Sunday, February 24, 2013

Two Cannots and One Must Not

Two Cannots and One Must Not
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
February 20, 2013

Summary: Can the Lien-Xi Summit discuss and explore cross-strait political relations under special circumstances in which the two sides have yet to be reunified? Can it make fair and reasonable arrangements? Hopefully the two sides will consult this newspaper's "big roof concept of China." This concept is fully consistent with the aforementioned four conditions: "yet to be reunified, special circumstances, political relations, fair and reasonable." It also falls entirely within the scope of one China.

Full Text below:

Today, just before Lien Chan and Xi Jinping met each other, let us consider what the future of cross-Strait relations might be.

As we see it, the two sides are constrained by "Two Cannots" and one "Must Not." The Taiwan side is constrained by Two Cannots. 1. Taiwan independence cannot succeed. Taiwan independence is impossible. Therefore Taiwan independence is not an option. 2. The Republic of China cannot exercise authority over Mainland China. It cannot realistically assert that it is the sole authority over all China. If it attempts to do so, it could end up devoured by the People's Republic of China. The Mainland side is constrained by One Must Not. Even if it can to eliminate the Republic of China by force, consider the price it paid for the June 4 Tiananmen Square Incident. If Beijing actually eradicated the Republic of China by force, the political price would be inestimable.

Take the Two Cannots. The public on Taiwan and the Republic of China government must find a way to be part of one China. Take the One Must Not. Beijing must adopt peaceful means when dealing with the Republic of China. The main test for peace is democracy. In other words, Beijing must not use force to eliminate the Republic of China. It must adopt inclusive democratic means to deal with and coexist with the ROC.

The Two Cannots and the One Must Not are preconditions. That is why the Chinese Communist Party 18th Party Congress concluded that it must "evaluate the special circumstances under the two sides have yet to be reunified, and make fair and reasonable arrangements." In this, it demonstrated considerable vision. It must first make fair and reasonable arrangements in response to special circumstances in which the two sides have yet to be reunified. Otherwise how can it champion fair and reasonable reunification? How can it persude people to accept reunificaton?

Beijing advocates reunification. But it must not use force to eliminate the Republic of China. It must use democratic means to deal with special, yet to be reunified, cross-Strait circumstances. In other words, it must acknowledge the special circumstances under which the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China coexist, side by side. It must attempt to establish a framework for cross-Strait political relations under special circumstances in which the two sides have yet to be reunified. It must persuade people on Taiwan to agree that the Republic of China is part of China, under special circumstances in which the two sides have yet to be reunifed. Otherwise how can Beijing persuade people on Taiwan to think of themselves as Chinese. How can they speak of reunification?

Conversely, many on Taiwan are terrified to discuss reunification. But the matter of reunification will not go away merely because they are afraid and avoid it. The public on Taiwan cannot wish away the matter of reunification. They must seek instead to manage and moderate the reunification process. They must not evade the issue of one China. They should seek a foothold for the Republic of China within the scope of one China. The public on Taiwan avoids discussion of cross-Strait political relations. But they would be better advised to actively set conditions for cross-Strait political relations. In other words, they should seek to establish fair and reasonable cross-Strait political relations under special circumstances in which the two sides have yet to be reunified. Such political relations would of course recognize the Republic of China. Otherwise, how could they be fair and reasonable?

Beijing has made cross-Strait political relations under special circumstances in which the two sides have yet to be reunified its official cross-Strait policy. It realizes that no resolution to cross-Strait relations is possible in the near term. It realizes that no resolution can be achieved by force or by political and economic coercion. Therefore the two sides must adopt a long-term perspective. They must acknowledge the reality of special circumstances, and seek to establish fair and reasonable political relations, as a framework for cross-Strait peace and stability in the interim. In other words, the focus of cross-Strait policy should shift from far off goal of reunification, to the long term process of reunification. .

Beijing opposes Taiwan independence under special circumstances in which the two sides have yet to be reunified. But it cannot deny the existence of the Republic of China. The Republic of China is not Taiwan independence. The Republic of China is China. It is also a republic. The Republic of China opposes forcible or undemocratic reunification. Therefore it must seek fair and reasonable cross-Strait political relations under special circumstance in which the two sides have yet to be reunified. It should seek to manage and moderate the reunification process. The ROC must seize the bully pulpit and set the agenda. It must establish fair and reasonable political relations under special circumstances in which the two sides have yet to be reunified. Otherwise that agenda will be set by someone else.

Can the Lien-Xi Summit discuss and explore cross-strait political relations under special circumstances in which the two sides have yet to be reunified? Can it make fair and reasonable arrangements? Hopefully the two sides will consult this newspaper's "big roof concept of China." This concept is fully consistent with the aforementioned four conditions: "yet to be reunified, special circumstances, political relations, fair and reasonable." It also falls entirely within the scope of one China.

The big roof concept of China means that under a big roof China, the Republic of China is democratic China, while the People's Republic of China is socialist China. Both are part of China. Both belong to a big roof concept of China whose sovereignty is shared and unified.

2013.02.25 03:03 am











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