many no longer care what bill the extraordinary session of legislature passes today. People no longer expect any professionalism or sense of mission from legislators. Ruling and opposition party legislators pretend to engage in consultations. Legislative caucuses issue this or that level mobilization order. In reality, they are merely furthering their personal or partisan interests in the name of democracy. Who really believes that these legislators are actually concerned about the public on Taiwan?

If Chen Guangcheng sees only these political calculations and this sort of coarse behavior in the Legislative Yuan, he must not be too disappointed. After all, they are merely isolated facets of Taiwan's political system. The virtues of Taiwan's democracy are not imaginary. One must evaluate all of its aspects, large and small. Chen Guangchen is smart. He should have no difficulty understanding the complexities.
2013.06.25 01:56 am










Sunday, June 23, 2013

Must President Ma Double as Party Chairman?

Must President Ma Double as Party Chairman?
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
June 23, 2013

Summary: Does "President Ma" need "Chairman Ma" as his wingman? That is a matter of opinion. But the more desperate Chairman Ma's appeals are for party support, the more President Ma will be revealed as politically weak. For Ma Ying-jeou to be re-elected party chairman is a simple matter. The real question is whether he is able to offer the government and the ruling party a bright new future.

Full Text below:

Kao Yu-jen blasted Ma Ying-jeou, calling him incompetent. Nevertheless Ma Ying-jeou has registered as a candidate in the upcoming election for KMT chairman. In response to the charge of incompetence, he angrily declared "If one says we have not worked hard enough, and need to redouble our efforts, we humbly agree. But some are accusing us of ulterior motives. That is totally unacceptable!"

The "lame duck effect" has taken effect surprisingly soon after the president's re-election. It has taken effect even sooner than it did for Chen Shui-bian, whom the public rejected for corruption. This is something Ma Ying-jeou probably did not expect. His abysmal 18% approval rating follows him around like a black cloud. Externally the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has urged him to rescue a sluggish economy. Internally implacable party elders are blasting him mercilessly. Policies he promoted, such as 12 year compulsory education, the capital gains tax, cross-Strait negotiations on service industries, have all stalled. President Ma has been feeling pressure from without and within. One thing is especially puzzling, President Ma has failed to implement administration policy. Why then is he so attached to the party chairmanship? Why is he clinging to the post of party chairman?

A Chinese expression "chicken rib theory," describes how someone chewing on chicken ribs may discover that they are not worth the effort, but he may nevertheless be unwilling to spit them out because he is embarrassed. The expression may not apply to Ma Ying-jeou's situation. The "lame duck effect" is beginning to kick in. Therefore Ma Ying-jeou probably needs the party more than ever. President Ma is aggressively seeking the party chairmanship. This can be viewed from two angles. One. Consider the state of the nation. Party discipline within the KMT has long been lax. Suppose President Ma relinquishes control of the party machinery? Popularly-elected KMT officials will be more difficult to control than wild horses. The Ma administration's ability to govern will be crippled, It will find it difficult for it to get anything done. Therefore, he must remain in command of the party. He must maintain control of both the government and the party.

Two. Consider Ma Ying-jeou's political status. The KMT chairmanship has a four year term. Suppose Ma Ying-jeou is elected? He will remain party chairman for more than one year, even after stepping down as president. That is to say, after he steps down as president, in 2016, he can continue using his status as KMT Chairman to influence events, both inside and outside the party. This will extend the president's influence beyond his term as president, particularly in cross-Strait relations. High-level political exchanges may still involve many sensitive issues. If Ma Ying-jeou remains party chairman, it may help him conduct leadership-level exchanges with the other side on international issues such as APEC. The importance of his role as party chairman can clearly be imagined.

Ma Ying-jeou issued two statements before the KMT Central Standing Committee. One. He said running for the post was "not merely a responsibility, but a mission." Two. He said, "We must do much more to promote reform. We need the government and the party to work closely together." His statements sounded reasonable. But they could not overcome the doubts in many people's minds. Ma Ying-jeou assumed the KMT leadership in 2005. Subtract the two years during which he resigned over Discretionary Fund allegations. He has been party chairman for six years. At the zenith of his popularity he failed to break the deadlock within the KMT and transform the party's character. Now he is a lame duck. He may be president as well as party chairman. But has he governed any better? Has he yielded better results?

Such doubts are far from unwarrranted. Ma Ying-jeou is still holding forth on "using the party to address the government's shortcomings." This alone shows that he remains clueless about where the problem in his own governance lies. Those elected President of the Republic of China, from Lee Teng-hui to Chen Shui-bian, have exercised both governmental and party authority. They did not need to double as party chairman to exercise effective leadership. Providing one properly masters presidential power, party comrades will naturally follow one's lead. The problem with Ma Ying-jeou lies in his irresolute decision-making. This is a direct consequence of his lack of core convictions. He constantly flip-flops. He allows the enemy camp to take advantage of him. He even inspires widespread discontent inside the Blue camp. He must arrive at decisions more boldly. He must rehabilitate his image as a leader. Otherwise, even if he is re-elected party chairman, it will do nothing to bolster either his ability to govern or his approval ratings.

Party elder Kao Yu-jen blasted Ma Ying-jeou. In terms of political ethics, such criticism may have been inappropriate. But his sentiments are shared by many inside the party. President Ma may find allegations of "ulterior motives" unacceptable. But he cannot deny that the public is dissatisfied with his governance. May 20 was the anniversary of President Ma's re-election. On that day, this newspaper pointed out that President Ma's historical legacy depends upon a 2016 election victory. He must ensure continued Kuomintang rule. If yet another change in ruling parties takes place, he will forfeit his historical legacy. Consider his situation today. President Ma's approval ratings have hit rock bottom. The ruling party lacks fighting ability and solidarity. Yet Ma is seeking the party chairmanship, for the next four years. Suppose he succeeds? Without soul-searching and innovation, the administration and the party will labor in vain.

Does "President Ma" need "Chairman Ma" as his wingman? That is a matter of opinion. But the more desperate Chairman Ma's appeals are for party support, the more President Ma will be revealed as politically weak. For Ma Ying-jeou to be re-elected party chairman is a simple matter. The real question is whether he is able to offer the government and the ruling party a bright new future.

2013.06.23 10:12 am









Thursday, June 20, 2013

Establish Sensible and Reasonable Cross-Strait Relations

Establish Sensible and Reasonable Cross-Strait Relations
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
June 21, 2013

Summary: Former KMT Chairman Lien Chan undertook his "Journey of Peace" to the Chinese mainland in April 2005. He and former Communist Party General Secretary Hu Jintao announced "five shared visions." The two parties established channels for high-level dialogue. In 2008, the KMT returned to office. The two sides initiated in high-level dialogue. This played a major role in the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations. Recently they concluded the Wu Xi Meeting. It lasted only a few hours. But it may pave the way for an entirely new cross-Strait relationship.

Full Text below:

Former KMT Chairman Lien Chan undertook his "Journey of Peace" to the Chinese mainland in April 2005. He and former Communist Party General Secretary Hu Jintao announced "five shared visions." The two parties established channels for high-level dialogue. In 2008, the KMT returned to office. The two sides initiated in high-level dialogue. This played a major role in the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations. Recently they concluded the Wu Xi Meeting. It lasted only a few hours. But it may pave the way for an entirely new cross-Strait relationship.

For starters, the Wu Xi Meeting was followed by the Obama Xi Meeting between Washington and Beijing. This means that KMT leaders have a clear understanding of the International political situation. They are well aware of the role the United States plays in cross-Strait relations, It cannot be ignored. Barack Obama and Xi Jinping addressed the "Taiwan issue." In terms of content, it was the same old tune. Both sides stuck to their guns. But Obama enthusiastically affirmed progress in cross-Strait relations, This means that cross-Strait reconciliation has a neighborhood effect. Not only can it lead to "win-win." It can even lead to "win-win-win." Looking to the future, cross-Strait relations must continue in the direction of peaceful development. There is simply no alternative.

Secondly, the Wu Xi Meeting addressed cross-Strait policy priorities. It provided ruling authorities on the two sides opportunities to refamiliarize themselves with each other. The Chinese Communist Party has completed its power transfer. Xi Jinping is the new leader of the CCP. Much speculation has emerged concerning various aspects of his policy. Take Taiwan policy. In the short-term most observers think Xi will dutifully implement Hu's policies. But new people often have new ways of doing things. Some are worried that Xi will pressure Taipei to take part in cross-Strait political negotiations. Meanwhile, President Ma is approaching the end of his second and final term. He is about to become a lame duck. This has led to numerous complaints that the Ma administration lacks a sufficiently proactive Mainland policy. President Xi Jinping admits that his talk with KMT Honorary Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung changed some of his preconceptions about President Ma Ying-jeou. We believe the Wu Xi Meeting will at least prevent the two sides from misjudging each other, and that it will prevent misunderstandings.

Finally, the Wu Xi Meeting was rooted in strategic national interest. For example, Xi Jinping placed particular emphasis on the notion that "both sides of the Strait are members of the same family." Wu Poh-hsiung stressed "national identity." He said "one does not choose one's ancestors." We are all members of the same family. Therefore, as long as we are considering the long term interests of the nation, the two sides need not haggle over "Who made what concession to whom."

Most importantly, for cross-Strait relations to move forward, requires more than lip service. It requires seriously consideration of a wide range of practical matters. On this point, the CCP 18th National Congress proposed "sensible and reasonable" arrangements for cross-Strait relations. This was an inspired notion. It means the two sides can "seek common ground while setting aside differences." It means they can "preserve what they share in common, even as they dissolve their differences."

The term "sensible" connotes the senses. It has emotional connotations. The term "sensible" implies consistency with human nature. Take Taipei's Mainland policy. Has it taken into account the Mainland's peaceful rise? Has it taken into account the resulting nationalist sentiment and public calls for democratization? Now take the Mainland's Taiwan policy. Has it taken into account Taiwan's desire for breathing room and freedom from military threats? If the parties think only of themselves, or worse, treat each other with hostility it will only hurt the feelings of people on both sides.

The term "reasonable" connotes the rational faculties. It involves objective standards. The term "reasonable" encompasses universal values, including the underlying rules of civilization. The term "reasonable" implies certain legal norms, aka, jurisprudence. Whatever is "reasonable" must be fair. If it is unfair, then it cannot be reasonable. Reason is a universal value. Only reasonable policies can win public support. The establishment of cross-Strait representative offices will benefit the people on both sides. If the two sides become stuck over details such as "humanitarian access," that is unreasonable. President Ma has reiterated that the handling of cross-Strait relations and Mainland policy are consistent with the framework of the ROC Constitution. Therefore allegations that Wu Poh-hsiung's proposals during the Wu Xi Meeting were "unconstitutional" are unfounded.

In short, Wu Poh-hsiung was duly authorized by Ma Ying-jeou to speak on his behalf. Therefore the Wu Xi Meeting confirms that the ruling authorities on both sides have handled cross-Strait issues quite well. They have considered the future of the Chinese nation. They have realistically safeguarded the interests of people on both sides. This is the most urgent task facing the two sides. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. We look forward to concrete moves by adminstrative agencies on both sides. Cross-Strait relations should be systematized as soon as possible. This will enable the two sides and the international community to get along, and to make sensible and reasonable arrangements.
中時電子報 新聞
中國時報  2013.06.21









Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Taiwan Independence Dream Has Evaporated: DPP Should Boldly Champion One China

Taiwan Independence Dream Has Evaporated:
DPP Should Boldly Champion One China
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
June 20, 2013

Summary: What core values and vision should Taiwan's China [sic] policy promote? Taiwan should promote the liberal and democratic values and vision embodied in the Constitution of the Republic of China. How should the DPP deal with the 1992 consensus? The DPP should adhere to one China, different interpretations, or the "big roof concept of China." Otherwise, as Tsai Ing-wen herself noted, ""What exactly will there be left of the Republic of China?"

Full Text below:

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is convening its nine session "Huashan Conference." The theme of the first session is "Taiwan's China [sic] Policy: Core Values and Vision." The theme of the second session is "How to Deal with the 1992 Consensus."

It is not hard to imagine the form these two themes originally took. The first was probably, "Taiwan independence vs. one China, different interpretations: Which has a larger market?" The second was probably, "Should cross-Strait interaction be based on the 1992 consensus, or a constitutional consensus?" The original and final forms expose the issues at the core of DPP's cross-Strait policy. Clearly the DPP is still casting about for an alternative to the 1992 consensus and one China, different interpretations. This is abundantly clear from the DPP's response to the "one China framework" proposed during the Wu Xi Meeting

The KMT initially championed "one China, different interpretations." Wu Poh-hsiung's new formulation, at least as far as the KMT is concerned, replaces it with "one China framework, different interpretations." Both inside and outside the Wu Xi Meeting, Wu Poh-hsiung argued that the "one China framework" is based on the Constitution of the Republic of China. What he said was 100% correct.

In response to the "one China framework," Su Tseng-chang insisted that Taiwan is not part of China. The DPP is absolutely unwilling to be locked into the "one China" framework. It equates "one China" with the "Peoples Republic of China." It opposes "a constitutionally-defined one China." Frank Hsieh champions "different constitutional interpretations [of one China]." Hsieh said, "One country, two regions can hardly be considered unconstitutional." But oddly enough, he also said the Republic of China "should relinquish its fictitious claim to represent all of China and all its territory." Frank Hsieh's logic is flawed. After all, if "one country, two regions" is constitutional, then isn't it unconstitutional to "relinquish its claim to represent all of China and all its territory?"

Tsai Ing-wen's rhetoric was the most bizzare of all. She said the Ma administration's advocacy of the "one China framework" is the same as accepting the "one China principle." By the same token, she said, recognizing the 1992 consensus is the same as accepting the "one China principle," without the qualifier "different interpretations." She even said. "What exactly is there left of the Republic of China? Is it still is a sovereign and independent country?" As everyone knows, opposition to the 1992 consensus is Tsai Ing-wen's calling card. Yet now she would have people believe she is coming to the rescue of the 1992 consensus. She even said "Without one China, different interpretations, what exactly is there left of the Republic of China?"

Su Tseng-chang said, "Do not turn around and promote Taiwan independence." But Su, Hsieh, and Tsai all share a common problem. Their references to the one China framework, to the Republic of China, and the Republic of China Constitution, are incomplete. They are all piecemeal constructs. Su Tseng-chang openly asserted that "One China means the People's Republic of China." This, she said, is opposed to the 1992 consensus and one China, different interpretations. Frank Hsieh champions "different constitutional interpretations [of one China]." Hsieh said "one country, two regions can hardly be considered unconstitutional." Yet he also advocated relinquishing claims of sovereignty over the Mainland Region of China. This mires him in a contradiction. Tsai Ing-wen argues that the 1992 consensus must include "one China, different interpretations." But when has she ever officially accepted the 1992 consensus?

The 1992 consensus and one China, different interpretations can be equated with either one China, different interpretations, or the one China framework, different interpretations. Either manner of expression is rooted in the ROC Constitution. Either is consistent with the ROC's basic survival strategy. The DPP has responded in various ways to the one China framework. But the only correct way is the one Hsu Hsing-liang advocates, "a bold affirmation of one China." Hsu believes that Taiwan must find its footing inside the one China framework. It must not deny or avoid the one China framework.

Su, Tsai, and Hsieh's rhetoric expose the contradictions, the defects, and the dilemmas inherent in the DPP's cross-Strait policy proposals. These contradictions, defects, and dilemmas, all share the same root. They all attempt to use the Republic of China to engage in "backdoor listing," even as they repudiate the one China Constitution. Alas, the reality is clear. If the Democratic Progressive Party still denies that "the ROC Constitution is a one China constitution," then why not simply "turn around and promote Taiwan independence?" Conversely, if the DPP accepts the Constitution of the Republic of China, then how can it oppose the one China framework?

When confronting the future of cross-Strait relations, the DPP has only one option. That option is to cease playing around with any form of backdoor listing, and reaffirm the ROC's one China Constitution, in toto. That option is to use the one China framework to fight the PRC over the right to define itself as "China." That option is to attempt to spin the meaning of the one China framework. Perhaps this is what Hsu Hsing-liang meant by the "bold advocacy of one China."

Tsai Ing-wen has blasted the Ma government for not having the courage to openly proclaim that "The Republic of China is a sovereign and independent state." She also argued that the 1992 consensus must include one China, different interpretations. We have no idea whether Tsai Ing-wen was drunk or sober when she issued these pronouncements. But we are pleased to see Tsai Ing-wen, who once alleged that the "The Republic of China is a foreign regime," loudly proclaim that "The Republic of China is a sovereign and independent country!"

Assuming the news reports were accurate, the first and second sessions of the DPP's Huashan Conference have indeed yielded answers to two questions. Question One. What core values and vision should Taiwan's China [sic] policy promote? The answer is, Taiwan should promote the liberal and democratic values and vision embodied in the Constitution of the Republic of China. Question Two. How should the DPP deal with the 1992 consensus? The answer is, the DPP should adhere to one China, different interpretations, or the "big roof concept of China." Otherwise, as Tsai Ing-wen herself noted, ""What exactly will there be left of the Republic of China?"

台獨幻滅 民進黨應當大膽一中
2013.06.20 04:15 am












Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Facilitating Communications Industry Development: The Real Purpose

Facilitating Communications Industry Development: The Real Purpose
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
June 19, 2013

Summary: We welcome the five media industry organizations' critique of the absurd "Media Monopoly Prevention and Diversity Guarantee Act" Finally, they have broken their collective silence. Finally, industry leaders are standing on the front lines. They know the media on Taiwan has been reduced to non-competitive small and medium enterprises by over-regulation and populist law-making. They feel the danger in their hearts. They can no longer remain silent. The Ma administration has lost its compass. The legislature has been hijacked by populism. Are these media industry organizations' voices loud enough to be heard? We will have to wait and see.

Full Text below:

The "Media Monopoly Prevention and Diversity Guarantee Act" is a textbook case of "populist law-making." In April of this year, the National Communications Commission (NCC) sought approval of this law in the Legislative Yuan. The Legislative Yuan Transportation Committee and DPP version, differed from the KMT version. Preliminary review of the proposed legislation was rushed through ahead of the recess. Last week, during an emergency session called at the DPP's insistence, it was classified as priority legislation.

The proposed legislation is narrowly focused and highly controversial. The executive and legislative branches remind one of street racers playing a game of "chicken." Scholars in the relevant fields were not consulted while the legislation was being drafted. The views of media professionals in particular, were ignored. The Legislative Yuan sought only to expedite its passage. It merged different versions of the proposed legislation into a grotesque hodgepodge. Yesterday, five major media industry associations, including the China Press Institute, Taiwan Media Watch, the Republic of China Media Self Regulation Association, the Republic of China Broadcasting Association, and the Taipei Newspaper Association issued an unprecedented joint statement. They denounced certain provisions within the "Media Monopoly Prevention and Diversity Guarantee Act." They said these provisions were outside the NCC's legal authority. They consider them a serious violation of freedom of the press. These provisions also violate the basic spirit of Article 11 of the Constitution, which protects freedom of speech.

Let us summarize their joint declaration, which makes two points. The first point pertains to the print media, to newspapers and magazines. These are not under the jurisdiction of the NCC. Yet the draft legislation included the print media, even though it is not subject to NCC regulation. It treated them as if they were the broadcast media. It demanded that they provide information about their operations to the NCC on an annual basis. It demanded that national dailies establish newsroom conventions. It demanded that print media with a certain level of capitalization appoint outside boards of directors. It demanded that the print media "not engage in unfair competition." Otherwise the NCC would intervene and impose fines. The above demands exceed the NCC's legal authority, and may have had a chilling effect on media freedom. The second point pertains to numerous media regulations. Their definitions are vague. The media cannot understand them. They cannot tell if they are in violation of them. This has a chilling effect on media freedom. The NCC may use these to suppress freedom of the press. Therefore the media is concerned. 

Allow us to sum up the concerns of these five major media industry organizations. In fact, their concerns are merely a small part of a highly controversial media anti-trust law. Think back to the initial deliberations over the proposed legislation. Consider the latest developments in Internet media. One can use to Internet to access all variety of media. One can even publish information on one's own websites. Yet Executive Yuan Political Affairs Committee Member Chang Shan-cheng publicly attacked an alleged "media monopoly" in today's multimedia era. This is clearly a phony issue. Is the "Media Monopoly Prevention and Diversity Ensurance Act" really necessary? Shouldn't the authorities consult experts, instead of dancing to the tune of mob sentiment?

The NCC is the responsible national authority. Those in the know include PFP Legislator Lee Tung-hao and other media scholars. They feel that the primary purpose of the NCC was established at the outset, in the "Basic Communications Law." The NCC's raison d'etre was to "take into account technological convergence, in order to promote the sound development of the communications industry." But ever since the NCC's inception, it has done nothing of the sort. First it launched a "no nit too small to pick" campaign of harassment against the broadcast media. Then it hopped on the media anti-trust bandwagon, all in the name of "safeguarding media diversity and professional autonomy." In reality, its interventions were motivated by the desire to expand its powers, and to clamp down on the print media. On the other hand, confronted with today's Internet technology, accelerated information convergence, and the need for international competitiveness and a voice in the communications industry, the NCC has accomplished nothing. The Control Yuan has failed to correct NCC negligence and omissions. Shouldn't the NCC improve its media management and control, as well as promote industry development?

Take a closer look at how the NCC has approached its two statutory mandates. The NCC has done too much in one area, but nothing in the other. The crux of the problem is common to all executive branch agencies. They have some idea about how to oversee an industry. But they have no idea whatsoever how to encourage an industry or to promote industrial development. The information industry on Taiwan had plentiful high-tech industry support. It should have been able to flex its muscles in the Internet era. Instead, information convergence left it in the dust. It has lagged far behind South Korea. It has even lagged behind the Chinese mainland. Its competitiveness ranking has declined. This is what the Ma government should be worrying about. How can the NCC allow itself to be distracted by other matters, and not think about how to catch up?

In sum, we welcome the five media industry organizations' critique of the absurd "Media Monopoly Prevention and Diversity Guarantee Act" Finally, they have broken their collective silence. Finally, industry leaders are standing on the front lines. They know the media on Taiwan has been reduced to non-competitive small and medium enterprises by over-regulation and populist law-making. They feel the danger in their hearts. They can no longer remain silent. The Ma administration has lost its compass. The legislature has been hijacked by populism. Are these media industry organizations' voices loud enough to be heard? We will have to wait and see.

中時電子報 新聞
中國時報  2013.06.19
社論-促進通訊傳播產業發展 才是硬道理








Monday, June 17, 2013

Snowden Tugs at Hong Kongers' Heartstrings

Snowden Tugs at Hong Kongers' Heartstrings
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
June 18, 2013

Summary: The best way for Beijing to deal with Snowden, and adhere to Western nations' standards for human rights, is to allow the Hong Kong government to deal with Snowden on its own, in accordance with public opinion. Last year Chen Guangcheng defected to the United States Embassy in Beijing. Eventually he got his wish and made his way to the United States. This year Edward Snowden has defected to Hong Kong. Surely the bar cannot be set lower now.

Full Text below:

Twenty-seven Hong Kong citizens' groups took to the streets yesterday. They called on the Hong Kong Government to protect Edward Snowden, a former National Security Agency (NSA) employee and whistleblower who has taken refuge in Hong Kong. They forced Hong Kong Chief Executive CY Leung to publicly promise that he would deal with the matter "according to the law." Is Snowden a hero or a traitor? This answers the question. He may be a fugitive wanted by the U.S. government. But in cyberspace he is a hero. Hong Kong is his hiding place the non-virtual world. Hong Kongers feel obligated to come to his defense.

According to a South China Morning Post poll, nearly half of the people in Hong Kong oppose turning Snowden over to the United States. Only 17% favor surrendering him to US authorities. A full 33% of those polled see Snowden as a hero. Only 13% consider him a traitor. About 23% consider him somehwere in between. Public passions in Hong Kong may fluctuate on certain issues, but they never dissipate entirely.

Outsider may be skeptical of Hong Kong's post-retrocession autonomy. But as far the Snowden incident is concerned, the "one country, two systems" arrangement has led to this intriguing development. On the one hand, it has forced Beijing to stand down. On the other hand, it has enabled Hong Kong to go on the attack. This amounts to a one two punch to the United States. The incident has answered another question for Beijing. Is Snowden a gift from heaven, or a hot potato? The answer is, he is clearly not the latter.

The Snowden incident has tugged at peoples' heartstrings for three reasons. One. Snowden chose to break the news when Obama and Xi Jinping were meeting to discuss cyberwarfare. This caused the U.S. government no end of embarrassment. Without even drawing his sword, Xi Jinping was promptly rendered unassailable. Two. Snowden chose Hong Kong, a free port, to make his appearance, This posed a problem for U.S. diplomacy. It also put Beijing's handling of Hong Kong to the test. Three. Netizens the world over were made aware of the United States 1984 style "Big Brother" intelligence gathering methods. They were shocked and disgusted. The US has long touted itself as the world's champion of freedom and human rights. The discrepancy between the rhetoric and the reality left them deeply disillusioned. Obama's image also took a hit.

It was in just such a political atmosphere that Hong Kongers came forward to support Snowden. Snowden said he chose to flee to Hong Kong because Hong Kong was so free. Some think Snowden lacked a clear understanding of Hong Kong. They said he went from the frying pan into the fire. But from another perspective, it was precisely his assertion that Hong Kong was so free that sent waves of emotion through Hong Kongers's hearts, and made them so willing to protect him, and fight the erosion of freedom in Hong Kong. The June 4th candlelight vigil commemorating the Tiananmen Incident took place a few days earlier. As a result, the organizers of the protest march praised Snowden for sacrificing his own freedom to defend others' freedom of speech and fredoom of expression.

Practically speaking, is Hong Kong really a place Snowden can pin his hopes on? Can he eventually defect to Iceland? For the moment it is hard to say. The Hong Kong Government has been placed in an awkward position. Behind the scenes, it must comply with the CCP's diplomatic strategy. On this matter, Hong Kong has no choice. On the surface, Beijing certainly has no reason to rollover for the United States. But could the situation change? Would that turn Snowden into a secret bargaining chip? It is hard to say. In fact, there are rumors that Snowden's leaks were orchestrated by the CCP. That is why the leaks were so perfectly choreographed.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been hiding in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London over the past year. Assange has suggested that Snowden seek political asylum in one of the Latin American countries. HIs implication was that Asian countries are likely to succumb to US pressure. His remark suggested a lack of trust. The British government has already forbidden airline companies to allow Snowden into the UK. Snowden's whereabouts have been a mystery for many days. Has he quietly fled to a third country? Or is he still under the protection of private individuals or the CCP? Everyone is wondering.

To be sure, the more Hong Kongers stand up for and express solidarity with Snowden, the less likely he is to be secretly extradited to the United States. More and more netizens are expressing solidarity with him. The likelihood that US security agencies will deal with Snowden illegally is diminishing. When the Prism Project came to light, the U.S. Government immediately tried to appease domestic public opinion. It insisted the plan was directed only at foreigners, rather than the American public. These words grated on the ears of foreign governments, especially those who see themselves as allies of the United States. These words were difficult for them to swallow. Snowden exposed the recklessness of U.S. security agencies, the high-handedness of the U.S. government, and the servility of major technology companies who kowtowed to their political authority.

The best way for Beijing to deal with Snowden, and adhere to Western nations' standards for human rights, is to allow the Hong Kong government to deal with Snowden on its own, in accordance with public opinion. Last year Chen Guangcheng defected to the United States Embassy in Beijing. Eventually he got his wish and made his way to the United States. This year Edward Snowden has defected to Hong Kong. Surely the bar cannot be set lower now.

2013.06.18 02:02 am










Sunday, June 16, 2013

Cross-Strait Relations Worth Looking Forward To

Cross-Strait Relations Worth Looking Forward To
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
June 17, 2013

Summary: According to participants who heard the General Secretary speak, "Cross-Strait reunification requires above all, a meeting of hearts and minds." The Mainland is willing to be patient. The Mainland is confident that cross-Strait exchanges will make people realize that peaceful development is the best for both sides. The Mainland realizes this. The Taiwan side should realize this as well. It must be more pragmatic and less prideful. In particular, it must not send contradictory messages. Eventually a peaceful resolution for cross-Strait issues will be found.

Full Text below:

Mainland President Xi Jinping recently met with U.S. President Barack Obama at the Sunnylands Estate in Rancho Mirage, California. They discussed the establishment of a new superpower relationship. General Secretary Xi Jinping later met in Beijing with Honorary Kuomintang Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung. Wu said the talks between the two sides will eliminate many misunderstandings. Xi said they helped him better understand Ma Ying-jeou's position. The talks were cordial. Both sides held their ground, but also demonstrated their goodwill. They agreed on gradual, peaceful development. They agreed to expand relations. Does this mean that both sides are attempting to establish a new cross-Strait relationship? If it does, we approve.

Questions continue to haunt the recent Wu Xi talks. Which side initiated the talks? Which side agreed to them? How were the time, location, and attendees determined? Was the meeting duly authorized? What issues were discussed? Why did President Ma make so many public statements before the meeting? What about the content of his speech, and its emphasis? Whom exactly was he addressing? The public on Taiwan? The Mainland authorities? Or the international community? Why did President Ma give Wu Poh-hsiung's trip his special blessing? Why, by contrast, did he disassociate himself from the earlier trip by Honorary KMT Chairman Lien Chan? Were there political calculations outsiders are not privy to? .

Whatever the answers to these questions might be, the Wu Xi meeting sent the world a powerful political message. Both sides place a high value on the relationship. Peaceful development will continue, based on the one China framework. Cross-Strait relations may expand. Indirect cross-Strait political dialogue has already begun. Neither side wants outsiders to misunderstand. Wu Poh-hsiung and Xi Jinping repeated President Ma Ying-jeou and the CCP Central Committee's words verbatim.

During the talks, Xi Jinping set forth four views on cross-Strait relations. He began with the nation as a whole, and a strategy for national development. He reaffirmed the nature of cross-Strait relations. He reaffirmed national sovereignty and territorial integrity. He reaffirmed the goal of national reinvigoration. He reiterated opposition to Taiwan independence, and to separatist ideas and activities. He called for greater mutual trust, greater efforts to seek common ground, for greater pragmatism and a more positive attitude. This reflects how we, the Chinese people, value essentials over details, and principles over particulars. This underscores the importance we place on consistency in our thinking. During bilateral negotiations, the two sides must first clarify the fundamentals. Only then can they address the specifics.

Consider the specifics. The Taiwan side raised the matter of participation in international activities. Xi Jinping said the two sides agreed in principle to reduce internal friction on foreign issues. He said both sides should meet as equals. The Taiwan side can be specific about its actual needs. Xi Jinping was precise in his wording. He did not use the word "diplomacy," which implies that the two parties are sovereign countries. He spoke only of international events, not organizations. He implied that Taipei should not attempt to introduce outside forces into the equation, or make unilateral demands, even as it refused to consult with the Mainland. The CCP believes the following. One. The two sides must not give the outside world the impression that there are "two Chinas" or that there is an independent Taiwan. Two. The two sides must not tolerate foreign intervention or foreign pressure. Three. The two sides must comply with the statutes of international organizations. The CCP still insists on dealing with cases on an individual basis for the forseeable future.

Honorary KMT Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung issued seven views. These were things that President Ma Ying-jeou should do, must do, and can do. Under the current system, we in the Republic of China, champion a one China framework. Wu affirmed that cross-Strait relations are not state to state relations. Wu addressed the expansion of relations at all levels under ECFA, Taiwan's participation in regional economic organizations, and the establishment of cross-Strait representative offices. These reflect both public opinion on Taiwan and the government's current direction. We applaud their resolute posture.

Honorary KMT Chairman Wu said Taiwan wants meaningful participation in international activities, and the promotion of a cross-Strait educational protocol. In the past, Taiwan demanded participation in international organizations rather than international activities. The Government often sent different signals on cross-Strait educational and cultural agreements. This left people confused. Wu Poh-hsiung's statements however, were authorized by President Ma. We know they are offiical government policy. Taiwan may have learned from past experience. Perhaps it knows that participation in international activities is more important than participation in international organizations. Perhaps it has learned that cultural and educational activities may be the best way to foster a shared perspective and to resolve cross-Strait alienation. Over the next three years, we will be regularly reviewing the effectiveness of the government's policies.

Finally, this newspaper would like to reiterate its past conclusions. Beijing probably has many expectations. But it has already concluded that no solution is possible in the short term. It hopes to create the conditions required for the eventual resolution of the divided China problem. According to participants who heard the General Secretary speak, "Cross-Strait reunification requires above all, a meeting of hearts and minds." The Mainland is willing to be patient. The Mainland is confident that cross-Strait exchanges will make people realize that peaceful development is the best for both sides. The Mainland realizes this. The Taiwan side should realize this as well. It must be more pragmatic and less prideful. In particular, it must not send contradictory messages. Eventually a peaceful resolution for cross-Strait issues will be found.
中時電子報 新聞
中國時報  2013.06.17









Thursday, June 13, 2013

Wu Xi Meeting: What is the Relationship between Taiwan and the Mainland?

Wu Xi Meeting: What is the Relationship between Taiwan and the Mainland?
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
June 14, 2013

Summary: Yesterday Xi Jinping expressed palpable goodwill. He also proposed a cross-Strait "military mutual trust mechanism" and "peace agreement." But he must make "reasonable arrangements for cross-Strait political relations under special circumstances in which the nation has yet to be reunified." Otherwise, how can his hopes be fulfilled?

Full Text below:

Just before the Wu Xi Meeting, most speculation was directed at Xi Jinping's cross-Strait policy. Would it harsher than President Hu Jintao's? Some even predicted that Xi would resort to threatening rhetoric.

But the general impression following the meeting was that although Xi Jinping upholds the "one China framework," his cross-Strait policy is no harsher than his predecessor's. In fact, it may even be more liberal, and offer greater maneuveuring room.

Compare this meeting with other meetings over the past five years. The recent Wu Xi Meeting included a political proclamation that upheld the "one China framework" and stressed that cross-Strait relations were "not relations between different countries." This may be regarded as old rhetoric. But the recent meeting achieved greater concrete results than ever before. For example, the KMT expressed a desire to participate in the RCEP (regional comprehensive economic partnership). The CCP expressed the desire to sign cultural agreements. The hallmark of the Wu Xi Meeting was its plain language, realism, and pragmatism.

The meeting zeroed in on several issues. Wu Poh-hsiung was the KMT's authorized representative to the CCP leadership. Wu proclaimed that "cross-Strait relations are not state to state relations." Before Wu Poh-hsiung's departure, President Ma Ying-jeou expressed this same position many times. But this was the very first time the KMT issued such a proclamation right in front of the CCP.

What Wu Poh-hsiung said was that according to the two sides' laws, both sides should uphold the one-China principle. Both use the one-China framework when defining cross-Strait relations. Both define the relationship as non-state to state relations.

Wu Poh-hsiung's reasoning can be expanded as follows: Under the ROC's "one China constitution" and "one China, different interpretations," cross-Strait relations are of course not "state to state relations," since they are both part of "one China."

The two sides talk about "cross-Strait relations" every day. But what precisely is the relationship between Taiwan and the Mainland? In fact, we have a ready-made answer. It is "cross-Strait political relations under special circumstances in which the two sides have yet to be reunified." As Yu Zhengsheng, Chairman of the CPPCC observed, it is a relationship "in progress."

In order to establish cross-Strait representative offices, President Ma repeatedly proclaimed that "cross-Strait relations are not state to state relations." Beijing has stressed that they are emphatically "not diplomatic in nature," and are "not embassies or consulates." In other words, neither side defines cross-Strait relations as "the relationship between the ROC and the PRC." Such a definition smacks of "state to state relations." But the Republic of China and the Peoples Republic of China obviously exist. It is merely that neither recognizes the other. But a flower is a flower all the same. Merely because one refuses to recognize it, does not mean it is not a flower.

The relationship between the PRC and the ROC is not the same as the relationship between the People's Republic of China and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Both the PRC and Vietname see the other as foreign countries. But neither is the relationship between the PRC and the ROC like the relationship betwen the PRC and Fujian Province. After all, Beijing would never establish a "Fujianese Compatriates Office" in Fuzhou. The cross-Strait relationship is rooted in the two sides' constitutional frameworks and legal systems. It is not a relationship between foreign states. But in practice both sides see the relationship as a "non-foreign state to state relationship." This is what is meant by "cross-Strait political relations under special circumstances in which the nation has yet to be reunified."

The phrase "cross-Strait political relations under special circumstances in which the nation has yet to be reunified," means that although the nation has yet to be reunified, the two sides are attempting to establish "one China" linkage points. The phrase "yet to be reunified" means that the People's Republic of China and the the Republic of China have yet to be reunified. Neither side recognizes the other as a "state." But this deprives "one China" of a linkage point. Therefore, although neither side recognizes the other as a "foreign state," that does not mean they cannot recognize each other as a "non-foreign state." They can use the "big roof concept of China" as a "one-China" linkage point. This may enable them to establish "cross-Strait political relations under special circumstances in which the nation has yet to be reunified."

As Wu Poh-hsiung noted, each sides upholds its own constitution, thereby upholding the cross-Strait "one China framework." The ROC and the PRC coexist, side by side, under special circumstances in which the two sides have yet to be reunified." This is hardly "relations between one foreign country and another." This is the pillar of the "one China framework."

Therefore, the two sides should not endlessly bicker over whether cross-Strait relations are state to state relations. Cross-Strait relations are "political relations between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China under special circumstances." The circumstances are special because neither the Republic of China nor the People's Republic of China can eliminate each other. This has led to "special circumstances," and "a yet to be reunified" state of affairs. The two sides may refuse to recognize each other. But they cannot eliminate each other either. Doing so would not aid reunification. It would merely eliminate a linkage point for the "one China framework." It would merely weaken Taiwanese emotional identification with the "one China framework."

Yesterday Xi Jinping expressed palpable goodwill. He also proposed a cross-Strait "military mutual trust mechanism" and "peace agreement." But he must make "reasonable arrangements for cross-Strait political relations under special circumstances in which the nation has yet to be reunified." Otherwise, how can his hopes be fulfilled?

2013.06.14 04:19 am













Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wu Poh-hsiung's Critical Mission: Initiate KMT-CCP Political Dialogue

Wu Poh-hsiung's Critical Mission: Initiate KMT-CCP Political Dialogue
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
June 13, 2013

Summary: Ma Ying-jeou recently met with Wu Poh-hsiung and a KMT delegation preparing for a mission to the Mainland. Honorary KMT Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung's mission was clearly being given an official imprimateur. These moves informed Beijing that the Republic of China government was officially authorizing the KMT delegation to speak on its behalf. Whatever their content, these talks will be of landmark significance.

Full Text below:

On April 21, reporters asked President Ma Ying-jeou about the possibility of cross-Strait political dialogue. Ma said Beijing "sought progress amidst stability," and would not pressure Taipei. Ma said for Taipei to engage in political dialogue with Beijing was premature. "There is still no consensus. Therefore why the rush?" He said "While negotiating the past 18 agreements, we invariably encountered political problems. But we resolved every one of them. If we made a special effort to engage in political dialogue, what would we talk about?"

With these remarks still ringing in our ears, Ma Ying-jeou recently met with Wu Poh-hsiung and a KMT delegation preparing for a mission to the Mainland. The meeting was deliberately held at the Presidential Palace. News of the meeting was deliberately supplied to the media. Ma said he hoped the mission would be successful and achieve its purpose. Honorary KMT Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung's mission was clearly being given an official imprimateur. These moves informed Beijing that the Republic of China government was officially authorizing the KMT delegation to speak on its behalf. Therefore Wu Poh-hsiung's visit should be considered the first ever political contact between Taipei and Beijing. Wu Poh-hsiung's dialogue with Beijing's top officials, including General Secretary Xi Jinping, should be considered the first ever official and public political dialogue. Whatever their content, these talks will be of landmark significance.

According to media reports, the scope of the dialogue will include cross-Strait relations, cross-Strait exchanges, follow-up negotiations on ECFA, and the ARATS-SEF establishment of representative offices. The two sides are expected to discuss whether the KMT and CCP should address politically-related issues in the latter half of the year. Closer scrutiny reveaks that some of these reports are true, while some are false. Leave aside the false reports for the moment. The reports of "future cross-Strait relations," and the reports that the KMT and CCP will discuss "politically-related issues during the latter half of the year" are true. We know this because the Mainland Affairs Council only deals with practical matters. Issues such as "future cross-Strait relations," and "KMT-CCP cross-Strait political dialogue" are issues under the Presidential Office's purvue. The real issue Ma Ying-jeou is addressing, is how the two sides can bridge the gap across the Strait, and how the two parties can establish political contacts and begin political dialogue. That is why when President Ma Ying-jeou met with Wu Poh-hsiung, he thrice stressed that, "Cross-Strait relations are not state to state relations."

Take the "cross-Strait establishment of representative offices" as an example. Ma feels this has "very real political implications," that are important to cross-Strait relations. As Ma reiterated, "The relationship between the two sides is not a state to state relationship," because under the framework of the ROC Constitution, "The Mainland cannot be characterized as a state." Therefore, the representative offices the two sides establish will not be "embassies." This is an extremely sensitive issue on Taiwan. The wording is critical in any cross-Strait political statement. The political opposition must also base any such statements on the ROC Constitution. This reaffirms our own constitution. This also reassures the other side. Upholding our own constitution responds to a statement by the CCP late last July. The CCP spoke of a "one China framework." It said "The core issue is that the Mainland and Taiwan both belong to the same country. Cross-Strait relations are not relations between different countries. The two sides should begin by reaffirming their existing legal provisions. They should reaffirm these as objective facts. They should establish a shared perception. On this basis, they should uphold and reaffirm the framework of one China." Therefore when Wu Poh-hsiung dialogues with Beijing regarding "future cross-Strait relations," the terms of the dialogue will be even clearer.

Ma Ying-jeou also recalled the events of 2008. Five years ago Wu Poh-hsiung led a delegation to the Mainland. a mere 10 days after his inauguration. He met with top CCP leaders and established a future direction for cross-Strait relations. This was a major contribution to cross-Strait relations. Ma Ying-jeou wished Wu Poh-hsiung a successful mission. He hoped Wu would bring back good news.

All this underscores the importance of Wu Poh-hsiung's mission. It is kick-starting cross-Strait ruling party political dialogue. A member of the delegation, former National Security Council Secretary-General Su Chi, said it was only natural that political dialogue would begin with the private sector. This was the case with negotiations over direct cross-Strait flights. "First let people to people talks yield results. Then when the time is ripe, let the government take over."

Let us evaluate the larger international picture. Let us predict the impact on the rest of Asia. Ma Ying-jeou's decision is correct. He summoned up the courage and finally took this step, one clearly crucial to the healthy and rational development of cross-Strait relations. We would like to offer the following reminders.

One. Is Ma Ying-jeou serious about cross-Strait political dialogue? If he is, political negotiations demand mental clarity. Is a policy conducive to Taiwan's development? If it is, then he must demonstrate the same courage he had when promoting ECFA. He must mobilize the government and community leaders to influence public opinion. He must focus his energy and resources to promote its implementation, to reassure the public, and to reduce opposition. He must not give up halfway. That would both destroy public support, and undermine cross-Strait relations.

Two. Ma must not use "political dialogue between the two parties" as bait, as a bargaining chip to benefit special interests. Genuine political dialogue to promote cross-Strait relations is essential. Otherwise, one may invoke public opinion on Taiwan. But if one returns to the same old populist demagoguery, then one will forfeit the moral high ground, and doom Taiwan to isolation.

Three. When promoting change, pressure and criticism are inevitable. Reducing such pressure requires honest communication, openness, and transparency. It requires making a distinction between President Ma and Chairman Ma. It requires reanimating the spirit of the Kuomintang. It requires offering Taiwan and the Chinese nation a strategic plan. Doing so will provide Beijing with a clear response, and demonstrate the government's tactical aptitude. It will reaffirm Taiwan's value and ensure the people's well-being. It will ensure that the public and the party back the government's efforts to improve cross-Strait relations.

中時電子報 新聞
中國時報  2013.06.13
社論-吳伯雄任重道遠 開啟兩黨政治對話









