Wealth Gap in the USA: A Warning for the ROC
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 31, 2012
Summary: George Soros and Warren Buffett have persuaded hundreds of wealthy individuals to participate in a patriotic millionaires tax increase program. Hopefully tycoons and entrepreneurs on Taiwan will show similar boldness and responsibility. The wealthy should pay more in taxes. Corporations should pay employees more in salaries. They should immediately reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. They should provide additional fuel for tomorrow's economic recovery.
Full Text below:
The U.S. presidential election looms. Americans are about to go to the polls. The main reason the candidates election prospects remain in a state of flux is the economic situation. The economy has tanked. Trade and budget deficits have ballooned. The wealth gap has widened. These facts are highly detrimental to the election prospects of the incumbent. The most serious problem is the gap between the rich and the poor. The problem did not arise overnight. But its consequences have been tearing the United States apart, and will continue doing so into the future. This issue is far more important than who will inhabit the White House. As we hold a mirror up to the U.S., we see how similar the situation is on Taiwan. We have no choice but to be more vigilant.
The wealthiest one percent in the United States owns 40% of the nation's wealth. Over the past three decades, the incomes of the wealthiest one percent of Americans have doubled. The assets of the wealthiest 0.1 percent of Americans have doubled. The income of the middle class on the other hand, has remained stagnant. The American Dream, with its emphasis on class mobility, in which everyone has the opportunity to succeed, has become a myth.
The United States has the most inequality of any nation on earth. People with insight, such as Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, have warned that if the government allows the gap between the rich and the poor to increase, America will become a divided society. It will resemble the economies of the Third World. The problem of unequal distribution of wealth will eventually lead to a reaction against the rich.
Inequality in America has been increasing for decades. The increase in inequality began with the Reagan administration, when it loosened controls on the financial sector. It originated with the decline of the progressive tax system. Reagan's successors continued along the same path. As a result, today's richest one percent pay only 15 percent in income taxes. Their average tax rate is far lower than for middle-income earners. Also, the capital gains tax rate is lower than the payroll tax rate. So-called capital gains are often windfall profits. In other words, the U.S. tax system helps the rich make more money. It hinders the middle and lower classes in their attempt to earn money.
When wealthy conglomerates make money, they scream that government regulations should be relaxed. But during a depression or recession, they call upon the government for relief. This is truly a case of "privatizing the profits while socializing the losses." It is the epitome of injustice.
Now consider Taiwan. In recent years, the gap between the rich and the poor has been widening. Widespread unemployment, including unpaid leave, involuntary part time employment is common. People on Taiwan have yet to join Occupy Wall Street type movements. The rich and the poor have yet to clash head on. But if the problem is not addressed today, we will regret it tomorrow.
Narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor is a problem with many facets. This article will not try to address them all. But we urge the government to reform the tax system. We urge businesses to increase salaries. Help yourself by helping others.
Taxes account for only 12 percent of the ROC's GDP. This is far lower than the United States and Europe. It is also lower than South Korea. The USA boasts that it is the showcase of capitalism. Yet its income tax to GDP ratio is higher than the ROC's, which pursues the Three Peoples Principles. Now consider the ROK. Its economic structure and development pattern is similar to the ROC's. Before 1995, the South Korean income tax to GDP ratio was lower than the ROC's. In 1996, the situation was reversed. The South Korean government imposed a higher income tax to GDP ratio. The world was impressed with its boldness. By contrast, the ROC government, with its low income tax to GDP ratio, seems indecisive, inadequate.
ROC tax rates are low and getting even lower. This may have something to do with frequent elections. Political parties compete for votes by promising tax cuts. The government fails to balance its powers and responsibilities with social justice. Quadrennial elections began in 1996. This matches the cycle of declines in tax ratios. It gets worse. Taxation of income has a redistributive effect. This effect should be greater than the effect of government wealth transfers. But in recent years, income redistribution on Taiwan has relied mostly on government transfer payments, rather than taxes. Under democracy, issuing money is easy, raising taxes is difficult.
The capital gains tax will not take effect until New Year's Day next year. Recently legislators proposed merging it into stock transaction taxes. Their pretext was the lackluster stock market and the downturn in the economy. But large numbers of families are unemployed. Anyone still able to invest in the stock market is among the lucky ones. The level of taxation is unrelated to prosperity and competitiveness. Consider the high tax rates in the Nordic countries. Their economies remain vital. The gap between the rich and the poor remains small. Addressing unemployment is more urgent and more essential than adjusting capital gains tax rates. After all, the capital gains tax has yet to be imposed. The Ministry of Finance has finally managed to get the capital gains tax passed. It must not be abandoned.
Business owners must take the long view. They must take the initiative to reduce profits and increase employee salaries. This will motivate staff productivity. It will also increase domestic demand. Many years ago U.S. auto magnate Henry Ford paid employees higher salaries to inspire them to work harder and enable them to buy Ford automobiles.
George Soros and Warren Buffett have persuaded hundreds of wealthy individuals to participate in a patriotic millionaires tax increase program. They said, “Our country has been good to us. It provided a foundation through which we could succeed. Now, we want to do our part to keep that foundation strong so that others can succeed as we have.”
Hopefully tycoons and entrepreneurs on Taiwan will show similar boldness and responsibility. The wealthy should pay more in taxes. Corporations should pay employees more in salaries. They should immediately reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. They should provide additional fuel for tomorrow's economic recovery.
中時電子報 新聞
中國時報 2012.10.31
美國已成先進國家中最不均者。有識之士如諾貝爾得主史提格里茲(Joseph Stiglitz),早就警告當局若任由貧富矛盾激化,美國將走向分裂社會,且與第三世界經濟體愈趨相似,貧富不均問題終將對富人造成反噬。
從臺北看天下 . chinese language newspaper editorials . translated by bevin chu . no endorsement of the editorials should be inferred
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
A Storm-Tossed U.S. Presidential Race
A Storm-Tossed U.S. Presidential Race
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 30, 2012
Summary: An October Surprise has finally debuted, just before the end of the month. But it is neither a war, nor a scandal. Instead, it is a hurricane -- Hurricane Sandy -- headed directly toward the South, the Eastern seaboard, and parts of the Midwest, including several swing states that President Obama assumed were already in his pocket. It has added a wild card to an already tense election.
Full Text below:
An October Surprise has finally debuted, just before the end of the month. But it is neither a war, nor a scandal. Instead, it is a hurricane -- Hurricane Sandy -- headed directly toward the South, the Eastern seaboard, and parts of the Midwest, including several swing states that President Obama assumed were already in his pocket. It has added a wild card to an already tense election.
During an election year, most voters in the United States are concerned about economic issues. The Obama administration has yet to emerge from the 2008 global financial tsunami. The unemployment rate has reached 7.8%, and has become the biggest obstacle to Obama's re-election. Ever since the war, whenever the unemployment rate exceeded 7.5% during an election year, the incumbent has lost his bid for re-election. Over 23 million people cannot find jobs. Over 10 million people rely on food stamps to get by. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has invoked the same slogan as President Reagan. "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?" Naturally this is striking a chord.
The voters have given Obama a chance. Four years ago, he chanted, "Change. Yes, we can!" He stirred peoples' hearts. He became the first ever black president of the United States. But Obama failed to display the same leadership and charisma shown by President John F. Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis. Nor could he convince the Republican-led Congress to support the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the way President Bill Clinton did. The bad blood between Obama and the House of Representatives prevented him from winning over members of Congress. Therefore his economic policies, financial reforms, and education reforms all stalled in Congress.
But he has an even bigger problem. Even if Obama wins re-election, he must once again face a Republican-led House of Representatives. This means four years of battles between the White House and the House of Representatives. History will probably repeat itself. Liberal newspapers such as the Washington Post and the New York Times have endorsed Obama on issues ranging from tax reform, health insurance policy, diplomacy, and immigration laws. But they neglected to remind readers that Obama faces the same dilemma on Capitol Hill after re-election.
Some say the 2012 U.S. presidential election is a contest between a spokesman for the middle-class, and a corporate CEO. Obama comes from a modest background, but he has made it to the top of the heap. He is able to interact with voters. His election meant that even a black man can pursue the American Dream. His "Forward" slogan is not as resonant as it was four years ago. But according to a Washington Post/ABC poll, he has the support of 60% of all women voters. He has the support of black, Hispanic, and Asian voters. He is still favored to win. More importantly, most polls show the Democratic Party in control of more electoral votes in the 11 swing states.
By contrast, Romney is an entrepreneur who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He is distant from the people. But the companies he took over either turned around or doubled their profits. Do American voters agree that the country is moving in the wrong direction and needs a course change? If they do, he still has a fighting chance. Polls show 60% of the white vote supporting Romney. But the situation in the 11 swing states is not optimistic.
Does that mean Obama is a shoo-in? Not necessarily. Even these numbers may not be enough. In fact, the closer we come to election day, the more conservative election analysts and pundits get. They are no longer willing to come right out and say who will win the election.
Also, if polls determined the winner, Obama and Romney would not have to keep spending so much on "AirLand Battle Strategy." The two have been engaging in an air war on the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, TV, and radio. They have also been engaging in a ground war, mobilizing volunteers to go door to door. The amount they have raised has exceeded two billion U.S. dollars.
Finally, and most importantly, these are swing states. These states have a record of swinging back and forth. States that have swung one way in the past, are likely to swing another way in the future.
American voters seldom pay much attention to foreign policy. But the rise of Mainland China has become inseparable from the U.S. economy. Therefore, whether Beijing is "playing by the rules" and whether the United States should label Mainland China a "currency manipulator" became a theme in the third debate. Beijing has responded in a low keyed manner. Through backdoor channels, it sent a message to the two candidates. It also sent a message through other governments with close economic and trade ties with Mainland China. As a result, Obama and Romney cooled their rhetoric during the third debate. The world breathed a sigh of relief. As we can see, Beijing's influence is definitely growing.
Now consider Taipei's perspective. It matters not whether Obama or Romney is elected president. Any new development in US-China relations is likely to pose a major challenge to the Ma Ying-jeou government. ROC Representative to the US King Pu-tsung, National Security Council Secretary General Yuan Chien-sheng, and Secretary General of the Office of the President Timothy Yang, stand on the front lines. They and others must work together. They must ensure that the "iron triangle" President Ma proposed remains intact over the coming years.
有人說,二○一二年美國總統選舉是中產階級代言人與CEO(執行長)之爭。的確,歐巴馬是一位出身不高卻力爭上游的成功者,而且能與選民互動並打成一片。他代表著即使是一位黑人也能追逐美國夢。儘管這次他提出「往前行」 (Forward)顯然沒有四年前的口號響亮,但是,根據《華盛頓郵報》與「美國廣播公司」(ABC)的民調,他擁有六○%女性選民的支持,在黑人、西裔、亞裔選民之間,他也擁有較大的勝算。更重要的是,十一個搖擺州的多數民調顯示,民主黨也掌控較多的選舉人票。
儘管外交政策議題向來不受美國選民重視,惟由於中國崛起已變成和美國經濟密不可分的重要因素;因此,北京是否「按規矩辦事」(play by rules) 與美國是否應宣布中國大陸為「匯率操控國」仍是第三場辯論的主軸之一。不過,一則北京低調以對,並透過管道傳話兩位候選人,二則北京也透過與大陸有密切經貿往來的國家與媒體發揮影響力,歐巴馬與羅姆尼在第三場辯論都降溫自制,讓全世界都鬆了一口氣。由此觀之,北京的影響力的確與日俱增。
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 30, 2012
Summary: An October Surprise has finally debuted, just before the end of the month. But it is neither a war, nor a scandal. Instead, it is a hurricane -- Hurricane Sandy -- headed directly toward the South, the Eastern seaboard, and parts of the Midwest, including several swing states that President Obama assumed were already in his pocket. It has added a wild card to an already tense election.
Full Text below:
An October Surprise has finally debuted, just before the end of the month. But it is neither a war, nor a scandal. Instead, it is a hurricane -- Hurricane Sandy -- headed directly toward the South, the Eastern seaboard, and parts of the Midwest, including several swing states that President Obama assumed were already in his pocket. It has added a wild card to an already tense election.
During an election year, most voters in the United States are concerned about economic issues. The Obama administration has yet to emerge from the 2008 global financial tsunami. The unemployment rate has reached 7.8%, and has become the biggest obstacle to Obama's re-election. Ever since the war, whenever the unemployment rate exceeded 7.5% during an election year, the incumbent has lost his bid for re-election. Over 23 million people cannot find jobs. Over 10 million people rely on food stamps to get by. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has invoked the same slogan as President Reagan. "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?" Naturally this is striking a chord.
The voters have given Obama a chance. Four years ago, he chanted, "Change. Yes, we can!" He stirred peoples' hearts. He became the first ever black president of the United States. But Obama failed to display the same leadership and charisma shown by President John F. Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis. Nor could he convince the Republican-led Congress to support the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the way President Bill Clinton did. The bad blood between Obama and the House of Representatives prevented him from winning over members of Congress. Therefore his economic policies, financial reforms, and education reforms all stalled in Congress.
But he has an even bigger problem. Even if Obama wins re-election, he must once again face a Republican-led House of Representatives. This means four years of battles between the White House and the House of Representatives. History will probably repeat itself. Liberal newspapers such as the Washington Post and the New York Times have endorsed Obama on issues ranging from tax reform, health insurance policy, diplomacy, and immigration laws. But they neglected to remind readers that Obama faces the same dilemma on Capitol Hill after re-election.
Some say the 2012 U.S. presidential election is a contest between a spokesman for the middle-class, and a corporate CEO. Obama comes from a modest background, but he has made it to the top of the heap. He is able to interact with voters. His election meant that even a black man can pursue the American Dream. His "Forward" slogan is not as resonant as it was four years ago. But according to a Washington Post/ABC poll, he has the support of 60% of all women voters. He has the support of black, Hispanic, and Asian voters. He is still favored to win. More importantly, most polls show the Democratic Party in control of more electoral votes in the 11 swing states.
By contrast, Romney is an entrepreneur who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He is distant from the people. But the companies he took over either turned around or doubled their profits. Do American voters agree that the country is moving in the wrong direction and needs a course change? If they do, he still has a fighting chance. Polls show 60% of the white vote supporting Romney. But the situation in the 11 swing states is not optimistic.
Does that mean Obama is a shoo-in? Not necessarily. Even these numbers may not be enough. In fact, the closer we come to election day, the more conservative election analysts and pundits get. They are no longer willing to come right out and say who will win the election.
Also, if polls determined the winner, Obama and Romney would not have to keep spending so much on "AirLand Battle Strategy." The two have been engaging in an air war on the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, TV, and radio. They have also been engaging in a ground war, mobilizing volunteers to go door to door. The amount they have raised has exceeded two billion U.S. dollars.
Finally, and most importantly, these are swing states. These states have a record of swinging back and forth. States that have swung one way in the past, are likely to swing another way in the future.
American voters seldom pay much attention to foreign policy. But the rise of Mainland China has become inseparable from the U.S. economy. Therefore, whether Beijing is "playing by the rules" and whether the United States should label Mainland China a "currency manipulator" became a theme in the third debate. Beijing has responded in a low keyed manner. Through backdoor channels, it sent a message to the two candidates. It also sent a message through other governments with close economic and trade ties with Mainland China. As a result, Obama and Romney cooled their rhetoric during the third debate. The world breathed a sigh of relief. As we can see, Beijing's influence is definitely growing.
Now consider Taipei's perspective. It matters not whether Obama or Romney is elected president. Any new development in US-China relations is likely to pose a major challenge to the Ma Ying-jeou government. ROC Representative to the US King Pu-tsung, National Security Council Secretary General Yuan Chien-sheng, and Secretary General of the Office of the President Timothy Yang, stand on the front lines. They and others must work together. They must ensure that the "iron triangle" President Ma proposed remains intact over the coming years.
有人說,二○一二年美國總統選舉是中產階級代言人與CEO(執行長)之爭。的確,歐巴馬是一位出身不高卻力爭上游的成功者,而且能與選民互動並打成一片。他代表著即使是一位黑人也能追逐美國夢。儘管這次他提出「往前行」 (Forward)顯然沒有四年前的口號響亮,但是,根據《華盛頓郵報》與「美國廣播公司」(ABC)的民調,他擁有六○%女性選民的支持,在黑人、西裔、亞裔選民之間,他也擁有較大的勝算。更重要的是,十一個搖擺州的多數民調顯示,民主黨也掌控較多的選舉人票。
儘管外交政策議題向來不受美國選民重視,惟由於中國崛起已變成和美國經濟密不可分的重要因素;因此,北京是否「按規矩辦事」(play by rules) 與美國是否應宣布中國大陸為「匯率操控國」仍是第三場辯論的主軸之一。不過,一則北京低調以對,並透過管道傳話兩位候選人,二則北京也透過與大陸有密切經貿往來的國家與媒體發揮影響力,歐巴馬與羅姆尼在第三場辯論都降溫自制,讓全世界都鬆了一口氣。由此觀之,北京的影響力的確與日俱增。
Monday, October 29, 2012
Civil Wars have No Heroes: Internal Conflict Prevents a Nation from Developing
Civil Wars have No Heroes:
Internal Conflict Prevents a Nation from Developing
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 27, 2012
Summary: Taiwan Retrocession Day was once a red letter day. One invoked deities, honored one's ancestors, held banquets, and received guests. The atmosphere was summed up in the verse, "wang shih guang fu tai wan re, jia ji wu wang gao nai ong." In other words, on such a day we must recall who recovered Taiwan; we must express gratitude to our elders. But since reunification vs. independence confrontations became the "norm," the importance of Taiwan Retrocession Day has been downplayed. This year this newspaper published a special edition discussing Taiwan Retrocesson Day. President Ma wrote a facebook post. Otherwise the public would have completely and utterly forgotten the special significance of October 25.
Full Text below:
Taiwan Retrocession Day was once a red letter day. One invoked deities, honored one's ancestors, held banquets, and received guests. The atmosphere was summed up in the verse, "wang shih guang fu tai wan re, jia ji wu wang gao nai ong." In other words, on such a day we must recall who recovered Taiwan; we must express gratitude to our elders. But since reunification vs. independence confrontations became the "norm," the importance of Taiwan Retrocession Day has been downplayed. This year this newspaper published a special edition discussing Taiwan Retrocesson Day. President Ma wrote a facebook post. Otherwise the public would have completely and utterly forgotten the special significance of October 25.
President Ma spoke in general terms about why Taiwanese have forgotten Taiwan Retrocession Day. He said it was because the Chinese Civil War never ended. President Ma "thanked the nation's men in arms for their sacrifice and dedication. Following Taiwan's retrocession they continued to defend Taiwan, build up Taiwan, and protect Taiwan. They enable us to live on Taiwan, to breath the air of freedom and democracy." What Mr. Ma said was correct as far as it went. But he deliberately avoided mentioning the full significance of the eight-year long War of Resistance against Japan, and the 50 year long struggle of Taiwan compatriots against Japanese colonial occupation.
When the Marco Polo Bridge Incident erupted, the Chinese people on the Mainland were being invaded, and their compatriots on Taiwan were enduring over four decades of Japanese colonial occupation. If the two groups still refused to resist the Japanese, the nation would perish, and they would become victims of genocide. Our forebears had powerful motives to resist the Japanese. It was not only to recover Taiwan. It was also to inspire a renaissance of the Chinese nation, and to ensure the survival of China's venerable culture. Resistance to Japanese colonialism was a shared reaction. It was all Chinese saying no to being abused by another people. Delinking Taiwan retrocession from China's modern history amounts to "contemplating the heavens from the bottom of a well." It also deludes later generations. During the Chiang Kai-shek era, the Black Cat and the Black Bat risked their lives to reunify and strengthen China. They were assuredly not, as today's propagandists would have us believe, concerned exclusively with defending Taiwan and sacrificing for Taiwan. They represented a tragic chapter in the Chinese Civil War. They were heroes who aspired to far more than just the defense of Taiwan.
Ma said, "The Diaoyutai Islands are liked Taiwan's children. In 1895 the Japanese invaded and abducted them. They were like newborn infants who were kidnapped soon after birth. Their names were forcibly changed. Japan's abduction of our flesh and blood has kept them apart from us for 50 years. Those stolen years cannot be reclaimed. For the moment the name remains changed. But the flesh and blood relationship remains an iron-clad fact, a fact of history that no one can change."
Diaoyutai and Taiwan are each others' flesh and blood. Yet they have been forcibly kept apart. But more than just Diaoyutai and Taiwan have been kept apart. Taiwan and the Chinese mainland have also been kept apart. Japan took Diaoyutai, an offshore island of Taiwan, from Taiwan. But Japan also took Taiwan, an offshore island of China, from China. President Ma spoke in generalities. He stressed only Diaoyutai's link to Taiwan. He refused to address Taiwan's link to the Mainland. This would never have happened before the advent of Taiwan independence.
We realize that in today's political climate, President Ma cannot spell out the situation too clearly. The two sides are still in an adversarial relationship. But this is why so many people on Taiwan are unwilling to negotiate a peace agreement with the Mainland based on the one China premise. This is why the de jure state of civil war cannot end. Many people on Taiwan still see the other side as the enemy, rather than as family. A divided sense of national allegiance, historical confusion, the Cold War, and the Chinese Civil War have all taken their toll. Mutual trust, mutual love, and a shared vision for the future have been lost.
Comb through history, and one will discover that many Taiwan independence advocates have prettified Japan's occupation of Taiwan. They were unhappy with early Kuomintang rule. They were subjected to years of anti-communist indoctrination. They witnessed the Communist Mainland's bungling during the Cultural Revolution. The desire of people on Taiwan for reunification has diminished greatly. But can we really throw the baby out with the bath water?
Famous Taiwanese writer Chen Ying-chen found himself in hot water as a result of his leftist ideology. He was imprisoned by a so-called "foreign regime" for seven years. He had good reason to hate the KMT. He had good reason to hate the Chinese Communist Party and Mainland China. He had good reason to champion Taiwan independence. Yet this victimized Taiwanese concluded instead that only Chinese reunification and progress could ameliorate the suffering of people on both sides of the Strait. When Chen was serving his sentence, foreigners came to his rescue. But Chen's father turned down their offers of help. He said the Chinese people's affairs should be handled by the Chinese people themselves. This father had extraordinary insight. When he visited his son in prison he said, "First you are a child of God. Then you are a child of China. Only then are you a child of mine."
Lin Shu-yang passed away a few days ago. He was imprisoned the longest of any political prisoner on Taiwan. This Taiwanese was ungrudgingly and unreservedly pro-reunification. His concern for the long-term growth of the nation, far exceeded any concern he had for his own suffering.
Consolidate national allegiance. Improve the political structure. Implement public policy. These are the Three Peoples Principles: National unity, civil rights, and the public weal. National allegiance is the foundation. Only when allegiance is consistent, can people share both the bitter and the sweet. Only on such a foundation can one construct a sound political structure. People speak of "ballots instead of bullets." But the necessary precondition is that people must perceive each other as members of the same nation, and as members of the same family. If their allegiances clash, if they are determined to fight to the death, how can democracy possibly flourish? Only within a sound political structure, can one hold rational discussions, and implement sound economic policy. Therefore one cannot shelve differences over national allegiance. They are even more pressing than issues of civil rights and the public weal.
China has endured a prolonged civil war. This has led alienation on both sides of the Strait. This has led to military confrontation as well as economic weakness. This has enabled the US and Japan to take advantage of our weakness. We must not repeat our folly. Only a return to the one China premise can restore reason to cross-Strait relations, and truly end the civil war. Only then can we end internal conflict. Only then can we live normal lives.
內戰沒有英雄 內耗無法發展
Internal Conflict Prevents a Nation from Developing
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 27, 2012
Summary: Taiwan Retrocession Day was once a red letter day. One invoked deities, honored one's ancestors, held banquets, and received guests. The atmosphere was summed up in the verse, "wang shih guang fu tai wan re, jia ji wu wang gao nai ong." In other words, on such a day we must recall who recovered Taiwan; we must express gratitude to our elders. But since reunification vs. independence confrontations became the "norm," the importance of Taiwan Retrocession Day has been downplayed. This year this newspaper published a special edition discussing Taiwan Retrocesson Day. President Ma wrote a facebook post. Otherwise the public would have completely and utterly forgotten the special significance of October 25.
Full Text below:
Taiwan Retrocession Day was once a red letter day. One invoked deities, honored one's ancestors, held banquets, and received guests. The atmosphere was summed up in the verse, "wang shih guang fu tai wan re, jia ji wu wang gao nai ong." In other words, on such a day we must recall who recovered Taiwan; we must express gratitude to our elders. But since reunification vs. independence confrontations became the "norm," the importance of Taiwan Retrocession Day has been downplayed. This year this newspaper published a special edition discussing Taiwan Retrocesson Day. President Ma wrote a facebook post. Otherwise the public would have completely and utterly forgotten the special significance of October 25.
President Ma spoke in general terms about why Taiwanese have forgotten Taiwan Retrocession Day. He said it was because the Chinese Civil War never ended. President Ma "thanked the nation's men in arms for their sacrifice and dedication. Following Taiwan's retrocession they continued to defend Taiwan, build up Taiwan, and protect Taiwan. They enable us to live on Taiwan, to breath the air of freedom and democracy." What Mr. Ma said was correct as far as it went. But he deliberately avoided mentioning the full significance of the eight-year long War of Resistance against Japan, and the 50 year long struggle of Taiwan compatriots against Japanese colonial occupation.
When the Marco Polo Bridge Incident erupted, the Chinese people on the Mainland were being invaded, and their compatriots on Taiwan were enduring over four decades of Japanese colonial occupation. If the two groups still refused to resist the Japanese, the nation would perish, and they would become victims of genocide. Our forebears had powerful motives to resist the Japanese. It was not only to recover Taiwan. It was also to inspire a renaissance of the Chinese nation, and to ensure the survival of China's venerable culture. Resistance to Japanese colonialism was a shared reaction. It was all Chinese saying no to being abused by another people. Delinking Taiwan retrocession from China's modern history amounts to "contemplating the heavens from the bottom of a well." It also deludes later generations. During the Chiang Kai-shek era, the Black Cat and the Black Bat risked their lives to reunify and strengthen China. They were assuredly not, as today's propagandists would have us believe, concerned exclusively with defending Taiwan and sacrificing for Taiwan. They represented a tragic chapter in the Chinese Civil War. They were heroes who aspired to far more than just the defense of Taiwan.
Ma said, "The Diaoyutai Islands are liked Taiwan's children. In 1895 the Japanese invaded and abducted them. They were like newborn infants who were kidnapped soon after birth. Their names were forcibly changed. Japan's abduction of our flesh and blood has kept them apart from us for 50 years. Those stolen years cannot be reclaimed. For the moment the name remains changed. But the flesh and blood relationship remains an iron-clad fact, a fact of history that no one can change."
Diaoyutai and Taiwan are each others' flesh and blood. Yet they have been forcibly kept apart. But more than just Diaoyutai and Taiwan have been kept apart. Taiwan and the Chinese mainland have also been kept apart. Japan took Diaoyutai, an offshore island of Taiwan, from Taiwan. But Japan also took Taiwan, an offshore island of China, from China. President Ma spoke in generalities. He stressed only Diaoyutai's link to Taiwan. He refused to address Taiwan's link to the Mainland. This would never have happened before the advent of Taiwan independence.
We realize that in today's political climate, President Ma cannot spell out the situation too clearly. The two sides are still in an adversarial relationship. But this is why so many people on Taiwan are unwilling to negotiate a peace agreement with the Mainland based on the one China premise. This is why the de jure state of civil war cannot end. Many people on Taiwan still see the other side as the enemy, rather than as family. A divided sense of national allegiance, historical confusion, the Cold War, and the Chinese Civil War have all taken their toll. Mutual trust, mutual love, and a shared vision for the future have been lost.
Comb through history, and one will discover that many Taiwan independence advocates have prettified Japan's occupation of Taiwan. They were unhappy with early Kuomintang rule. They were subjected to years of anti-communist indoctrination. They witnessed the Communist Mainland's bungling during the Cultural Revolution. The desire of people on Taiwan for reunification has diminished greatly. But can we really throw the baby out with the bath water?
Famous Taiwanese writer Chen Ying-chen found himself in hot water as a result of his leftist ideology. He was imprisoned by a so-called "foreign regime" for seven years. He had good reason to hate the KMT. He had good reason to hate the Chinese Communist Party and Mainland China. He had good reason to champion Taiwan independence. Yet this victimized Taiwanese concluded instead that only Chinese reunification and progress could ameliorate the suffering of people on both sides of the Strait. When Chen was serving his sentence, foreigners came to his rescue. But Chen's father turned down their offers of help. He said the Chinese people's affairs should be handled by the Chinese people themselves. This father had extraordinary insight. When he visited his son in prison he said, "First you are a child of God. Then you are a child of China. Only then are you a child of mine."
Lin Shu-yang passed away a few days ago. He was imprisoned the longest of any political prisoner on Taiwan. This Taiwanese was ungrudgingly and unreservedly pro-reunification. His concern for the long-term growth of the nation, far exceeded any concern he had for his own suffering.
Consolidate national allegiance. Improve the political structure. Implement public policy. These are the Three Peoples Principles: National unity, civil rights, and the public weal. National allegiance is the foundation. Only when allegiance is consistent, can people share both the bitter and the sweet. Only on such a foundation can one construct a sound political structure. People speak of "ballots instead of bullets." But the necessary precondition is that people must perceive each other as members of the same nation, and as members of the same family. If their allegiances clash, if they are determined to fight to the death, how can democracy possibly flourish? Only within a sound political structure, can one hold rational discussions, and implement sound economic policy. Therefore one cannot shelve differences over national allegiance. They are even more pressing than issues of civil rights and the public weal.
China has endured a prolonged civil war. This has led alienation on both sides of the Strait. This has led to military confrontation as well as economic weakness. This has enabled the US and Japan to take advantage of our weakness. We must not repeat our folly. Only a return to the one China premise can restore reason to cross-Strait relations, and truly end the civil war. Only then can we end internal conflict. Only then can we live normal lives.
內戰沒有英雄 內耗無法發展
Thursday, October 25, 2012
The Government Must Create a Friendlier Environment for Tourism
The Government Must Create a Friendlier Environment for Tourism
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 26, 2012
Summary: The global economy has experienced a downturn. Tourism revenue has eased the impact of Taiwan's diminished exports. Taiwan must improve its tourism environment. This will ensure long-term profitability. It will also promote Taiwan's attractions and values in the international community. This deserves our support. It is something government agencies should work harder to achieve.
Full text below:
Tourists from the Chinese mainland have flooded into Taiwan. This has led to a significant increase in tourism revenue in recent years. But recently word emerged of foreign tourists being charged astronomical prices for fruits. Clearly government oversight of Taiwan tourism remains inadequate. The long term survival of the tourism industry depends upon word of mouth. If one fruit vendor charges rip off prices, the price will be paid by all. The agencies in charge must not allow one bad apple to spoil the entire barrel.
The Tourism Bureau has recently received numerous complaints from Mainland Chinese and Singaporean tourists. Some fruit vendors at the Shilin Night Market have been charging 1800 NT for pineapples. They have been charging 1100 NT for four bags of sliced fruit. Compare that to the market price, and it is clear they are ripping off foreign tourists. Needless to say, any positive impression of Taiwan the tourists might have had, will be utterly destroyed. After returning home, they may warn friends and relatives to steer clear of Taiwan. They may even post warnings on the Internet.
The follow-up was even more discouraging. The Tourism Bureau said these vendors were the responsibility of local governments. Between March and May of this year, the Taipei City Government received a series of reports from the Tourism Bureau. The Market Management Department of the Taipei City Government tracked and confirmed the incidents. It issued "Travelers Alerts" for five fruit vendors. It sent a letter to the Tourism Bureau of the MOTC, to be forwarded to travel agencies, advising tourists not to patronize these merchants. In other words, they advised travel agents to warn tourists to avoid these merchants. But they failed to issue alerts to individual tourists. Nor did they issue warnings to, or impose penalties upon vendors who charged rip off prices. The Shilin Night Market Council said the vendors were not members of their council. Therefore the council could not intervene.
What sort of oversight is this? Vendors remain free to charge rip off prices. Only travel agencies advise tourists to steer clear. But other tourists, traveling on their own, are left to fend for themselves? This sort of passive oversight turns overseers into accomplices. Foreign tourists are unaware of the market prices for fruit. These vendors exploit their lack of information, and take advantage of them. This is despicable. Is it even legal? Law enforcement agencies should clarify. Such behavior harms Taiwan's tourism industry. It results in a loss of revenue. It undermines the island's image. It discredits its tourism industry. The government agencies responsible must not tolerate such conduct.
Only rigorous oversight and strict penalties for unscrupulous businesspeople will ensure a sound business environment and quality service. Mainland tourists were charged astronomical prices for tea leaves in the past. But after the vendors were prosecuted, such incidents became infrequent. Therefore this is all undoable.
At the very least, vendors must clearly indicate their prices. That way the customer can make comparisons. The agencies responsible can issue some sort of sticker to vendors who operate above board, for the benefit of tourists. They can set up service and complaint centers nearby so that tourists may seek assistance.
Taiwan's tourism industry has made a real effort over the years. It has achieved a great deal. Last year the tourism industry earned over 11 billion USD in foreign exchange. It grew by 26.4%. Approximately 6.08 million tourists visited the island. This represents an 9.4% increase over the previous year. Tourism foreign exchange earnings and the number of international tourists rose to record highs. Mainland tourists still account for the lion's share. But Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korean tourists have also increased.
In the eyes of foreign tourists, Taiwan's main attractions are its cuisine, night markets, cultural diversity, natural beauty, and its human touch. That is why CNN's travel website lists Taiwan near the top of its list. But the tourism industry is a multi-faceted service industry. No link should be overlooked. Every link must be included. Take the Shihlin Night Market fruit price rip offs. They underscore the potential problems caused by neglect. Also, if Taiwan hopes to develop its tourism industry. it must increase the use of English.
For years, foreign tourists have complained about how unfriendly the environment is to foreigners who rely on English. Many places lack English signs. Others have chaotic signage. The same road may have several different translations. Halfway down the road, another name may appear. People wind up utterly confused. Foreigners wind up questioning the country's governance. Yet the administration seems to think the matter lacks urgency. The massive influx of tourists from the Mainland in recent years, who speak, read, and write Chinese, has masked the problem of a poor English environment.
The problem remains. According to the Tourism Bureau of the MOTC, South Korean tourists' satisfaction rating was only 75%. This was far lower than the 94.39% for tourists from other countries. Korean tourists were most dissatisfied with the lack of English communication skills among Taiwan public. Over 37% of all Korean tourists were troubled most by the tourism environment and language difficulties. They complained that roads and facilties lacked Korean signage.
The global economy has experienced a downturn. Tourism revenue has eased the impact of Taiwan's diminished exports. Taiwan must improve its tourism environment. This will ensure long-term profitability. It will also promote Taiwan's attractions and values in the international community. This deserves our support. It is something government agencies should work harder to achieve.
打造友善觀光環境 政府要加把勁
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 26, 2012
Summary: The global economy has experienced a downturn. Tourism revenue has eased the impact of Taiwan's diminished exports. Taiwan must improve its tourism environment. This will ensure long-term profitability. It will also promote Taiwan's attractions and values in the international community. This deserves our support. It is something government agencies should work harder to achieve.
Full text below:
Tourists from the Chinese mainland have flooded into Taiwan. This has led to a significant increase in tourism revenue in recent years. But recently word emerged of foreign tourists being charged astronomical prices for fruits. Clearly government oversight of Taiwan tourism remains inadequate. The long term survival of the tourism industry depends upon word of mouth. If one fruit vendor charges rip off prices, the price will be paid by all. The agencies in charge must not allow one bad apple to spoil the entire barrel.
The Tourism Bureau has recently received numerous complaints from Mainland Chinese and Singaporean tourists. Some fruit vendors at the Shilin Night Market have been charging 1800 NT for pineapples. They have been charging 1100 NT for four bags of sliced fruit. Compare that to the market price, and it is clear they are ripping off foreign tourists. Needless to say, any positive impression of Taiwan the tourists might have had, will be utterly destroyed. After returning home, they may warn friends and relatives to steer clear of Taiwan. They may even post warnings on the Internet.
The follow-up was even more discouraging. The Tourism Bureau said these vendors were the responsibility of local governments. Between March and May of this year, the Taipei City Government received a series of reports from the Tourism Bureau. The Market Management Department of the Taipei City Government tracked and confirmed the incidents. It issued "Travelers Alerts" for five fruit vendors. It sent a letter to the Tourism Bureau of the MOTC, to be forwarded to travel agencies, advising tourists not to patronize these merchants. In other words, they advised travel agents to warn tourists to avoid these merchants. But they failed to issue alerts to individual tourists. Nor did they issue warnings to, or impose penalties upon vendors who charged rip off prices. The Shilin Night Market Council said the vendors were not members of their council. Therefore the council could not intervene.
What sort of oversight is this? Vendors remain free to charge rip off prices. Only travel agencies advise tourists to steer clear. But other tourists, traveling on their own, are left to fend for themselves? This sort of passive oversight turns overseers into accomplices. Foreign tourists are unaware of the market prices for fruit. These vendors exploit their lack of information, and take advantage of them. This is despicable. Is it even legal? Law enforcement agencies should clarify. Such behavior harms Taiwan's tourism industry. It results in a loss of revenue. It undermines the island's image. It discredits its tourism industry. The government agencies responsible must not tolerate such conduct.
Only rigorous oversight and strict penalties for unscrupulous businesspeople will ensure a sound business environment and quality service. Mainland tourists were charged astronomical prices for tea leaves in the past. But after the vendors were prosecuted, such incidents became infrequent. Therefore this is all undoable.
At the very least, vendors must clearly indicate their prices. That way the customer can make comparisons. The agencies responsible can issue some sort of sticker to vendors who operate above board, for the benefit of tourists. They can set up service and complaint centers nearby so that tourists may seek assistance.
Taiwan's tourism industry has made a real effort over the years. It has achieved a great deal. Last year the tourism industry earned over 11 billion USD in foreign exchange. It grew by 26.4%. Approximately 6.08 million tourists visited the island. This represents an 9.4% increase over the previous year. Tourism foreign exchange earnings and the number of international tourists rose to record highs. Mainland tourists still account for the lion's share. But Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korean tourists have also increased.
In the eyes of foreign tourists, Taiwan's main attractions are its cuisine, night markets, cultural diversity, natural beauty, and its human touch. That is why CNN's travel website lists Taiwan near the top of its list. But the tourism industry is a multi-faceted service industry. No link should be overlooked. Every link must be included. Take the Shihlin Night Market fruit price rip offs. They underscore the potential problems caused by neglect. Also, if Taiwan hopes to develop its tourism industry. it must increase the use of English.
For years, foreign tourists have complained about how unfriendly the environment is to foreigners who rely on English. Many places lack English signs. Others have chaotic signage. The same road may have several different translations. Halfway down the road, another name may appear. People wind up utterly confused. Foreigners wind up questioning the country's governance. Yet the administration seems to think the matter lacks urgency. The massive influx of tourists from the Mainland in recent years, who speak, read, and write Chinese, has masked the problem of a poor English environment.
The problem remains. According to the Tourism Bureau of the MOTC, South Korean tourists' satisfaction rating was only 75%. This was far lower than the 94.39% for tourists from other countries. Korean tourists were most dissatisfied with the lack of English communication skills among Taiwan public. Over 37% of all Korean tourists were troubled most by the tourism environment and language difficulties. They complained that roads and facilties lacked Korean signage.
The global economy has experienced a downturn. Tourism revenue has eased the impact of Taiwan's diminished exports. Taiwan must improve its tourism environment. This will ensure long-term profitability. It will also promote Taiwan's attractions and values in the international community. This deserves our support. It is something government agencies should work harder to achieve.
打造友善觀光環境 政府要加把勁
Economic Experts and Taiwan's Policy Path
Economic Experts and Taiwan's Policy Path
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 25, 2012
Summary: American economists Thomas Sargent and Christopher A. Sims have been jointly awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Economics for their empirical research on cause and effect in the macroeconomy. Sargent was recently interviewed by the United Daily News Economic Times. Sims met with members of the public today. People on Taiwan are actively seeking a response to their economic hardships. These experts have arrived at just the right time. They are expected to revive exploration and discussion of economic theory.
Full Text below:
American economists Thomas Sargent and Christopher A. Sims have been jointly awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Economics for their empirical research on cause and effect in the macroeconomy. Sargent was recently interviewed by the United Daily News Economic Times. Sims met with members of the public today. People on Taiwan are actively seeking a response to their economic hardships. These experts have arrived at just the right time. They are expected to revive exploration and discussion of economic theory.
Sims' most important contribution was to the methodology of economics. His Vector Autoregression, or VAR, uses biochemical variables to confirm the causal relationship between variables. He claims he can reduce over-reliance on hypothetical assumptions by using data derived from the causal relationship between economic policies. VAR also explains how the economy is affected by temporary changes in economic policy and other factors. Sims received the prize for an important reason. His method better clarifies cause and effect. It is not limited to a discussion of the relevance of policy. His concept is important to statistical science. More importantly, governments can use his concepts in the formulation of policy. They can use them to accurately judge the interaction between a wide range of variables. They can use them to modify their regulatory policies according to economic development and anticipated targets. They can use them to alter the content of their policy according to a changing economic situation. Only then can policies be implemented smoothly and achieve the desired results.
Now apply these theoretical observations to our own situation. Take tecently released economic data. As we approach the end of the third quarter, we are finally witnessing the dawn of an economic recovery. Exports have grown 10.4%. We have emerged from several months of recession. This year export orders have ceased to decline and increased 1.9%. The domestic economy suffered as a result of poor fundamentals. Government officials were finally able to breath a sigh of relief. But the 2011 starting base was relatively low. Has the economy really recovered? That remains to be seen. The government's recent economic stimulus package has not produced perceptible results. Faced with this situation, the government should carefully examine the content of its policies and the reasons for public disappointment. It should think about how to amend them or supplement them. It should further integrate its administrative team. It should enable fiscal, monetary, educational, and labor policies to complement each other. It should strengthen its economic stimulus package. The government seems to think it has done enough. It seems to think that the reason the public fails to perceive the improvement is insufficient publicity. Therefore it is using the Internet to publicize its achievements. It also hopes that civil servants will use community websites as a propaganda tool. But this sort of thinking inverts cause and effect. It underscores the importance of Sims' theoretical elaboration of the relationship between cause and effect.
Now look ahead to the 2013 international economic situation. US government spending may be reduced due to the fiscal cliff. Major forecasting organizations think that the United States' 2013 economic growth rate will fall by 0.2 to 0.3 percentage points over the current year. Japan's reconstruction spending has also passed its peak. Its 2013 economic growth rate will be reduced by about one percentage point; The Chinese mainland is experiencing a smooth succession in leadership. It may introduce new economic policies to promote economic performance. But any conclusions about their effectiveness must await their actual policy content. The fiscal problems of the nations within the European Union are gradually fading. Growth is expected to resume in 2013. But for the moment their economies are still weak.
Now take Taiwan. As a small open economy, is must be especially careful. The process of economic globalization continues. Economic and political policies have already broken through national boundaries. International trade impacts other countries. Governments intervene in their own national economies and affect economic cycles. International trade, international capital flows, and exchange rate changes have a spillover effect on other countries' economies. Therefore, future policy responses to the international situation should consider the impact of these policies. They should consider the spillover effects of these policies on other countries. The formulation of economic policy must consider the domestic situation. But it must also consider the international impact. It must consider other countries' policy response. It must consider how their responses will affect one's own policies, including regional economic integration, or the promotion of free trade zones. It must consider the links between various nations' industrial production. It must pay attention to domestic economic policy direction. Only then can it make the most of its policies. Only then can it fully realize the benefits of its policies.
美國經濟學家沙金特教授(Thomas Sargent)與席姆斯(Christopher A. Sims)教授以他們在「總體經濟因果關係的實證研究」方面的貢獻,在二○一一年共同獲得諾貝爾經濟學獎。繼日前沙金特應聯合報系經濟日報之請到訪之後,席姆斯也在今日會見各界,對於正在積極尋找因應經濟困局對策的台灣,大師的來訪正當其時,預料將再度引起相關理論的探索與討論。
提出「向量自我迴歸」(Vector Autoregression, VAR),透過將所有變數內生化的作法,來驗證變數之間的因果關係。並據以主張,根據數據中呈現的因果關係來制訂經濟政策,就能減少過度依賴理論假設所造成的問題;此外,也可應用於分析經濟如何受到經濟政策臨時性改變及其他因素的影響。席姆斯獲獎的重要原因,在於他的方法更能釐清因果關係,而非僅止於討論相關程度,這樣的概念除了在統計學上相當重要之外,政府在制訂執行各類政策時,也可遵循這樣的概念,正確且全盤考量各種變數之間的相互影響,以根據經濟發展情況制訂調控政策和預期目標,同時又根據經濟形勢的變化和政策實施效果來調整政策內容,才能讓政策順利推動並得到預期的效果。
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 25, 2012
Summary: American economists Thomas Sargent and Christopher A. Sims have been jointly awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Economics for their empirical research on cause and effect in the macroeconomy. Sargent was recently interviewed by the United Daily News Economic Times. Sims met with members of the public today. People on Taiwan are actively seeking a response to their economic hardships. These experts have arrived at just the right time. They are expected to revive exploration and discussion of economic theory.
Full Text below:
American economists Thomas Sargent and Christopher A. Sims have been jointly awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Economics for their empirical research on cause and effect in the macroeconomy. Sargent was recently interviewed by the United Daily News Economic Times. Sims met with members of the public today. People on Taiwan are actively seeking a response to their economic hardships. These experts have arrived at just the right time. They are expected to revive exploration and discussion of economic theory.
Sims' most important contribution was to the methodology of economics. His Vector Autoregression, or VAR, uses biochemical variables to confirm the causal relationship between variables. He claims he can reduce over-reliance on hypothetical assumptions by using data derived from the causal relationship between economic policies. VAR also explains how the economy is affected by temporary changes in economic policy and other factors. Sims received the prize for an important reason. His method better clarifies cause and effect. It is not limited to a discussion of the relevance of policy. His concept is important to statistical science. More importantly, governments can use his concepts in the formulation of policy. They can use them to accurately judge the interaction between a wide range of variables. They can use them to modify their regulatory policies according to economic development and anticipated targets. They can use them to alter the content of their policy according to a changing economic situation. Only then can policies be implemented smoothly and achieve the desired results.
Now apply these theoretical observations to our own situation. Take tecently released economic data. As we approach the end of the third quarter, we are finally witnessing the dawn of an economic recovery. Exports have grown 10.4%. We have emerged from several months of recession. This year export orders have ceased to decline and increased 1.9%. The domestic economy suffered as a result of poor fundamentals. Government officials were finally able to breath a sigh of relief. But the 2011 starting base was relatively low. Has the economy really recovered? That remains to be seen. The government's recent economic stimulus package has not produced perceptible results. Faced with this situation, the government should carefully examine the content of its policies and the reasons for public disappointment. It should think about how to amend them or supplement them. It should further integrate its administrative team. It should enable fiscal, monetary, educational, and labor policies to complement each other. It should strengthen its economic stimulus package. The government seems to think it has done enough. It seems to think that the reason the public fails to perceive the improvement is insufficient publicity. Therefore it is using the Internet to publicize its achievements. It also hopes that civil servants will use community websites as a propaganda tool. But this sort of thinking inverts cause and effect. It underscores the importance of Sims' theoretical elaboration of the relationship between cause and effect.
Now look ahead to the 2013 international economic situation. US government spending may be reduced due to the fiscal cliff. Major forecasting organizations think that the United States' 2013 economic growth rate will fall by 0.2 to 0.3 percentage points over the current year. Japan's reconstruction spending has also passed its peak. Its 2013 economic growth rate will be reduced by about one percentage point; The Chinese mainland is experiencing a smooth succession in leadership. It may introduce new economic policies to promote economic performance. But any conclusions about their effectiveness must await their actual policy content. The fiscal problems of the nations within the European Union are gradually fading. Growth is expected to resume in 2013. But for the moment their economies are still weak.
Now take Taiwan. As a small open economy, is must be especially careful. The process of economic globalization continues. Economic and political policies have already broken through national boundaries. International trade impacts other countries. Governments intervene in their own national economies and affect economic cycles. International trade, international capital flows, and exchange rate changes have a spillover effect on other countries' economies. Therefore, future policy responses to the international situation should consider the impact of these policies. They should consider the spillover effects of these policies on other countries. The formulation of economic policy must consider the domestic situation. But it must also consider the international impact. It must consider other countries' policy response. It must consider how their responses will affect one's own policies, including regional economic integration, or the promotion of free trade zones. It must consider the links between various nations' industrial production. It must pay attention to domestic economic policy direction. Only then can it make the most of its policies. Only then can it fully realize the benefits of its policies.
美國經濟學家沙金特教授(Thomas Sargent)與席姆斯(Christopher A. Sims)教授以他們在「總體經濟因果關係的實證研究」方面的貢獻,在二○一一年共同獲得諾貝爾經濟學獎。繼日前沙金特應聯合報系經濟日報之請到訪之後,席姆斯也在今日會見各界,對於正在積極尋找因應經濟困局對策的台灣,大師的來訪正當其時,預料將再度引起相關理論的探索與討論。
提出「向量自我迴歸」(Vector Autoregression, VAR),透過將所有變數內生化的作法,來驗證變數之間的因果關係。並據以主張,根據數據中呈現的因果關係來制訂經濟政策,就能減少過度依賴理論假設所造成的問題;此外,也可應用於分析經濟如何受到經濟政策臨時性改變及其他因素的影響。席姆斯獲獎的重要原因,在於他的方法更能釐清因果關係,而非僅止於討論相關程度,這樣的概念除了在統計學上相當重要之外,政府在制訂執行各類政策時,也可遵循這樣的概念,正確且全盤考量各種變數之間的相互影響,以根據經濟發展情況制訂調控政策和預期目標,同時又根據經濟形勢的變化和政策實施效果來調整政策內容,才能讓政策順利推動並得到預期的效果。
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
U.S. Election: Election Rhetoric vs. Political Reality
U.S. Election: Election Rhetoric vs. Political Reality
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 24, 2012
Summary: The United States' international and domestic predicament has remained the same since the September 11 attacks, the invasion of Iraq, and the 2008 financial tsunami. No matter who becomes president, he will find it difficult to alter this political reality. Fourteen days remain until election day. One might say that voter expectations will determine the outcome of the presidential election. But it might be more accurate to say that voter feelings will determine the outcome of the presidential election.
Full Text below:
The final debate between the US presidential candidates ended yesterday. Only two weeks remain before election day. Polls show the two candidates tied at 47% to 47%. They are evenly matched. It is hard to tell who is ahead.
Twenty-two days ago Obama was well ahead in the polls. Nearly all election analysts assumed a Romney upset was impossible. But who knew Obama's performance during the first debate on October 2 would be so poor, and Romney's would be so assured? That debate set a record for the greatest disparity ever to emerge from a presidential debate. In 1961 Kennedy debated Nixon in the first televised presidential debate in history. It too resulted in the same kind of upset. Since then, Obama and Romney's election prospects have swung back and forth like a pendulum.
After the first debate, Obama became alarmed. During the second debate, he launched a strong counterattack. He constantly interrupted his opponent. He pointed his finger at his chest. He accused Romney of being wrong and dishonest. He just stopped short of calling his opponent a liar. The confrontation was rude and reeked with mutual contempt. It has been characterized as the least civilized presidential debate ever held. The second debate addressed economic issues. It was generally believed that rhetorically speaking, Obama would win.
Most foreign governments still hope and believe that Obama will be re-elected over Romney. After all, Obama has four years of experience. He is a known quanity. Obama seems more willing to allow emerging countries to share the world stage with the United States. Romney, on the other hand, apparently evinces an "America First, accept no substitutes" arrogance. Romney aides are mostly former Bush officials. They are the same neoconservatives who launched the war in Iraq. His Middle East policy grants Israel carte blanche. He will not hesitate to launch a preemptive war against Iran. In particular, Romney bristles with hostility toward Mainland China. His rhetoric has reached peaks unprecedented in previous presidential campaigns. If Romney takes office will he bring about dramatic changes in East Asia? This is why the international community was deeply concerned about the debate on diplomacy and national defense held on the evening of the 22nd.
During the final debate both sides found themselves in disarray. Obama was the incumbent president. Yet he acted like the challenger. He repeatedly accused Romney of "living in the past." He said Romney's security strategy was mired in the Cold War, in the 1980s, his social policy was mired in the 1950s, and his economic policy was mired in the 1920s. Obama's strategy was to portray Romney as a militant hawk. Romney countered, saying that attacks against him would not cover up the chaos caused by Obama's policy failures in the Middle East.
Romney has no practical governing experience. But his international policy rhetoric was passable. Romney comes from a Republican background. When dealing with security and defense issues, it is easy for him to win the trust of the American public. Americans are war weary. Romney did not need to underscore his hawkishness. Therefore, during the third debate he softened his rhetoric. In 1982 Carter debated Reagan. Once Reagan spoke before a national television audience, they no longer believed that Reagan would be so imprudent as to launch a nuclear war. Concerns about Reagan's ability to serve as commander in chief also evaporated. The third debate softened Romney's previously negative image. Obama ridiculed Romney's plans to expand the US Navy, saying Romney had no idea what era he was living in. Today's national defense no longer uses horses and bayonets, like World War I. Underestimating one's opponent could be counterproductive.
The final debate on the evening of the 22nd put Mainland China issues at the very end. But the two men did not deal with the issue of Mainland China's strength as well as they did during the previous two debates. Romney promised that on the first day after taking office he would classify Mainland China as a currency manipulator. But most experts believe that if elected, he would immediately find a reason to renege on his promise. Both men emphasized that the United States must ensure that Mainland China becomes a responsible world power. But they were reluctant to actually draw lines in the sand. The debate never touched upon important countries in Europe, or on Japan and India. The Middle East accounted for five-sixths of the time. Israel was mentioned dozens of times. Americans' international concerns are actually very populist and very narrow.
Let us review the results of the debate. Romney won the first debate. Obama the second. The third was a draw. But Obama scored more points. In the end however, the domestic economy, unemployment, and public hardship will determine the outcome of the election, not the international situation. The third debate will have little impact on the election. The three debates were rife with election rhetoric. On foreign policy, the candidates puffed themselves up feigning ruthlessness. On domestic policy, the candidates' policies created social divisions and confrontation. But the United States' international and domestic predicament has remained the same since the September 11 attacks, the invasion of Iraq, and the 2008 financial tsunami. No matter who becomes president, he will find it difficult to alter this political reality. Fourteen days remain until election day. One might say that voter expectations will determine the outcome of the presidential election. But it might be more accurate to say that voter feelings will determine the outcome of the presidential election.
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 24, 2012
Summary: The United States' international and domestic predicament has remained the same since the September 11 attacks, the invasion of Iraq, and the 2008 financial tsunami. No matter who becomes president, he will find it difficult to alter this political reality. Fourteen days remain until election day. One might say that voter expectations will determine the outcome of the presidential election. But it might be more accurate to say that voter feelings will determine the outcome of the presidential election.
Full Text below:
The final debate between the US presidential candidates ended yesterday. Only two weeks remain before election day. Polls show the two candidates tied at 47% to 47%. They are evenly matched. It is hard to tell who is ahead.
Twenty-two days ago Obama was well ahead in the polls. Nearly all election analysts assumed a Romney upset was impossible. But who knew Obama's performance during the first debate on October 2 would be so poor, and Romney's would be so assured? That debate set a record for the greatest disparity ever to emerge from a presidential debate. In 1961 Kennedy debated Nixon in the first televised presidential debate in history. It too resulted in the same kind of upset. Since then, Obama and Romney's election prospects have swung back and forth like a pendulum.
After the first debate, Obama became alarmed. During the second debate, he launched a strong counterattack. He constantly interrupted his opponent. He pointed his finger at his chest. He accused Romney of being wrong and dishonest. He just stopped short of calling his opponent a liar. The confrontation was rude and reeked with mutual contempt. It has been characterized as the least civilized presidential debate ever held. The second debate addressed economic issues. It was generally believed that rhetorically speaking, Obama would win.
Most foreign governments still hope and believe that Obama will be re-elected over Romney. After all, Obama has four years of experience. He is a known quanity. Obama seems more willing to allow emerging countries to share the world stage with the United States. Romney, on the other hand, apparently evinces an "America First, accept no substitutes" arrogance. Romney aides are mostly former Bush officials. They are the same neoconservatives who launched the war in Iraq. His Middle East policy grants Israel carte blanche. He will not hesitate to launch a preemptive war against Iran. In particular, Romney bristles with hostility toward Mainland China. His rhetoric has reached peaks unprecedented in previous presidential campaigns. If Romney takes office will he bring about dramatic changes in East Asia? This is why the international community was deeply concerned about the debate on diplomacy and national defense held on the evening of the 22nd.
During the final debate both sides found themselves in disarray. Obama was the incumbent president. Yet he acted like the challenger. He repeatedly accused Romney of "living in the past." He said Romney's security strategy was mired in the Cold War, in the 1980s, his social policy was mired in the 1950s, and his economic policy was mired in the 1920s. Obama's strategy was to portray Romney as a militant hawk. Romney countered, saying that attacks against him would not cover up the chaos caused by Obama's policy failures in the Middle East.
Romney has no practical governing experience. But his international policy rhetoric was passable. Romney comes from a Republican background. When dealing with security and defense issues, it is easy for him to win the trust of the American public. Americans are war weary. Romney did not need to underscore his hawkishness. Therefore, during the third debate he softened his rhetoric. In 1982 Carter debated Reagan. Once Reagan spoke before a national television audience, they no longer believed that Reagan would be so imprudent as to launch a nuclear war. Concerns about Reagan's ability to serve as commander in chief also evaporated. The third debate softened Romney's previously negative image. Obama ridiculed Romney's plans to expand the US Navy, saying Romney had no idea what era he was living in. Today's national defense no longer uses horses and bayonets, like World War I. Underestimating one's opponent could be counterproductive.
The final debate on the evening of the 22nd put Mainland China issues at the very end. But the two men did not deal with the issue of Mainland China's strength as well as they did during the previous two debates. Romney promised that on the first day after taking office he would classify Mainland China as a currency manipulator. But most experts believe that if elected, he would immediately find a reason to renege on his promise. Both men emphasized that the United States must ensure that Mainland China becomes a responsible world power. But they were reluctant to actually draw lines in the sand. The debate never touched upon important countries in Europe, or on Japan and India. The Middle East accounted for five-sixths of the time. Israel was mentioned dozens of times. Americans' international concerns are actually very populist and very narrow.
Let us review the results of the debate. Romney won the first debate. Obama the second. The third was a draw. But Obama scored more points. In the end however, the domestic economy, unemployment, and public hardship will determine the outcome of the election, not the international situation. The third debate will have little impact on the election. The three debates were rife with election rhetoric. On foreign policy, the candidates puffed themselves up feigning ruthlessness. On domestic policy, the candidates' policies created social divisions and confrontation. But the United States' international and domestic predicament has remained the same since the September 11 attacks, the invasion of Iraq, and the 2008 financial tsunami. No matter who becomes president, he will find it difficult to alter this political reality. Fourteen days remain until election day. One might say that voter expectations will determine the outcome of the presidential election. But it might be more accurate to say that voter feelings will determine the outcome of the presidential election.
Chen Cabinet Must Seize the Economic Opportunity
Chen Cabinet Must Seize the Economic Opportunity
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 23, 2012
Summary: This week the CEPD will announce its September economic indices. Analysts expect an end to the current run of ten blue lights, the second longest in history. Yellow-blue lights suggest that the economy is about to turn the corner. The global economic recovery has begun. Premier Sean Chen and his cabinet members must use the opportunity to revive the economy.
Full Text below:
This week the CEPD will announce its September economic indices. Analysts expect an end to the current run of ten blue lights, the second longest in history. Yellow-blue lights suggest that the economy is about to turn the corner. The global economic recovery has begun. Premier Sean Chen and his cabinet members must use the opportunity to revive the economy.
Economic indicators for September announced this month suggest an upturn. For example, exports and export orders are bouncing back after six consecutive months of recession. Exports have established new monthly highs. Export oriented industrial production has increased for the past three months. Yesterday's announcement shows the unemployment rate retreating slightly from its seasonal peak. Therefore, as long as financial and consumption indicators do not deteriorate significantly, the indices show a move toward blue lights. Prosperity should be just around the corner. President Ma wanted Premier Chen to produce "tangible" economic improvements within a month. The improved economic indicators from September suggest that the Chen cabinet has squeaked by.
Tangible economic indicators are not always tangible to the general public. To be tangible to the general public, the domestic economy must show clear improvement. All we can say is that the latest index established a bottom. After all, it was only a one month period. One usually looks at three month periods. Will the numbers hold? Or will the bottom fall out? That depends on whether Sean Chen and his team can rise to the occasion and seize the opportunity. They have accumulated eight months of governing experience. They have learned to become effective. They have been decisive in their policy making. They have demonstrated excellent timing.
Consider time and tide factor number one. The cabinet is starting from a low base point. This should give the executive branches' policies time to take effect. The economic indicators have resulted in ten blue lights in a row. Last November we entered a bust period. Hopefully the real economy can maintain current levels during the fourth quarter. Hopefully the deterioration will not spread. Various indicators continue to show growth. They instill confidence in the economy. These indicators are stable. This enables the executive branch to launch its "Exports Proliferation Plan," its "economic momentum promotion plan," and other major policies plans. These indicators have made the claims that we are entering a blue light period more convincing.
Consider time and tide factor number two. Housing market and stock market policy have already accounted for short term dips. These two major markets now offer opportunities for long term gains. The luxury tax, intended to improve the housing market, has been in effect for almost a year and a half. It has discouraged speculative trading. The true market value reporting system for real estate transactions was initiated in October. It has reduced uncertainty. Increasing transparency has facilitated transactions. Supply and demand in the housing market is expected to become more stable.
The stock market is a window on the economy. The economy is poor as a result of international financial shocks and economic fundamentals. It has also been impacted by the PSL tax policy. Both prices and volume have been inhibited. It has also been impacted by the capital gains tax to be levied next year. Policies must be given time to take effect. Investors and funds who had misgivings will then return to the Taiwan stock market, unless they have given up altogether. Therefore the executive branch must seize the opportunity to boost the economy. They must help Taiwan stocks attract investors.
Consider time and tide factor number three. The global economic recovery has begun. This will pave the way for the administration's economic policies. Since the beginning of the year, the performance of four major economies, including the U.S., Mainland China, the Eurozone, and Japan, have been hobbled. Another dip in the global economy could result in new lows. But recent data shows that, the U.S. unemployment rate dropped significantly. Consumer spending has begun to increase. The housing market has also picked up. The Eurozone debt crisis has yet to be resolved. But at least there has been no further deterioration. One issue is the most talked about. Last week Mainland China reported a third-quarter economic growth rate of 7.4%. This was the lowest it has been in seven quarters. But it was in line with expectations. This has greatly reduced concerns that the Mainland economy will experience a hard landing. It is hard to say that the global economy is on the road to recovery. But Taiwan's exports are aleady feeling the warmth. The Chen cabinet has been hobbled by the international situation since it took office. Now however, its hands and feet have been freed. Now it can focus on domestic economic issues.
Leaders emerge in times of crisis. It would be unrealistic to expect the Chen cabinet to immediately offer a comprehensive policy proposal. Sean Chen has introduced quite a few policies during his eight months in office. They include the cross-Strait currency clearing mechanism, a fourth wave of Mainland investments in Taiwan, a cross-Strait service industry agreement, and plans for a free trade economic zone. Hopefully these policies will be implemented as planned. They can inspire confidence and exert a real impact on economic growth.
Sean Chen is seen as a financial wizard. Leaders emerge in times of crisis. We hope he can lead the economy out of the fog.
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 23, 2012
Summary: This week the CEPD will announce its September economic indices. Analysts expect an end to the current run of ten blue lights, the second longest in history. Yellow-blue lights suggest that the economy is about to turn the corner. The global economic recovery has begun. Premier Sean Chen and his cabinet members must use the opportunity to revive the economy.
Full Text below:
This week the CEPD will announce its September economic indices. Analysts expect an end to the current run of ten blue lights, the second longest in history. Yellow-blue lights suggest that the economy is about to turn the corner. The global economic recovery has begun. Premier Sean Chen and his cabinet members must use the opportunity to revive the economy.
Economic indicators for September announced this month suggest an upturn. For example, exports and export orders are bouncing back after six consecutive months of recession. Exports have established new monthly highs. Export oriented industrial production has increased for the past three months. Yesterday's announcement shows the unemployment rate retreating slightly from its seasonal peak. Therefore, as long as financial and consumption indicators do not deteriorate significantly, the indices show a move toward blue lights. Prosperity should be just around the corner. President Ma wanted Premier Chen to produce "tangible" economic improvements within a month. The improved economic indicators from September suggest that the Chen cabinet has squeaked by.
Tangible economic indicators are not always tangible to the general public. To be tangible to the general public, the domestic economy must show clear improvement. All we can say is that the latest index established a bottom. After all, it was only a one month period. One usually looks at three month periods. Will the numbers hold? Or will the bottom fall out? That depends on whether Sean Chen and his team can rise to the occasion and seize the opportunity. They have accumulated eight months of governing experience. They have learned to become effective. They have been decisive in their policy making. They have demonstrated excellent timing.
Consider time and tide factor number one. The cabinet is starting from a low base point. This should give the executive branches' policies time to take effect. The economic indicators have resulted in ten blue lights in a row. Last November we entered a bust period. Hopefully the real economy can maintain current levels during the fourth quarter. Hopefully the deterioration will not spread. Various indicators continue to show growth. They instill confidence in the economy. These indicators are stable. This enables the executive branch to launch its "Exports Proliferation Plan," its "economic momentum promotion plan," and other major policies plans. These indicators have made the claims that we are entering a blue light period more convincing.
Consider time and tide factor number two. Housing market and stock market policy have already accounted for short term dips. These two major markets now offer opportunities for long term gains. The luxury tax, intended to improve the housing market, has been in effect for almost a year and a half. It has discouraged speculative trading. The true market value reporting system for real estate transactions was initiated in October. It has reduced uncertainty. Increasing transparency has facilitated transactions. Supply and demand in the housing market is expected to become more stable.
The stock market is a window on the economy. The economy is poor as a result of international financial shocks and economic fundamentals. It has also been impacted by the PSL tax policy. Both prices and volume have been inhibited. It has also been impacted by the capital gains tax to be levied next year. Policies must be given time to take effect. Investors and funds who had misgivings will then return to the Taiwan stock market, unless they have given up altogether. Therefore the executive branch must seize the opportunity to boost the economy. They must help Taiwan stocks attract investors.
Consider time and tide factor number three. The global economic recovery has begun. This will pave the way for the administration's economic policies. Since the beginning of the year, the performance of four major economies, including the U.S., Mainland China, the Eurozone, and Japan, have been hobbled. Another dip in the global economy could result in new lows. But recent data shows that, the U.S. unemployment rate dropped significantly. Consumer spending has begun to increase. The housing market has also picked up. The Eurozone debt crisis has yet to be resolved. But at least there has been no further deterioration. One issue is the most talked about. Last week Mainland China reported a third-quarter economic growth rate of 7.4%. This was the lowest it has been in seven quarters. But it was in line with expectations. This has greatly reduced concerns that the Mainland economy will experience a hard landing. It is hard to say that the global economy is on the road to recovery. But Taiwan's exports are aleady feeling the warmth. The Chen cabinet has been hobbled by the international situation since it took office. Now however, its hands and feet have been freed. Now it can focus on domestic economic issues.
Leaders emerge in times of crisis. It would be unrealistic to expect the Chen cabinet to immediately offer a comprehensive policy proposal. Sean Chen has introduced quite a few policies during his eight months in office. They include the cross-Strait currency clearing mechanism, a fourth wave of Mainland investments in Taiwan, a cross-Strait service industry agreement, and plans for a free trade economic zone. Hopefully these policies will be implemented as planned. They can inspire confidence and exert a real impact on economic growth.
Sean Chen is seen as a financial wizard. Leaders emerge in times of crisis. We hope he can lead the economy out of the fog.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Su Tseng-chang must not force Frank Hsieh to operate outside the Party Framework
Su Tseng-chang must not force Frank Hsieh to operate outside the Party Framework
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 22, 2012
Summary: Has "Su/Hsieh cooperation" been shattered? That is no longer the issue. The real issue is whether the DPP is about to break up as a political party. For this Su Tseng-chang must bear primary responsibility. An October 18th editorial published by this newspaper urged Su Tseng-chang to lift the lid off a boiling pot, and allow the chloroform to boil off. Su Tseng-chang's current responsibility is to lift the lid. Who will be the chloroform boiled off? That depends on the party as a whole. The party chairman may not deprive the party of a major democratic debate over party reform.
Full Text below:
Has "Su/Hsieh cooperation" been shattered? That is no longer the issue. The real issue is whether the DPP is about to break up as a political party. For this Su Tseng-chang must bear primary responsibility.
Frank Hsieh has already crossed the Rubicon. He is not about to let matters rest. The situation is clear. Su Tseng-chang must allow Frank Hsieh to force a show down inside the party. Otherwise Hsieh will continue to promote his agenda outside the party. Su Tseng-chang is party chairman. He is a 2016 presidential contender. He has an unshirkable responsibility, both to himself and to the party. He must defuse the dispute over party reform from inside the party. He must not allow it to become a struggle between those inside the party and those outside the party. That would lead to the party breaking apart.
Frank Hsieh now stands on the great divide between the party and the outside world. He can take one step one way and find himself inside the party framework. Or he can take one step the other way, and find himself outside the party framework. One. Frank Hsieh has every right to expect Su Tseng-chang to deal with party reform from inside the party, in his capacity as DPP leader. After all, DPP reform is not Frank Hsieh's private agenda. The DPP and the public on Taiwan are also involved. Party Chairman Su Tseng-chang cannot refuse to deal with the most serious controversy pertaining to DPP reform since its founding as a political party. If Su Tseng-chang tackles the issue of party reform from within the party, then Frank Hsieh must remain inside the party. He cannot go outside the party.
But if Su Tseng-chang slams the door shut, and refuses to deal with party reform from within the party, Frank Hsieh will be forced to go outside the party. The two men will find themselves on different paths. One. Frank Hsieh said "The DPP will not break apart." But Hsieh staffers have already let it be known that if Su/Hsieh cooperation is shattered, Frank Hsieh's Taiwan Reform Foundation "has not ruled out going its own way." It would become an NGO promoting DPP/CCP exchanges. Meanwhile, Taiwan-oriented think tanks on the Chinese mainland have also responded. They say there is no reason not to hold DPP/CCP exchanges, with the Taiwan Reform Foundation taking the lead. Its desire to divide the DPP and incite conflict is all too clear. This path is of course outside the party framework.
Two. Suppose Su Tseng-chang forces Frank Hsieh to operate outside the party? Frank Hsieh and Tsai Ing-wen may well join forces. Add to this "DPP/CCP exchanges, with the Taiwan Reform Foundation taking the lead." The DPP would effectively end up with two suns to revolve around, two party leadership centers, and two cross-Strait policy paths. If this happens, those outside the party would oppose those inside the party. It would without a doubt lead to a breakup of the party.
One cannot place all the blame on Frank Hsieh. One cannot say he "forced the emperor to abdicate." This is a turning point in history. Party Chairman Su Tseng-chang must not refuse to reform the party from within. If he does, he will be evading his "destiny." The master switch is in Su Tseng-chang's hands. He can flick the switch one way -- inside the party. He can flick the switch the other way -- outside the party. It all hinges on his whim. On the 18th this newspaper published an editorial saying that Su Tseng-chang should not be bound by either the reform camp or the Taiwan independence camp. He should let go of all attachments. He should adopt a transcendent stance befitting the party chairman. He should adopt an attitude of noblesse oblige. He should enable the two sides to engage in democratic debate over party reform. He should even consider putting the issue to a democratic vote. Su Tseng-chang should act as a midwife. Intraparty democracy will determine whether the child is a boy or a girl. But he must not delude himself. He must not imagine he can shove the infant back into the womb. Su Tseng-chang can show that he is neither being forced to abdicate by the Hsieh faction, nor being hijacked by the Taiwan independence faction. This is how he can maintain a commanding position above the two rival factions with the party.
How else can Su Tseng-chang deal with Frank Hsieh? He can hardly allow himself to remain mired within this embarrassing dilemma, where he neither fights nor surrenders, neither joins with nor splits from Frank Hsieh. How much political capital can Su Tseng-chang afford to squander? Can the DPP avoid the risk that the party may break apart?
The problem has reached the point where one can neither advance nor retreat. The main reasons are the 2016 presidential election and longstanding grievances between Su, Tsai, and Hsieh. This is the situation they face. We would like to reiterate the appeal we made in our September 11th editorial, "Su, Tsai, and Hsieh Must Unite to Promote DPP Reform." The three should first draw up plans for party reform, then worry about the presidential election. They should work together to promote this difficult reform, within the party. They should not conflate the work of party reform with the presidential election and intraparty power struggles. Otherwise the result could be a lose/lose/lose proposition. The future of the DPP itself could be at risk. If reformers are forced to operate outside the party, Beijing will support the Taiwan Reform Foundation platform. The Taiwan Reform Foundation platform will join the Tsai/Hsieh alliance. The Tsai/Hsieh alliance will oppose Su Tseng-chang and the party leadership. The DPP will effectively end up with two suns to revolve around, two party leadership centers, and two cross-Strait policy paths. Can the DPP afford such a schism?
The DPP finds itself in a dilemma. It is on the verge of breaking apart. Party Chairman Su Tseng-chang must adopt a transcendent posture and champion intraparty democracy. He must begin a democratic dialogue. This will enable him to maintain his transcendent status. Otherwise Su Tseng-chang may go down in infamy as someone who suppressed intraparty democracy which led to the breakup of the party.
An October 18th editorial published by this newspaper urged Su Tseng-chang to lift the lid off a boiling pot, and allow the chloroform to boil off. Su Tseng-chang's current responsibility is to lift the lid. Who will be the chloroform boiled off? That depends on the party as a whole. The party chairman may not deprive the party of a major democratic debate over party reform.
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 22, 2012
Summary: Has "Su/Hsieh cooperation" been shattered? That is no longer the issue. The real issue is whether the DPP is about to break up as a political party. For this Su Tseng-chang must bear primary responsibility. An October 18th editorial published by this newspaper urged Su Tseng-chang to lift the lid off a boiling pot, and allow the chloroform to boil off. Su Tseng-chang's current responsibility is to lift the lid. Who will be the chloroform boiled off? That depends on the party as a whole. The party chairman may not deprive the party of a major democratic debate over party reform.
Full Text below:
Has "Su/Hsieh cooperation" been shattered? That is no longer the issue. The real issue is whether the DPP is about to break up as a political party. For this Su Tseng-chang must bear primary responsibility.
Frank Hsieh has already crossed the Rubicon. He is not about to let matters rest. The situation is clear. Su Tseng-chang must allow Frank Hsieh to force a show down inside the party. Otherwise Hsieh will continue to promote his agenda outside the party. Su Tseng-chang is party chairman. He is a 2016 presidential contender. He has an unshirkable responsibility, both to himself and to the party. He must defuse the dispute over party reform from inside the party. He must not allow it to become a struggle between those inside the party and those outside the party. That would lead to the party breaking apart.
Frank Hsieh now stands on the great divide between the party and the outside world. He can take one step one way and find himself inside the party framework. Or he can take one step the other way, and find himself outside the party framework. One. Frank Hsieh has every right to expect Su Tseng-chang to deal with party reform from inside the party, in his capacity as DPP leader. After all, DPP reform is not Frank Hsieh's private agenda. The DPP and the public on Taiwan are also involved. Party Chairman Su Tseng-chang cannot refuse to deal with the most serious controversy pertaining to DPP reform since its founding as a political party. If Su Tseng-chang tackles the issue of party reform from within the party, then Frank Hsieh must remain inside the party. He cannot go outside the party.
But if Su Tseng-chang slams the door shut, and refuses to deal with party reform from within the party, Frank Hsieh will be forced to go outside the party. The two men will find themselves on different paths. One. Frank Hsieh said "The DPP will not break apart." But Hsieh staffers have already let it be known that if Su/Hsieh cooperation is shattered, Frank Hsieh's Taiwan Reform Foundation "has not ruled out going its own way." It would become an NGO promoting DPP/CCP exchanges. Meanwhile, Taiwan-oriented think tanks on the Chinese mainland have also responded. They say there is no reason not to hold DPP/CCP exchanges, with the Taiwan Reform Foundation taking the lead. Its desire to divide the DPP and incite conflict is all too clear. This path is of course outside the party framework.
Two. Suppose Su Tseng-chang forces Frank Hsieh to operate outside the party? Frank Hsieh and Tsai Ing-wen may well join forces. Add to this "DPP/CCP exchanges, with the Taiwan Reform Foundation taking the lead." The DPP would effectively end up with two suns to revolve around, two party leadership centers, and two cross-Strait policy paths. If this happens, those outside the party would oppose those inside the party. It would without a doubt lead to a breakup of the party.
One cannot place all the blame on Frank Hsieh. One cannot say he "forced the emperor to abdicate." This is a turning point in history. Party Chairman Su Tseng-chang must not refuse to reform the party from within. If he does, he will be evading his "destiny." The master switch is in Su Tseng-chang's hands. He can flick the switch one way -- inside the party. He can flick the switch the other way -- outside the party. It all hinges on his whim. On the 18th this newspaper published an editorial saying that Su Tseng-chang should not be bound by either the reform camp or the Taiwan independence camp. He should let go of all attachments. He should adopt a transcendent stance befitting the party chairman. He should adopt an attitude of noblesse oblige. He should enable the two sides to engage in democratic debate over party reform. He should even consider putting the issue to a democratic vote. Su Tseng-chang should act as a midwife. Intraparty democracy will determine whether the child is a boy or a girl. But he must not delude himself. He must not imagine he can shove the infant back into the womb. Su Tseng-chang can show that he is neither being forced to abdicate by the Hsieh faction, nor being hijacked by the Taiwan independence faction. This is how he can maintain a commanding position above the two rival factions with the party.
How else can Su Tseng-chang deal with Frank Hsieh? He can hardly allow himself to remain mired within this embarrassing dilemma, where he neither fights nor surrenders, neither joins with nor splits from Frank Hsieh. How much political capital can Su Tseng-chang afford to squander? Can the DPP avoid the risk that the party may break apart?
The problem has reached the point where one can neither advance nor retreat. The main reasons are the 2016 presidential election and longstanding grievances between Su, Tsai, and Hsieh. This is the situation they face. We would like to reiterate the appeal we made in our September 11th editorial, "Su, Tsai, and Hsieh Must Unite to Promote DPP Reform." The three should first draw up plans for party reform, then worry about the presidential election. They should work together to promote this difficult reform, within the party. They should not conflate the work of party reform with the presidential election and intraparty power struggles. Otherwise the result could be a lose/lose/lose proposition. The future of the DPP itself could be at risk. If reformers are forced to operate outside the party, Beijing will support the Taiwan Reform Foundation platform. The Taiwan Reform Foundation platform will join the Tsai/Hsieh alliance. The Tsai/Hsieh alliance will oppose Su Tseng-chang and the party leadership. The DPP will effectively end up with two suns to revolve around, two party leadership centers, and two cross-Strait policy paths. Can the DPP afford such a schism?
The DPP finds itself in a dilemma. It is on the verge of breaking apart. Party Chairman Su Tseng-chang must adopt a transcendent posture and champion intraparty democracy. He must begin a democratic dialogue. This will enable him to maintain his transcendent status. Otherwise Su Tseng-chang may go down in infamy as someone who suppressed intraparty democracy which led to the breakup of the party.
An October 18th editorial published by this newspaper urged Su Tseng-chang to lift the lid off a boiling pot, and allow the chloroform to boil off. Su Tseng-chang's current responsibility is to lift the lid. Who will be the chloroform boiled off? That depends on the party as a whole. The party chairman may not deprive the party of a major democratic debate over party reform.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
How Will Su Tseng-chang Attack the Ball that Frank Hsieh Set for Him?
How Will Su Tseng-chang Attack the Ball that Frank Hsieh Set for Him?
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 18, 2012
Summary: Frank Hsieh is a volleyball player who has set the ball for Su Tseng-chang. Now Su Tseng-chang must decide how he will attack it. Su and Hsieh have long-standing grievances. But Su and Hsieh have an opportunity to join hands and rewrite history. But the opportunity is fleeting. They can hardly be "in no hurry." Will the two help each other, or will they hurt each other. Will both end up as losers? This will all be decided in a fleeting moment.
Full Text below:
Frank Hsieh has returned from his visit to the Mainland. He has met with Su Tseng-chang and shared his findings. Following the meeting, Frank Hsieh said, "In the end, the future of cross-Strait policy must be decided by Chairman Su." Su Tseng-chang said, "We are in no hurry to establish a China Affairs Committee." Frank Hsieh is a volleyball player who has set the ball for Su Tseng-chang. Now Su Tseng-chang must decide how he will attack it.
Let us return to 1999 and 2000. Chen Shui-bian was a rising star. His support was enormous. He had become the DPP's ideal candidate for president. Under Party Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung, the DPP adopted the "Resolution on Taiwan's Future." This camouflaged the party's "Taiwan independence party platform" and paved the way for Chen Shui-bian's election victory. The key figure in this political undertaking was Lin Yi-hsiung. He had two main virtues. One. He had a reputation for personal integrity and he had a high degree of name recogniton. Two. More importantly, he himself was not running for president.
Today the 2016 presidential election looms. The DPP must reform itself. DPP reform is even more urgent than it was in 2000. And yet "In the end, the future of cross-Strait policy must be decided by Chairman Su." But Chairman Su is also a 2016 presidential hopeful. This is a horse of a different color than 2000. Su Tseng-chang has assumed the role of Lin Yi-hsiung.
When Su Tseng-chang ran for party chairman, he touched off a major controversy. If the party chairman intends to run for president, he is bound to adversely impact the party's efforts at transformation. But this is precisely the situation we have before us. Su Tseng-chang is running for president. He must weigh the support he will receive from Taiwan independence hardliners against the support he will receive from party reformers. He will be forced to continually second guess himself. He will be incapable of throwing open the doors and embarking wholeheartedly on party reform. Conversely, if someone not running for president assumes responsibility for party reform, he can act boldly and decisively. He need only consider the future of the party. He need only set the ball for the party's presidential candidate. He need not worry about seeking support from opposing factions. This was the role Lin Yi-hsiung played back then. But this is not the role Su Tseng-chang is playing today.
Has Su Tseng-chang decided to abandon the work of party reform? From what we can see, Frank Hsieh is the only person providing Su with political leverage. This leverage, if passed up, may never come again. The DPP is talking about party reform. Assuming it is serious, it must meet four conditions. One. It must act from the top down. For example, the party leadership should launch a great debate. Two. If the party wishes to reform itself, it must get serious. It must forsake Chen Shui-bian era "rectification of names" campaigns. It must eschew word games such as "peace with differences," "peace while seeking common ground," or "transcendence." Three. It must enact dramatic and major reforms. Absent such a dramatic move, it probably will not succeed. Four. It must make someone with considerable resources and name recognition the star of the show, to serve as a pillar. Otherwise the show will not be able to go on.
From what we can see, Frank Hsieh meets three of the required conditions. He has undergone a sufficiently radical change. His change was radical enough that he could speak of a "one China constitution." His "bartender's trip" was sufficiently dramatic. With this move he knocked on Zhongnanhai's door. He sang the right tune. He carried a heavy load. All Frank Hsieh needs today is the support of Chairman Su. If Su Tseng-chang appoints Frank Hsieh Chairman of the China Affairs Committee, Hsieh will be strategically positioned. Top-down reform can then begin.
Su Tseng-chang must realize that as party chairman, leading DPP reform is his "destiny." Frank Hsieh is standing before him, precisely because he is the best leverage Su can get. There is nobody else. If Su Tseng-chang forsakes Frank Hsieh, he will not find a better champion of reform. He will be perceived as fleeing from responsibility. If this happens, there will repercussions. One. DPP reform will be delayed. The blame will fall on Su Tseng-chang. That is inescapable. Two. Party insiders and the general public will see Su Tseng-chang as a stumbling block, standing in the way of party reform. This will be disadvantageous to his bid for president. It will not prevent Tsai Ing-wen from joining forces with Frank Hsieh, and billing themselves as champions of party reform. Two years later they might even seize control of the DPP party leadership.
In other words, If Su Tseng-chang fails to attack the ball set up for him by Frank Hsieh, the damage will be incalculable, both for the party and for himself. Yet Su Tseng-chang insists that the current situation is "not urgent." In fact his main concern is that if the situation is not handled properly, it could hurt his 2016 election prospects. Can Frank Hsieh make allowances for Su Tseng-chang's dilemma? He appears to have made a genuine effort. Frank Hsieh should let Su Tseng-chang know that it is safe to make him Chairman of the DPP China Affairs Committee and entrust him with party reform. Hsieh should declare that he will not run for either president or vice president in the 2016 general election, and that he will not side with any of the DPP presidential hopefuls. Hsieh should declare that reform is for the future of the DPP and Taiwan, and must not become a part of intraparty power struggles. Such declarations would rebuild the relationships between Frank Hsieh, Su Tseng-chang, and Tsai Ing-wen. If Frank Hsieh wants to become the champion of party reform, he must assume a transcendent position. Perhaps Su Tseng-chang is waiting for such assurances from Frank Hsieh? Otherwise, if party reform becomes a part of intraparty power struggles, the party will debase itself. Words will not be adequate to describe the consequences.
Su Tseng-chang remains the key. But Su has a huge blind spot. He seems to think he must keep a lid on the pot. He seems to think that as long as no one shows his cards, he can avoid offending either party reformers or Taiwan independence hardliners. But the truth is the lid can no longer be kept on the pot. The more the DPP refuses to lift the lid, the more difficult it will be to resolve conflicts between these opposing forces. If the DPP waits to long to lift the lid, the bottom of the pot may have already burned through. When that happens, the blame will fall on Su Tseng-chang. Therefore Su's best strategy is to simply let go. He should turn over reform to party insiders who will subject the issues to democratic debate. He should submit the issues to the judgment of the public. He may wish to assume the role of a midwife. Whether the child is a boy or a girl will be determined through democratic debate within the party. The result may even be decided through a democratic vote within the party. Su Tseng-chang may be able to seize the high ground. He may be able to defuse the most controversial reform since the founding of the party. Will this be a crisis or an opportunity for Su Tseng-chang? That will depend on his political vision.
Anyone who has ever boiled water knows that once it comes to a boil, the lid must be removed. It must be allowed to boil from three to five minutes. This will enable to the chloroform to evaporate, leaving one with a pot of pure water. Su Tseng-chang's responsibility is to open the lid and let the chloroform boil away.
Su and Hsieh have long-standing grievances. But Su and Hsieh have an opportunity to join hands and rewrite history. But the opportunity is fleeting. They can hardly be "in no hurry." Will the two help each other, or will they hurt each other. Will both end up as losers? This will all be decided in a fleeting moment.
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 18, 2012
Summary: Frank Hsieh is a volleyball player who has set the ball for Su Tseng-chang. Now Su Tseng-chang must decide how he will attack it. Su and Hsieh have long-standing grievances. But Su and Hsieh have an opportunity to join hands and rewrite history. But the opportunity is fleeting. They can hardly be "in no hurry." Will the two help each other, or will they hurt each other. Will both end up as losers? This will all be decided in a fleeting moment.
Full Text below:
Frank Hsieh has returned from his visit to the Mainland. He has met with Su Tseng-chang and shared his findings. Following the meeting, Frank Hsieh said, "In the end, the future of cross-Strait policy must be decided by Chairman Su." Su Tseng-chang said, "We are in no hurry to establish a China Affairs Committee." Frank Hsieh is a volleyball player who has set the ball for Su Tseng-chang. Now Su Tseng-chang must decide how he will attack it.
Let us return to 1999 and 2000. Chen Shui-bian was a rising star. His support was enormous. He had become the DPP's ideal candidate for president. Under Party Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung, the DPP adopted the "Resolution on Taiwan's Future." This camouflaged the party's "Taiwan independence party platform" and paved the way for Chen Shui-bian's election victory. The key figure in this political undertaking was Lin Yi-hsiung. He had two main virtues. One. He had a reputation for personal integrity and he had a high degree of name recogniton. Two. More importantly, he himself was not running for president.
Today the 2016 presidential election looms. The DPP must reform itself. DPP reform is even more urgent than it was in 2000. And yet "In the end, the future of cross-Strait policy must be decided by Chairman Su." But Chairman Su is also a 2016 presidential hopeful. This is a horse of a different color than 2000. Su Tseng-chang has assumed the role of Lin Yi-hsiung.
When Su Tseng-chang ran for party chairman, he touched off a major controversy. If the party chairman intends to run for president, he is bound to adversely impact the party's efforts at transformation. But this is precisely the situation we have before us. Su Tseng-chang is running for president. He must weigh the support he will receive from Taiwan independence hardliners against the support he will receive from party reformers. He will be forced to continually second guess himself. He will be incapable of throwing open the doors and embarking wholeheartedly on party reform. Conversely, if someone not running for president assumes responsibility for party reform, he can act boldly and decisively. He need only consider the future of the party. He need only set the ball for the party's presidential candidate. He need not worry about seeking support from opposing factions. This was the role Lin Yi-hsiung played back then. But this is not the role Su Tseng-chang is playing today.
Has Su Tseng-chang decided to abandon the work of party reform? From what we can see, Frank Hsieh is the only person providing Su with political leverage. This leverage, if passed up, may never come again. The DPP is talking about party reform. Assuming it is serious, it must meet four conditions. One. It must act from the top down. For example, the party leadership should launch a great debate. Two. If the party wishes to reform itself, it must get serious. It must forsake Chen Shui-bian era "rectification of names" campaigns. It must eschew word games such as "peace with differences," "peace while seeking common ground," or "transcendence." Three. It must enact dramatic and major reforms. Absent such a dramatic move, it probably will not succeed. Four. It must make someone with considerable resources and name recognition the star of the show, to serve as a pillar. Otherwise the show will not be able to go on.
From what we can see, Frank Hsieh meets three of the required conditions. He has undergone a sufficiently radical change. His change was radical enough that he could speak of a "one China constitution." His "bartender's trip" was sufficiently dramatic. With this move he knocked on Zhongnanhai's door. He sang the right tune. He carried a heavy load. All Frank Hsieh needs today is the support of Chairman Su. If Su Tseng-chang appoints Frank Hsieh Chairman of the China Affairs Committee, Hsieh will be strategically positioned. Top-down reform can then begin.
Su Tseng-chang must realize that as party chairman, leading DPP reform is his "destiny." Frank Hsieh is standing before him, precisely because he is the best leverage Su can get. There is nobody else. If Su Tseng-chang forsakes Frank Hsieh, he will not find a better champion of reform. He will be perceived as fleeing from responsibility. If this happens, there will repercussions. One. DPP reform will be delayed. The blame will fall on Su Tseng-chang. That is inescapable. Two. Party insiders and the general public will see Su Tseng-chang as a stumbling block, standing in the way of party reform. This will be disadvantageous to his bid for president. It will not prevent Tsai Ing-wen from joining forces with Frank Hsieh, and billing themselves as champions of party reform. Two years later they might even seize control of the DPP party leadership.
In other words, If Su Tseng-chang fails to attack the ball set up for him by Frank Hsieh, the damage will be incalculable, both for the party and for himself. Yet Su Tseng-chang insists that the current situation is "not urgent." In fact his main concern is that if the situation is not handled properly, it could hurt his 2016 election prospects. Can Frank Hsieh make allowances for Su Tseng-chang's dilemma? He appears to have made a genuine effort. Frank Hsieh should let Su Tseng-chang know that it is safe to make him Chairman of the DPP China Affairs Committee and entrust him with party reform. Hsieh should declare that he will not run for either president or vice president in the 2016 general election, and that he will not side with any of the DPP presidential hopefuls. Hsieh should declare that reform is for the future of the DPP and Taiwan, and must not become a part of intraparty power struggles. Such declarations would rebuild the relationships between Frank Hsieh, Su Tseng-chang, and Tsai Ing-wen. If Frank Hsieh wants to become the champion of party reform, he must assume a transcendent position. Perhaps Su Tseng-chang is waiting for such assurances from Frank Hsieh? Otherwise, if party reform becomes a part of intraparty power struggles, the party will debase itself. Words will not be adequate to describe the consequences.
Su Tseng-chang remains the key. But Su has a huge blind spot. He seems to think he must keep a lid on the pot. He seems to think that as long as no one shows his cards, he can avoid offending either party reformers or Taiwan independence hardliners. But the truth is the lid can no longer be kept on the pot. The more the DPP refuses to lift the lid, the more difficult it will be to resolve conflicts between these opposing forces. If the DPP waits to long to lift the lid, the bottom of the pot may have already burned through. When that happens, the blame will fall on Su Tseng-chang. Therefore Su's best strategy is to simply let go. He should turn over reform to party insiders who will subject the issues to democratic debate. He should submit the issues to the judgment of the public. He may wish to assume the role of a midwife. Whether the child is a boy or a girl will be determined through democratic debate within the party. The result may even be decided through a democratic vote within the party. Su Tseng-chang may be able to seize the high ground. He may be able to defuse the most controversial reform since the founding of the party. Will this be a crisis or an opportunity for Su Tseng-chang? That will depend on his political vision.
Anyone who has ever boiled water knows that once it comes to a boil, the lid must be removed. It must be allowed to boil from three to five minutes. This will enable to the chloroform to evaporate, leaving one with a pot of pure water. Su Tseng-chang's responsibility is to open the lid and let the chloroform boil away.
Su and Hsieh have long-standing grievances. But Su and Hsieh have an opportunity to join hands and rewrite history. But the opportunity is fleeting. They can hardly be "in no hurry." Will the two help each other, or will they hurt each other. Will both end up as losers? This will all be decided in a fleeting moment.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Washington: Returning to My Home vs. Returning to My Brother's Home
Washington: Returning to My Home vs. Returning to My Brother's Home
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 18, 2012
Summary: Washington has expressed enthusiastic approval of Frank Hsieh's visit to the Mainland. But it seems unsure about future developments. The "differences" Frank Hsieh spoke of are the differences between the two side of the Taiwan Strait. These cross-Strait differences must be dealt with. Hsieh must undergo an acid test. He must deal with internal dissent within the DPP. He must deal with differences between the DPP and KMT. This will be a key indicator as Washington monitors the repercussions of Frank Hsieh's visit to the Mainland.
Full Text below:
Former Premier Frank Hsieh wiped away tears during his visit to his ancestors' graves on Xiamen's Dongshan Island. He met with Beijing's State Council for Taiwan Affairs Office Director Wang Yi, ARATS chairman Chen Yunlin, and State Councilor Dai Bingguo. On the surface at least, Washington was delighted with what it saw.
But US government officials had feelings they were not at liberty to express. These are often expressed on their behalf by US think tank scholars. These scholars include Director Richard Bush of the Brookings Institute Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies, and senior researcher Kenneth Lieberthal. Former Premier Frank Hsieh visited the Chinese mainland. In their opinion, Frank Hsieh's visit was a good thing, both for Washington and for Beijing. It contributed to mutual understanding among political parties across the Taiwan Strait.
Frank Hsieh has spun his visit to the Chinese mainland as a case of "despite countless obstacles, I shall persevere." But as Washington sees it, Frank Hsieh's visit the Chinese mainland means just one thing. A great debate within the DPP regarding the party's view of the Chinese mainland is about to begin.
In this great debate US scholars believe that to achieve victory in the upcoming elections, different voices will make themselves heard within the DPP. These voices must subject themselves to scrutiny by the Taiwan public. For the DPP, the emergence of different opinions will bolster Taiwan's party politics. Washington has long been highly supportive of democracy on Taiwan. But Chen Shui-bian's eight years in office raise concerns about another ruling party change on Taiwan. Will the DPP's policy toward "China" and other nations once again provoke Beijing? Will it make waves in the currently calm waters of cross-Strait relations? Frank Hsieh's visit to the Mainland has touched off a massive debate regarding the DPP's attitude toward Mainland China. Naturally the United States welcomes this.
This is why the American Institute in Taiwan Taipei Office Chief Christopher J. Marut welcomed Frank Hsieh's visit to the Chinese mainland. During the 2012 Republic of China presidential election, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stressed that the ROC is an important security partner and economic partner. Washington sent senior officials to Taiwan. They announced that the ROC was a candidate for the US visa waiver program. They showed goodwill towards the Ma Ying-jeou administration. Conversely, U.S. National Security adviser Thomas E. Donilon, when interviewed by the London Financial Times, questioned DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen's ability to handle cross-Strait affairs. As a result DPP relations with Washington reached a new low. It is easy to see that Washington is deeply concerned about the ability of political parties on Taiwan to deal with cross-Strait relations. This is something the Democratic Progressive Party, which longs to return to power, cannot ignore.
The CCP understands the situation. The goal of its negotiations is to lock in a peace agreement and lock in the political status of Taiwan. This will be a long, drawn out process. Relying exclusively on the KMT is not enough. It must also obtain the support of the DPP. Washington's response to these developments is not yet clear. US officials have commented on certain subtle differences. When former Vice President Lien Chan first arrived on the Chinese mainland, he spoke of "returning home." When Frank Hsieh arrived on the Chinese mainland he spoke of "returning to my brother's home." The fact that US officials are noticing such fine distinctions reveals their deep concern about the impact of Frank Hsieh's visit to the Mainland.
Beijing allowed Frank Hsieh to visit the Mainland without preconditions. Washington has concluded that Beijing has a deeper understanding of Taiwan's internal affairs. It has concluded from Beijing's policies that it has greater ambitions toward Taiwan. These powerful ambitions are reflected in Beijing's desire to establish a channel of communication with DPP in the event it returns to power. The KMT and the CCP have already established channels for communication. But Beijing knows that changes in the ruling party are the norm on Taiwan. That is why it has decided to increase exchanges with the DPP. Conversely, even if the KMT remains in power long term, Beijing does not want the DPP enagaging in obstructionism whenever it attempts to communicate with the KMT. Risk management is the best way to establish an effective channel of communication with the DPP.
Scholars in the US are generally in agreement. The CCP is gradually learning how to deal with the major political parties on Taiwan. For example, Kenneth Lieberthal thinks Beijing wants to better understand democratic politics on Taiwan. That is why it has decided to establish relations with a wide range of political forces on Taiwan. Political parties on both sides of the Strait must seek mutual understanding. This will enable the Mainland to better grasp the political ecology on Taiwan. This will lead to more effective policies toward Taiwan.
When Frank Hsieh was on the Mainland, he said both sides must "confront their differences, deal with their differences, and transcend their differences." Hsieh met with State Council Taiwan Affairs Office Director Wang Yi. Hsieh said he did not think that the term "1992 consensus" was ever used. He proposed alternatives, either "different constitutions, different interpretations," or "constitutional consensus." These remarks disturbed Su Tseng-chang. The KMT was also dissatisfied. No wonder Su Tseng-chang insisted that Hsieh's visit to the Mainland was merely a private visit, and not an official DPP/CCP event. Consider the Kuomintang's perspective. The "1992 consensus" has undergone trial by fire -- the election process. Beijing has long emphasized actual strength. Will Hsieh be able to rally the troops on Taiwan? One can be sure it has made its own assessments.
So far, Washington has expressed enthusiastic approval of Frank Hsieh's visit to the Mainland. But it seems unsure about future developments. The "differences" Frank Hsieh spoke of are the differences between the two side of the Taiwan Strait. These cross-Strait differences must be dealt with. Hsieh must undergo an acid test. He must deal with internal dissent within the DPP. He must deal with differences between the DPP and KMT. This will be a key indicator as Washington monitors the repercussions of Frank Hsieh's visit to the Mainland.
這也正是美國在台協會(AIT)台北辦事處長馬啟思為何對謝長廷訪陸表示歡迎的主要原因。華府在二○一二年中華民國總統大選期間透過國務卿希拉蕊強調台灣是美國「重要安全與經濟夥伴」、派遣高級官員訪台、宣布台灣為「免簽證計畫」候選國,對馬英九政府展現善意,另一方面,美國國安顧問多尼隆(Thomas E. Donilon)又透過倫敦《金融時報》質疑民進黨總統候選人蔡英文處理兩岸事務的能力,讓民進黨與美國的關係一時間跌入谷底。不難看出美國對台灣政黨處理兩岸關係的能力高度關注,這是有意再度執政的民進黨不能視而不見的。
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 18, 2012
Summary: Washington has expressed enthusiastic approval of Frank Hsieh's visit to the Mainland. But it seems unsure about future developments. The "differences" Frank Hsieh spoke of are the differences between the two side of the Taiwan Strait. These cross-Strait differences must be dealt with. Hsieh must undergo an acid test. He must deal with internal dissent within the DPP. He must deal with differences between the DPP and KMT. This will be a key indicator as Washington monitors the repercussions of Frank Hsieh's visit to the Mainland.
Full Text below:
Former Premier Frank Hsieh wiped away tears during his visit to his ancestors' graves on Xiamen's Dongshan Island. He met with Beijing's State Council for Taiwan Affairs Office Director Wang Yi, ARATS chairman Chen Yunlin, and State Councilor Dai Bingguo. On the surface at least, Washington was delighted with what it saw.
But US government officials had feelings they were not at liberty to express. These are often expressed on their behalf by US think tank scholars. These scholars include Director Richard Bush of the Brookings Institute Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies, and senior researcher Kenneth Lieberthal. Former Premier Frank Hsieh visited the Chinese mainland. In their opinion, Frank Hsieh's visit was a good thing, both for Washington and for Beijing. It contributed to mutual understanding among political parties across the Taiwan Strait.
Frank Hsieh has spun his visit to the Chinese mainland as a case of "despite countless obstacles, I shall persevere." But as Washington sees it, Frank Hsieh's visit the Chinese mainland means just one thing. A great debate within the DPP regarding the party's view of the Chinese mainland is about to begin.
In this great debate US scholars believe that to achieve victory in the upcoming elections, different voices will make themselves heard within the DPP. These voices must subject themselves to scrutiny by the Taiwan public. For the DPP, the emergence of different opinions will bolster Taiwan's party politics. Washington has long been highly supportive of democracy on Taiwan. But Chen Shui-bian's eight years in office raise concerns about another ruling party change on Taiwan. Will the DPP's policy toward "China" and other nations once again provoke Beijing? Will it make waves in the currently calm waters of cross-Strait relations? Frank Hsieh's visit to the Mainland has touched off a massive debate regarding the DPP's attitude toward Mainland China. Naturally the United States welcomes this.
This is why the American Institute in Taiwan Taipei Office Chief Christopher J. Marut welcomed Frank Hsieh's visit to the Chinese mainland. During the 2012 Republic of China presidential election, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stressed that the ROC is an important security partner and economic partner. Washington sent senior officials to Taiwan. They announced that the ROC was a candidate for the US visa waiver program. They showed goodwill towards the Ma Ying-jeou administration. Conversely, U.S. National Security adviser Thomas E. Donilon, when interviewed by the London Financial Times, questioned DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen's ability to handle cross-Strait affairs. As a result DPP relations with Washington reached a new low. It is easy to see that Washington is deeply concerned about the ability of political parties on Taiwan to deal with cross-Strait relations. This is something the Democratic Progressive Party, which longs to return to power, cannot ignore.
The CCP understands the situation. The goal of its negotiations is to lock in a peace agreement and lock in the political status of Taiwan. This will be a long, drawn out process. Relying exclusively on the KMT is not enough. It must also obtain the support of the DPP. Washington's response to these developments is not yet clear. US officials have commented on certain subtle differences. When former Vice President Lien Chan first arrived on the Chinese mainland, he spoke of "returning home." When Frank Hsieh arrived on the Chinese mainland he spoke of "returning to my brother's home." The fact that US officials are noticing such fine distinctions reveals their deep concern about the impact of Frank Hsieh's visit to the Mainland.
Beijing allowed Frank Hsieh to visit the Mainland without preconditions. Washington has concluded that Beijing has a deeper understanding of Taiwan's internal affairs. It has concluded from Beijing's policies that it has greater ambitions toward Taiwan. These powerful ambitions are reflected in Beijing's desire to establish a channel of communication with DPP in the event it returns to power. The KMT and the CCP have already established channels for communication. But Beijing knows that changes in the ruling party are the norm on Taiwan. That is why it has decided to increase exchanges with the DPP. Conversely, even if the KMT remains in power long term, Beijing does not want the DPP enagaging in obstructionism whenever it attempts to communicate with the KMT. Risk management is the best way to establish an effective channel of communication with the DPP.
Scholars in the US are generally in agreement. The CCP is gradually learning how to deal with the major political parties on Taiwan. For example, Kenneth Lieberthal thinks Beijing wants to better understand democratic politics on Taiwan. That is why it has decided to establish relations with a wide range of political forces on Taiwan. Political parties on both sides of the Strait must seek mutual understanding. This will enable the Mainland to better grasp the political ecology on Taiwan. This will lead to more effective policies toward Taiwan.
When Frank Hsieh was on the Mainland, he said both sides must "confront their differences, deal with their differences, and transcend their differences." Hsieh met with State Council Taiwan Affairs Office Director Wang Yi. Hsieh said he did not think that the term "1992 consensus" was ever used. He proposed alternatives, either "different constitutions, different interpretations," or "constitutional consensus." These remarks disturbed Su Tseng-chang. The KMT was also dissatisfied. No wonder Su Tseng-chang insisted that Hsieh's visit to the Mainland was merely a private visit, and not an official DPP/CCP event. Consider the Kuomintang's perspective. The "1992 consensus" has undergone trial by fire -- the election process. Beijing has long emphasized actual strength. Will Hsieh be able to rally the troops on Taiwan? One can be sure it has made its own assessments.
So far, Washington has expressed enthusiastic approval of Frank Hsieh's visit to the Mainland. But it seems unsure about future developments. The "differences" Frank Hsieh spoke of are the differences between the two side of the Taiwan Strait. These cross-Strait differences must be dealt with. Hsieh must undergo an acid test. He must deal with internal dissent within the DPP. He must deal with differences between the DPP and KMT. This will be a key indicator as Washington monitors the repercussions of Frank Hsieh's visit to the Mainland.
這也正是美國在台協會(AIT)台北辦事處長馬啟思為何對謝長廷訪陸表示歡迎的主要原因。華府在二○一二年中華民國總統大選期間透過國務卿希拉蕊強調台灣是美國「重要安全與經濟夥伴」、派遣高級官員訪台、宣布台灣為「免簽證計畫」候選國,對馬英九政府展現善意,另一方面,美國國安顧問多尼隆(Thomas E. Donilon)又透過倫敦《金融時報》質疑民進黨總統候選人蔡英文處理兩岸事務的能力,讓民進黨與美國的關係一時間跌入谷底。不難看出美國對台灣政黨處理兩岸關係的能力高度關注,這是有意再度執政的民進黨不能視而不見的。
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Three Points in Time: Changes in Beijing's Policy Toward Taipei
Three Points in Time: Changes in Beijing's Policy Toward Taipei
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 17, 2012
Summary: DPP leader Frank Hsieh visited the Chinese mainland as Chairman of the Taiwan Restoration Foundation. He met with important figures responsible for Taiwan policy, including Wang Yi, Chen Yunlin, and Dai Bingguo. This broke new ground for public meetings between Beijing officialdom and DPP leaders. Have the DPP and CCP begun initiated a new mode of interaction? Will it affect the three way dynamics between the KMT, DPP, and CCP? Will it impact Taiwan policy following the 18th National Congress?
Full Text below:
Beijing has celebrated its long October 1st National Day holiday and is counting down to its 18th National Congress. For the CCP, this is an important moment. DPP leader Frank Hsieh visited the Chinese mainland as Chairman of the Taiwan Restoration Foundation. He met with important figures responsible for Taiwan policy, including Wang Yi, Chen Yunlin, and Dai Bingguo. This broke new ground for public meetings between Beijing officialdom and DPP leaders. Have the DPP and CCP begun initiated a new mode of interaction? Will it affect the three way dynamics between the KMT, DPP, and CCP? Will it impact Taiwan policy following the 18th National Congress? Everyone is asking these questions.
This is a critical moment for the Mainland authorities. They allowed Frank Hsieh to attend the International Bartenders Association as a private citizen. That has a number of implications for its Taiwan policy.
One. It shows how confident the Mainland authorities are about their Taiwan policy. Beijing officials responsible for Taiwan policy know that a vast chasm separates the DPP and CCP on matters of politics and sovereignty. The long National Day holiday and upcoming 18th National Congress make this a politically sensitive moment. Nevertheless they allowed a DPP leader to visit. They gave him the red carpet treatment. They extended him every courtesy. This shows that the two parties have an understanding. Beijing is using the occasion to underscore its growing confidence in its Taiwan policy. It does not think the visit will result in nasty surprises that someone will have to answer for.
Two. This shows the Mainland authorities' resolve regarding its Taiwan policy. Beijing insists that cross-Strait party to party exchanges must be predicated upon the 1992 consensus and opposition to Taiwan independence. Hsieh entered through Xiamen. He was greeted at the airport, whisked off to Beijing, where he met with officials responsible for Taiwan policy. During his visit Beijing treated him like a government official and not like a private citizen. They never mentioned either party's offiical titles. They never mentioned that he might meet with Jia Qinglin, a Standing Member of the Political Bureau.
Beijing has taken a firm stand on inter-party interaction. But it also knows it must offer hope to the public on Taiwan. It knows it cannot avoid the 40% of voters who support the DPP. It knows the ruling party on Taiwan could change. Four years ago, the "Hu Six Points" noted that "Those who once advocated, enaged in, and followed Taiwan independence, are welcome to return to the fold, move in the right direction, and promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations." Contrast this with the first three generations of CCP leaders. During Hu Jintao's term of office the two sides established direct cross-Strait links. They established a dialogue between the KMT and CCP. Now interaction between the CCP and Green camp politicians has begun. This can only be characterized as a milestone.
Three. This underscores the Mainland authorities' flexibility regarding Taiwan policy. The DPP and CCP share no common ground on the one China principle. Beijing considers Frank Hsieh's "two constitutions, different interpretations" unacceptable. But it is willing to set aside Point Four of the Hu Six Points. It is attempting to divide the Green camp by courting "progressive elements." It has long been impatient with the KMT's hesitancy on cross-Strait political issues. It used Frank Hsieh's visit to the Mainland. It gave him VIP treatment. It used the occasion to underscore increasing flexibility in its Taiwan policy. Consider Beijing's Taiwan policy. What Beijing objects to most vehemently is the DPP's repeated attempts to promote de-Sinicization, cultural Taiwan independence, and de jure Taiwan independence. Frank Hsieh's first stop was Fujian, where he paid his respects to his forebears. He revealed how he felt. He stressed that "[The two sides] cannot merely seek common ground while shelving differences. They must address and transcend their differences. This will require patience and mutual trust." Hsieh even advocated "two constitutions, different interpretations." To some extent he echoed Jia Qinglin's "The two sides are honoring existing provisions." This being the case, the two sides may have established some degree of trust and understanding.
Frank Hsieh met with Wang Yi, Chen Yunlin, and Dai Bingguo. What they talked about is not that important. After all, this was not a formal talk. This was not a party-to-party dialogue. Outside observers focused on how the DPP and CCP related to each other. Will this continue? Will this develop into something more? Will it affect the three way dynamic between the KMT, DPP, and CCP? These are all worthwhile questions.
Fourth and finally, the Chinese Communist Party is about to convene its 18th National Congress. What will its policy toward Taiwan be? Everyone on Taiwan should be concerned. First of all, the 18th Party Congress Political Report represents the Party's direction and principles. Thousands of words will be devoted to Taiwan policy. Will the 1992 consensus appear in this year's government work report and political report? Secondly, two sessions will be held in the spring of next year. The CCP's highest Taiwan policy body is the Central Government's Taiwan Affairs Leadership Group. The group leader is Xi Jinping. He is both deputy chief and a group member. These and other Taiwan policy positions are currently being determined. When they are, Beijing's policy toward Taiwan will become clear. Thirdly, Xi Jinping will soon assume power. On the one hand, he will follow Hu Jintao's established practices and guidelines. On the other hand, he must change with the times and find his own style of decision making. Xi Jinping will soon assume power. He will review the results of current Taiwan policy. The results of the 2016 general election will be an important criterion in his decision. In 2017 the CCP will convene its 19th National Congress. What will the outcome of the 2016 general election on Taiwan be? Regardless of what it is, the CCP will want to ensure cross-Strait peace. This will naturally become the top priority for new and old Taiwan policy makers alike. Beijing gave Frank Hsieh the red carpet treatment during his visit to the Chinese mainland. The CPP 18th National Congress will focus on the above as it determines the Mainland's policy toward Taiwan.
三個時間點 觀察大陸對台政策變化
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 17, 2012
Summary: DPP leader Frank Hsieh visited the Chinese mainland as Chairman of the Taiwan Restoration Foundation. He met with important figures responsible for Taiwan policy, including Wang Yi, Chen Yunlin, and Dai Bingguo. This broke new ground for public meetings between Beijing officialdom and DPP leaders. Have the DPP and CCP begun initiated a new mode of interaction? Will it affect the three way dynamics between the KMT, DPP, and CCP? Will it impact Taiwan policy following the 18th National Congress?
Full Text below:
Beijing has celebrated its long October 1st National Day holiday and is counting down to its 18th National Congress. For the CCP, this is an important moment. DPP leader Frank Hsieh visited the Chinese mainland as Chairman of the Taiwan Restoration Foundation. He met with important figures responsible for Taiwan policy, including Wang Yi, Chen Yunlin, and Dai Bingguo. This broke new ground for public meetings between Beijing officialdom and DPP leaders. Have the DPP and CCP begun initiated a new mode of interaction? Will it affect the three way dynamics between the KMT, DPP, and CCP? Will it impact Taiwan policy following the 18th National Congress? Everyone is asking these questions.
This is a critical moment for the Mainland authorities. They allowed Frank Hsieh to attend the International Bartenders Association as a private citizen. That has a number of implications for its Taiwan policy.
One. It shows how confident the Mainland authorities are about their Taiwan policy. Beijing officials responsible for Taiwan policy know that a vast chasm separates the DPP and CCP on matters of politics and sovereignty. The long National Day holiday and upcoming 18th National Congress make this a politically sensitive moment. Nevertheless they allowed a DPP leader to visit. They gave him the red carpet treatment. They extended him every courtesy. This shows that the two parties have an understanding. Beijing is using the occasion to underscore its growing confidence in its Taiwan policy. It does not think the visit will result in nasty surprises that someone will have to answer for.
Two. This shows the Mainland authorities' resolve regarding its Taiwan policy. Beijing insists that cross-Strait party to party exchanges must be predicated upon the 1992 consensus and opposition to Taiwan independence. Hsieh entered through Xiamen. He was greeted at the airport, whisked off to Beijing, where he met with officials responsible for Taiwan policy. During his visit Beijing treated him like a government official and not like a private citizen. They never mentioned either party's offiical titles. They never mentioned that he might meet with Jia Qinglin, a Standing Member of the Political Bureau.
Beijing has taken a firm stand on inter-party interaction. But it also knows it must offer hope to the public on Taiwan. It knows it cannot avoid the 40% of voters who support the DPP. It knows the ruling party on Taiwan could change. Four years ago, the "Hu Six Points" noted that "Those who once advocated, enaged in, and followed Taiwan independence, are welcome to return to the fold, move in the right direction, and promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations." Contrast this with the first three generations of CCP leaders. During Hu Jintao's term of office the two sides established direct cross-Strait links. They established a dialogue between the KMT and CCP. Now interaction between the CCP and Green camp politicians has begun. This can only be characterized as a milestone.
Three. This underscores the Mainland authorities' flexibility regarding Taiwan policy. The DPP and CCP share no common ground on the one China principle. Beijing considers Frank Hsieh's "two constitutions, different interpretations" unacceptable. But it is willing to set aside Point Four of the Hu Six Points. It is attempting to divide the Green camp by courting "progressive elements." It has long been impatient with the KMT's hesitancy on cross-Strait political issues. It used Frank Hsieh's visit to the Mainland. It gave him VIP treatment. It used the occasion to underscore increasing flexibility in its Taiwan policy. Consider Beijing's Taiwan policy. What Beijing objects to most vehemently is the DPP's repeated attempts to promote de-Sinicization, cultural Taiwan independence, and de jure Taiwan independence. Frank Hsieh's first stop was Fujian, where he paid his respects to his forebears. He revealed how he felt. He stressed that "[The two sides] cannot merely seek common ground while shelving differences. They must address and transcend their differences. This will require patience and mutual trust." Hsieh even advocated "two constitutions, different interpretations." To some extent he echoed Jia Qinglin's "The two sides are honoring existing provisions." This being the case, the two sides may have established some degree of trust and understanding.
Frank Hsieh met with Wang Yi, Chen Yunlin, and Dai Bingguo. What they talked about is not that important. After all, this was not a formal talk. This was not a party-to-party dialogue. Outside observers focused on how the DPP and CCP related to each other. Will this continue? Will this develop into something more? Will it affect the three way dynamic between the KMT, DPP, and CCP? These are all worthwhile questions.
Fourth and finally, the Chinese Communist Party is about to convene its 18th National Congress. What will its policy toward Taiwan be? Everyone on Taiwan should be concerned. First of all, the 18th Party Congress Political Report represents the Party's direction and principles. Thousands of words will be devoted to Taiwan policy. Will the 1992 consensus appear in this year's government work report and political report? Secondly, two sessions will be held in the spring of next year. The CCP's highest Taiwan policy body is the Central Government's Taiwan Affairs Leadership Group. The group leader is Xi Jinping. He is both deputy chief and a group member. These and other Taiwan policy positions are currently being determined. When they are, Beijing's policy toward Taiwan will become clear. Thirdly, Xi Jinping will soon assume power. On the one hand, he will follow Hu Jintao's established practices and guidelines. On the other hand, he must change with the times and find his own style of decision making. Xi Jinping will soon assume power. He will review the results of current Taiwan policy. The results of the 2016 general election will be an important criterion in his decision. In 2017 the CCP will convene its 19th National Congress. What will the outcome of the 2016 general election on Taiwan be? Regardless of what it is, the CCP will want to ensure cross-Strait peace. This will naturally become the top priority for new and old Taiwan policy makers alike. Beijing gave Frank Hsieh the red carpet treatment during his visit to the Chinese mainland. The CPP 18th National Congress will focus on the above as it determines the Mainland's policy toward Taiwan.
三個時間點 觀察大陸對台政策變化
KMT: Holding the Line Will Merely Ensure One's Defeat
KMT: Holding the Line Will Merely Ensure One's Defeat
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 16, 2012
Summary: Democratic Progressive Party members are experienced political fighters. Mainland policy is their Achilles Heel. They must overcome that Achilles Heel. If they cannot, the giant boulder blocking their return to power will remain in place, forever. Frank Hsieh has made his move in this chess game. The DPP is set to transform itself. The KMT is already on the side of expanded exchanges with the Chinese mainland. What reason does it have to assume such a timid posture? Holding the line will merely ensure one's defeat.
Full Text below:
Former Premier and former DPP Chairman Frank Hsieh concluded his "trail-blazing journey" to the Chinese mainland. He characterized his visit as a personal visit. But it will have political and economic repercussions. What repercussions will it have within the DPP? Many people are asking this question. What impact will Frank Hsieh's trip have on the KMT, which has spared no effort to expand cross-Strait relations? That too is worth watching.
Nineteeen years ago, Frank Hsieh led a delegation to Xiamen. Accompanying him were Taiwan independence hardliners Trong Chai, Yao Chia-wen, and others. When Taipei and Beijing allowed people on each side to visit relatives on the other side, opposition DPP members visiting the Chinese mainland far outnumbered ruling KMT members. Cross-Strait exchanges had yet to be politicized. It had yet to be linked to Chinese reunification vs. Taiwan independence ideology. That changed with President Lee Teng-hui's trip to Cornell. His "one country on each side thesis" froze cross-Strait relations. Taiwan independence consciousness underwent a quantum leap. Politicians exploited the issue to win votes. The epithet "mai tai ji tuan" (group that is selling out Taiwan) became a new way to accuse someone of being a "Communist sympathizer." The Democratic Progressive Party ruled for eight years. President Chen Shui-bian won the approval of moderate and swing voters. But during his eight years in power, whenever an election rolled around, reunification vs. independence and "ethnic group" (social group) rhetoric filled the air. Countless heavyweight Blue Camp political leaders were smeared as "Communists" by means of DPP propaganda. Frank Hsieh wept upon seeing his ancestors' burial sites. He met with Dai Bingguo, Beijing's Secretary-General for the Steering Group for Taiwan. Afterwards he could not resist patting himself on the back for not permitting himself to be "used." On the one hand, the Blue camp said it was only too happy to see him succeed. But in fact Blue camp leaders found it difficult to remain at ease.
Politics after all, is not deception. Wherever one goes, one leaves a trail. Frank Hsieh is pragmatic and flexible. He understands political reality and political power. He is all too clear on the pros and cons of straying from the beaten path. No one will ever forget his broadcasts on Green camp pirate radio stations. He blasted the Ma administration's cross-strait economic and trade policies. He said they would leave "workers on Taiwan unable to find work, and women on Taiwan unable to find husbands." The Hsieh faction in the legislature did everything in its power to prevent the government from recognizing Mainland student academic credentials. Many KMT party and government officials watched from the sidelines as Frank Hsieh arrived on the Mainland. They wiated to see how the Democratic Progressive Party would rationalize its past rhetoric about "Communist sympathizers."
The growth of democracy on Taiwan means an end to wild charges about "Communist sympathizers." That is a positive development. Only then can we liberate cross-Strait relations from the shackles of ideology. Only then can we courageously advance for the benefit of the people. The Ma administration has been in office for over four years. It has devoted most of its energy to Mainland policy. It has broken through the ice accumulated during 12 years under Lee Teng-hui. But it has always left people with the impression that it is timid, that it is only taking half a step when it should be taking a full step forward. For example, Mainland academic credentials were recognized only after two fist fights and three years of delay in the legislature. Conditional NHI coverage for Mainland students is still under discussion. Don't even bring up Mainland investments on Taiwan, and the huge impact they might have. The administration has opened up in form but not in substance.
The two sides have engaged in cross-Strait exchanges for over two decades. Beijing once had high hopes for Lee Teng-hui. It had high hopes for the Democratic Progressive Party. But in the end it was KMT Honorary Chairman Lien Chan and People First Party Chairman James Soong who first visited the Mainland to rebuild trust. Frank Hsieh's visit was nominally private. But Beijing gave him the red carpet treatment. It is testing the waters with the DPP. Beijing now understands how democracy on Taiwan operates. The ruling party may change, therefore they cannot limit their dealings to the KMT. Naturally they do not want cross-Strait relations to regress as a result of changes in the ruling party. But they must consider the possibilty of the KMT once again losing power. They must learn to cope. This is good news for cross-Strait interaction. This is a warning to the KMT, which is currently in power and has a strong desire to remain in power.
The CCP 18th National Congress will soon convene. Yet the CCP played host to Frank Hsieh. This shows how confident Beijing is about its Taiwan policy. By contrast, the first thing the Ma administration did was to change its cabinet heads charged wtih Mainland relations and with national security. The general evaluation of the new cabinet has been poor. It exhibits scant evidence of strong goal orientation. The economic picture at home and abroad is grim. Merely holding the line may not be a smart move. It may be a very bad move. The public will not tolerate a lack of achievements during the Ma administration's second term. A stagnant situation will only turn public opinion against the government. It will lead to a change of heart. The DPP will with little effort on its part be back on the road to power.
Given the political spectrum on Taiwan, the differences between the KMT and the DPP are not that great. One party opposes Taiwan independence. The other opposes China's reunification. The bottom line is both want to maintain the political status quo. The DPP hammered away at KMT leaders, accusing them of being Communist sympathizers. KMT leaders appear to have internalized this unearned guilt. The DPP holds high the banner of Taiwan independence, reassuring itself that it is applying the brakes in cross-Strait relations. Therefore when the brakes start to act up, the KMT no longer knows how to position itself. It must define itself more clearly. It has been blindsided. Frank Hsieh took one small step for a man. That may or may not be one giant leap for the DPP. Party Chairman Su Tseng-chang currently wields power. He has yet to make his move. But the vast majority of Democratic Progressive Party members are experienced political fighters. Mainland policy is their Achilles Heel. They must overcome that Achilles Heel. If they cannot, the giant boulder blocking their return to power will remain in place, forever. Frank Hsieh has made his move in this chess game. The DPP is set to transform itself. The KMT is already on the side of expanded exchanges with the Chinese mainland. What reason does it have to assume such a timid posture? Holding the line will merely ensure one's defeat.
國民黨守成 就等於棄子求敗
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
October 16, 2012
Summary: Democratic Progressive Party members are experienced political fighters. Mainland policy is their Achilles Heel. They must overcome that Achilles Heel. If they cannot, the giant boulder blocking their return to power will remain in place, forever. Frank Hsieh has made his move in this chess game. The DPP is set to transform itself. The KMT is already on the side of expanded exchanges with the Chinese mainland. What reason does it have to assume such a timid posture? Holding the line will merely ensure one's defeat.
Full Text below:
Former Premier and former DPP Chairman Frank Hsieh concluded his "trail-blazing journey" to the Chinese mainland. He characterized his visit as a personal visit. But it will have political and economic repercussions. What repercussions will it have within the DPP? Many people are asking this question. What impact will Frank Hsieh's trip have on the KMT, which has spared no effort to expand cross-Strait relations? That too is worth watching.
Nineteeen years ago, Frank Hsieh led a delegation to Xiamen. Accompanying him were Taiwan independence hardliners Trong Chai, Yao Chia-wen, and others. When Taipei and Beijing allowed people on each side to visit relatives on the other side, opposition DPP members visiting the Chinese mainland far outnumbered ruling KMT members. Cross-Strait exchanges had yet to be politicized. It had yet to be linked to Chinese reunification vs. Taiwan independence ideology. That changed with President Lee Teng-hui's trip to Cornell. His "one country on each side thesis" froze cross-Strait relations. Taiwan independence consciousness underwent a quantum leap. Politicians exploited the issue to win votes. The epithet "mai tai ji tuan" (group that is selling out Taiwan) became a new way to accuse someone of being a "Communist sympathizer." The Democratic Progressive Party ruled for eight years. President Chen Shui-bian won the approval of moderate and swing voters. But during his eight years in power, whenever an election rolled around, reunification vs. independence and "ethnic group" (social group) rhetoric filled the air. Countless heavyweight Blue Camp political leaders were smeared as "Communists" by means of DPP propaganda. Frank Hsieh wept upon seeing his ancestors' burial sites. He met with Dai Bingguo, Beijing's Secretary-General for the Steering Group for Taiwan. Afterwards he could not resist patting himself on the back for not permitting himself to be "used." On the one hand, the Blue camp said it was only too happy to see him succeed. But in fact Blue camp leaders found it difficult to remain at ease.
Politics after all, is not deception. Wherever one goes, one leaves a trail. Frank Hsieh is pragmatic and flexible. He understands political reality and political power. He is all too clear on the pros and cons of straying from the beaten path. No one will ever forget his broadcasts on Green camp pirate radio stations. He blasted the Ma administration's cross-strait economic and trade policies. He said they would leave "workers on Taiwan unable to find work, and women on Taiwan unable to find husbands." The Hsieh faction in the legislature did everything in its power to prevent the government from recognizing Mainland student academic credentials. Many KMT party and government officials watched from the sidelines as Frank Hsieh arrived on the Mainland. They wiated to see how the Democratic Progressive Party would rationalize its past rhetoric about "Communist sympathizers."
The growth of democracy on Taiwan means an end to wild charges about "Communist sympathizers." That is a positive development. Only then can we liberate cross-Strait relations from the shackles of ideology. Only then can we courageously advance for the benefit of the people. The Ma administration has been in office for over four years. It has devoted most of its energy to Mainland policy. It has broken through the ice accumulated during 12 years under Lee Teng-hui. But it has always left people with the impression that it is timid, that it is only taking half a step when it should be taking a full step forward. For example, Mainland academic credentials were recognized only after two fist fights and three years of delay in the legislature. Conditional NHI coverage for Mainland students is still under discussion. Don't even bring up Mainland investments on Taiwan, and the huge impact they might have. The administration has opened up in form but not in substance.
The two sides have engaged in cross-Strait exchanges for over two decades. Beijing once had high hopes for Lee Teng-hui. It had high hopes for the Democratic Progressive Party. But in the end it was KMT Honorary Chairman Lien Chan and People First Party Chairman James Soong who first visited the Mainland to rebuild trust. Frank Hsieh's visit was nominally private. But Beijing gave him the red carpet treatment. It is testing the waters with the DPP. Beijing now understands how democracy on Taiwan operates. The ruling party may change, therefore they cannot limit their dealings to the KMT. Naturally they do not want cross-Strait relations to regress as a result of changes in the ruling party. But they must consider the possibilty of the KMT once again losing power. They must learn to cope. This is good news for cross-Strait interaction. This is a warning to the KMT, which is currently in power and has a strong desire to remain in power.
The CCP 18th National Congress will soon convene. Yet the CCP played host to Frank Hsieh. This shows how confident Beijing is about its Taiwan policy. By contrast, the first thing the Ma administration did was to change its cabinet heads charged wtih Mainland relations and with national security. The general evaluation of the new cabinet has been poor. It exhibits scant evidence of strong goal orientation. The economic picture at home and abroad is grim. Merely holding the line may not be a smart move. It may be a very bad move. The public will not tolerate a lack of achievements during the Ma administration's second term. A stagnant situation will only turn public opinion against the government. It will lead to a change of heart. The DPP will with little effort on its part be back on the road to power.
Given the political spectrum on Taiwan, the differences between the KMT and the DPP are not that great. One party opposes Taiwan independence. The other opposes China's reunification. The bottom line is both want to maintain the political status quo. The DPP hammered away at KMT leaders, accusing them of being Communist sympathizers. KMT leaders appear to have internalized this unearned guilt. The DPP holds high the banner of Taiwan independence, reassuring itself that it is applying the brakes in cross-Strait relations. Therefore when the brakes start to act up, the KMT no longer knows how to position itself. It must define itself more clearly. It has been blindsided. Frank Hsieh took one small step for a man. That may or may not be one giant leap for the DPP. Party Chairman Su Tseng-chang currently wields power. He has yet to make his move. But the vast majority of Democratic Progressive Party members are experienced political fighters. Mainland policy is their Achilles Heel. They must overcome that Achilles Heel. If they cannot, the giant boulder blocking their return to power will remain in place, forever. Frank Hsieh has made his move in this chess game. The DPP is set to transform itself. The KMT is already on the side of expanded exchanges with the Chinese mainland. What reason does it have to assume such a timid posture? Holding the line will merely ensure one's defeat.
國民黨守成 就等於棄子求敗
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