Monday, June 15, 2015

Beijing Should Affirm Hung Hsiu-chu's Cross-Strait Policy

Beijing Should Affirm Hung Hsiu-chu's Cross-Strait Policy
China Times Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
June 15, 2015

Executive Summary: Hung Hsiu-chu has passed the KMT's preliminary candidate poll. She is about to become the KMT presidential candidate. She advocates a "one China, one interpretation" stance that affirms the two sides' political status. She advocates a peace agreement to ensure cross-Strait peace. Early on in the primaries, she published a document entitled, "Hung Hsiu-chu: Discourse on Cross-Strait Politics", laying out her proposals, clearly and responsibly, in black ink on white paper for the world to see. This shows that a peace agreement is the main plank in her campaign platform.

Full Text Below:

Hung Hsiu-chu has passed the KMT's preliminary candidate poll. She is about to become the KMT presidential candidate. She advocates a "one China, one interpretation" stance that affirms the two sides' political status. She advocates a peace agreement to ensure cross-Strait peace. Early on in the primaries, she published a document entitled, "Hung Hsiu-chu: Discourse on Cross-Strait Politics", laying out her proposals, clearly and responsibly, in black ink on white paper for the world to see. This shows that a peace agreement is the main plank in her campaign platform.

Hung Hsiu-chu's cross-Strait policy announcement elicted two different reactions. Some applauded Hung Hsiu-chu, saying she had the courage to confront the core issues in cross-Strait relations and propose solutions. They said Hung Hsiu-chu transcended Ma Ying-jeou's timid "no [immediate] reunification, no Taiwan independence, no use of force" stance. Others asked, "What is one China?", and "What are cross-Strait relations?". They said the core issue requires "one interpretation" rather than "different interpretations."

Hung Hsiu-chu's stance on the Republic of China is crystal clear. It reveals Tsai Ing-wen's "backdoor listing" of the ROC constitutional system for what it is, rhetorical deception. Hung upholds our sovereignty over the South China Sea islands inside the 11 Dotted Line. She has sided with Beijing in its dispute with Washington over the South China Sea.

DPP members and KMT supporters of Wang Jin-pying have begun red-baiting Hung Hsiu-chu. They are accusing her of provoking internal strife in order to win the primaries, of reigniting struggles over ethnic identity and reunification vs. independence, of standing outside "mainstream Taiwanese society". They are condemning Hung Hsiu-chu for advocating "eventual reunification". They say her stance cannot win the approval of the public on Taiwan. They say she will become a sinner against history who destroyed the Kuomintang.

These boos and catcalls have a source. Taiwan was under the thumb of Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian for nearly 20 years. Their separatist view of history characterized the Mainland as "the other". Their indoctrination of the public was relentless and uninterrupted. Ma Ying-jeou came to office in 2008. He promoted cross-Strait exchanges, but did almost nothing to reaffirm the two sides' shared identity. As a result the gap between the two sides widened, until it was even wider than it had been under Chen Shui-bian.

Ma government timidity led to today's plight, where no one on Taiwan has the courage to discuss political identity and a peace agreement. Most people ar terrified of red-baiting. At most they timidly invoke the 1992 consensus, "maintaining the status quo", or "different interpretations". They dare not go beyond. They know if they do, they will be roundly condemned and may lose their election campaigns. This self-censorship has resulted in blue camp evasion to avoid red-baiting. It has made it easy for opponents of Hung Hsiu-chu to accuse her of being a "Communist sympathizer".

The key plank in Hung Hsiu-chu's campaign platform is the signing of a peace agreement. This is of enormous significance for the future of cross-Strait relations. If Hung is successful, the two sides will be forced to confront this serious issue. If she fails, or is successfully tarred with a red brush during the campaign, a cross-Strait peace agreement will be impossible, and will not become part of rational political dialogue on Taiwan.

If that happens, no politician on Taiwan will ever have the courage to mention a peace agreement again. Any discussion of a peace agreement would be excluded from political dialogue. The two sides will never enjoy a stable political framework, and will continue to be pawns of US East Asian strategy.

The content of Hung Hsiu-chu's One China, One Interpretation policy is crystal clear. In terms of sovereignty, One China does not refer to either side. It means that the two sides combined equal China as a whole. According to the two sides' constitutions, their declared sovereignty overlaps. In terms of jurisdiction, the two sides both claim constitutional and political authority over all of China, and are equal but separate from each other.

Put simply, Hung Hsiu-chu's cross-strait peace agreement includes ensuring undivided sovereignty over the whole of China. But both sides must accept each others' constitutional and political authority.

The ROC government is not merely a legal reality. It is also a political reality. This is a central reality that ruling and opposition parties in Taipei cannot deny. One China, Undivided Sovereignty is Beijing's bottom line. Hung Hsiu-chu's bottom line is One China, One Interpretation. It will enable the two sides to accept each other's core values, and will be an importan factor in the signing of a cross-Strait peace agreement.

Beijing must now ask itself what it wants to do. Will it stand by and watch as Hung Hsiu-chu struggles alone? Or will it seize this rare opportunity to respond appropriately? It all depends on Beijing.


2015-6-15 中國時報













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