China Times Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
September 9, 2015
Executive Summary: Taiwan politics remains mired in vicious partisan power struggles detested by voters. Last year during the nine in one elections, deep green candidate Ko Wen-je vowed to "end blue vs. green partisanship". Taipei voters liked what they heard, and voted him into office. Next year's presidential election is fast approaching. KMT nominee Hung Shiu-chu recently went into self-imposed isolation. Upon emerging, she also called for an end to blue vs. green partisanship. Not to be outdone, Tsai Ing-wen hastily proclaimed that "The era of distinguishing friend from foe is over!" One after another, the candidates have grabbed the headlines. But are their slogans nothing more than temporary expedients? Or is something new actually taking place? Alas it was not to be. Even as Tsai Ing-wen uttered her words, the green camp was waging an all out campaign against Lien Chan. Even a statue of Lien Chan's grandfather, Lien Heng, located in Tainan, was smeared with red paint, all to “distinguish friend from foe”. Many sensed enmity on the rise. Tsai Ing-wen, apparently, is the only one who imagines that this era is over.
Full Text Below:
Taiwan politics remains mired in vicious partisan power struggles detested by voters. Last year during the nine in one elections, deep green candidate Ko Wen-je vowed to "end blue vs. green partisanship". Taipei voters liked what they heard, and voted him into office. Next year's presidential election is fast approaching. KMT nominee Hung Shiu-chu recently went into self-imposed isolation. Upon emerging, she also called for an end to blue vs. green partisanship. Not to be outdone, Tsai Ing-wen hastily proclaimed that "The era of distinguishing friend from foe is over!" One after another, the candidates have grabbed the headlines. But are their slogans nothing more than temporary expedients? Or is something new actually taking place? Alas it was not to be. Even as Tsai Ing-wen uttered her words, the green camp was waging an all out campaign against Lien Chan. Even a statue of Lien Chan's grandfather, Lien Heng, located in Tainan, was smeared with red paint, all to “distinguish friend from foe”. Many sensed enmity on the rise. Tsai Ing-wen, apparently, is the only one who imagines that this era is over.
The gap between rhetoric and reality is our greatest concern. Many remember when Chen Shui-bian trumpeted his "five noes" and "raise our standards" rhetoric. What was the result? Once Chen Shui-bian was firmly ensconced in the presidential palace, cross-Strait relations were soon strained to the limit. Washington and Beijing were forced to step in and provide “adult supervision” over Taiwan. Meanwhile the "Cape 700 Million" Chen embezzled torpedoed the green camp. In 2008, green camp presidential candidate Frank Hsieh trumpeted "reconciliation and symbiosis" even as he enaged in McCarthyite tactics that “distinguished friend from foe”. As we can clearly see, it is relatively easy to talk the talk, but considerably harder to walk the walk.
This is especially true given currently trendy "military parade" political analysis. What is green camp political demagoguery, if not "distinguishing friend from foe" thought? Who participated? Who attended? Everyone has been dragged out and subjected to Cultural Revolution "struggle sessions". Lien Chan is of course bearing the brunt of the attacks. Who cares that he dedicated years of hard work to ensuring peaceful cross-Strait exchanges? Assassination of his character knows no bounds. Even his ancestors have been exhumed and subjected to attacks. Clearly the "era of distinguishing friend from foe" is far from over. When Lee Teng-hui gave a mawkish Japanophile speech, Tsai Ing-wen stressed the need for "tolerance". But when her comrades surrounded Lien Chan and piled on him, she remained silent. Does she really not distinguish between friend and foe?
It is bad enough that her sloganeering is applied inconsistently in order to attack opponents. Even more worrisome is the prospect of such sloganeering applied to policy. That is truly frightening. For example, when Tsai Ing-wen speaks to business leaders, she promises that upon her election Taiwan will not want for electricity. But her own comrades in DPP ruled municipalities and counties forbid the burning of bituminous coal. Yesterday in Yunlin, she rejected the announcement issue by the central government Environmental Protection Bureau. She then ran off to the Number Four Nuclear Power Plant to protest. Never mind that the plant has already been mothballed. Green camp candidates oppose both nuclear power and thermal power generation. These self-styled energy experts do not worry about the lack of electricity. Taipower intends to save itself by building power plants. After all, what if Tsai Ing-wen's "guarantees" turn out to be mere slogans?
The impact of Tsai's thinking on cross-Strait policy is even more frightening. Regarding key issues such as the 1992 Consensus, Tsai Ing-wen has been deliberately vague. She has been ducking all questions on the assumption that can win the election lying down. So why risk taking a stand on the issues? In order to deceive voters, Tsai is intentionally or unintentionally spreading rumors. They include the rumor that Uncle Sammy has decided to back Little Tsai, or that Tsai already has a direct pipeline to the leaders in Beijing. These rumors are made to sound real. Meanwhile green camp standard-bearers and talking heads insist that "The 1992 Consensus does not even exist". Their ultimate argument of course is that "In any event, once we have been elected, Beijing will have no choice but to deal with us". This boast alarms people the most.
Zhang Nianchi is a veteran analyst of cross-Strait relations at Shanghai's East Asia Institute. Zhang recently published a guest editorial saying that "He hopes that Tsai Ing-wen actually has a direct pipeline to the leaders in Beijing... ". Zhang mentioned a conversation he had with a DPP leader whom he later quoted. Zhang expressed incredulity at the DPP leader's flagrant self-deception. He expressed shock at the extent to which the DPP leader actually believed his own lies. These lies include the claim that as long as the DPP returns to power, the Mainland will "resign itself" to the ruling party change and "cozy up" to it. These lies include the claim that as long as the US sides with the DPP, the Mainland will have no choice but acquiesce. Zhang Nianchi dismissed all these claims as outright lies. Assuming Zhang Nianchi's remarks reflect the thinking of Mainland leaders, this is not merely disturbing, but downright frightening.
Much of what Tsai Ing-wen says sounds fine. But after offering her vision, Tsai evades questions about how she intends to achieve it. After spouting high-minded rhetoric, her comrades violate every precept she advocated. After advocating cross-Strait peace, she categorically repudiates the basis for it, the 1992 Consensus. After trumpeting "the end of the us vs. them era", her comrades promplty incite "us vs. them" hatred.
2015年09月09日 中國時報
台灣政治陷入政黨惡鬥令選民生厭,去年九合一選舉, 墨綠的柯文哲以「終結藍綠」為訴求,獲得台北市民認同而勝選。 明年的總統大選,國民黨提名候選人洪秀柱閉關自省後,也提出要「 終結藍綠」,接著蔡英文也喊出「區分敵我的時代過去了」! 一來一往之間縱然都搏到了媒體的版面, 但其究竟只是臨時生產的口號?還是一種正在發生的實踐? 恐怕落差是很大的,畢竟就在蔡英文喊出這句話的同時, 綠營上下正在無所不用其極的圍剿連戰, 甚至連戰祖父連橫在台南的銅像還被發現遭人抹上紅漆, 區分敵我之別的氛圍,許多人都嗅出正在升高, 好像只有蔡英文認為己經「過去了」!
口號與實踐的落差,是我們最擔心的事!相信許多人都還清楚記得, 陳水扁當年曾高聲倡議過的「四不一沒有」、「向上提升」……, 結果如何呢?陳水扁在總統任內將兩岸關係繃緊到極致, 逼得美中出面共管台灣,而他的「海角七億」, 更是讓綠色執政一併向下沉淪;2008年代表綠營參選總統的謝長 廷,一面高倡「和解共生」,另一面卻盡其所能的藉由「抹紅」 區分敵我!這清楚說明了一點,喊口號容易, 實踐卻永遠是另一回事!
特別是目前尚在延燒的「閱兵」政治學,依綠營熱烈炒作的方式, 不正就是典型的「區分敵我」工程?誰有參加?誰有出席? 被抓到全被拿出來批鬥,連戰當然更是首當其衝, 他這些年致力兩岸和平交流的辛勞全無人理會, 對他的批鬥卻是一路無限上綱,甚至連他的先祖都遭受波及, 這般的「區分敵我」操作,實在看不出來已經「過去了」! 蔡英文面對李登輝的媚日言論,強調要「包容」, 對連戰遭到她黨內同志以「敵我」的規格加以圍剿,卻是一語不發, 難道她的「區分敵我」,是有選擇性的?
令人更擔心是,這種口號與實踐不一致,如果只是用來打擊對手, 也就罷了,怕的是如果在政策上也這樣,那就令人驚懼了! 就好像她一面向企業大老保證,她當選後台灣絕不缺電, 但她自己政黨同志執政的地方縣市,正在紛紛禁燒生煤, 就在日昨雲林還公開抵制中央環保署的宣告, 再加上就算核四都已封存, 三不五時還是有綠營候選人跑到核四現場去造勢, 如此既反核又禁媒,能源專家莫不擔心缺電, 台積電有意自立救濟蓋電廠,蔡英文的「保證」,萬一只是口號呢?
兩岸政策更是令人害怕!要知道,迄今為止在關鍵議題的表述上, 特別是針對「九二共識」的立場,蔡英文一直都很模糊, 也一直都在迴避,她或許認為反正躺著都會當選, 何必要在這些問題上表態?但為了唬弄選民, 又有意無意釋出一些耳語訊息, 例如什麼美國老大哥這回已決定挺小英, 蔡與北京高層早有直通管道等等,講得跟真的一樣; 另一面若干綠營旗手與名嘴卻依舊高倡「九二共識根本不存在」論, 說到最後還是那句話,「反正只要我當選,北京就非得跟我打交道」 ,而也就是這句話,讓人聽得特別不安!
大陸資深兩岸問題評論家,上海東亞研究所所長章念馳投書媒體〈 希望蔡英文真有直通北京管道…〉, 文中提到他與一位民進黨人士的一段對話, 章念馳在引述這位民進黨人士的若干論述之後, 接著毫不掩飾他對民進黨自我欺騙的驚訝!他的驚訝在於, 民進黨竟然相信自己製造的煙幕,例如,民進黨只要執政, 大陸必會「迎合」變化,就會對民進黨「靠過來」;再如, 只要美國站在民進黨這一邊,大陸就會無可奈何等等。 但章念馳坦率指出,這些根本全都是謊言!如果章念馳的論點, 反映了大陸高層的觀念,那就不只是讓人不安,還讓人有點害怕了!
不諱言,蔡英文的許多政治語言,都說得很漂亮,但願景提出後, 卻迴避要怎麼做,口號展現了她的高度,但同志在實際作為上, 卻努力與之「背反」,她高倡兩岸和平對話, 卻全盤否定維持這種和平交流的「九二共識」;她高倡「區分敵我」 已過去,她的同志卻還在挑出敵人鬥倒鬥臭呢!
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