Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Taipei and Beijing: Problems Must Be Named Before They Can Be Solved

Taipei and Beijing: Problems Must Be Named Before They Can Be Solved
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China)
A Translation
October 23, 2013

Summary: During the first Cross-Strait Peace Forum, the Blue, Green, and Red camps all openly referred to the "Republic of China," the "Constitution of the Republic of China," and "President Ma." This gave us an insight into the meaning of the "deep end of the pool." In the past, neither Taiwan nor the Mainland could talk openly about such matters. Dialogue was impossible. Now the two sides can venture into the deep end of the pool. They can use controversial terminology. They can ask the hard questions. Only this will enable them to solve the difficult problems.

Full text below:

During the first Cross-Strait Peace Forum, the Blue, Green, and Red camps all openly referred to the "Republic of China," the "Constitution of the Republic of China," and "President Ma." This gave us an insight into the meaning of the "deep end of the pool."

On similar occasions in the past, terms such as the "Republic of China," the "Constitution of the Republic of China," and "President Ma" were taboo. They were unmentionable. One could not even say them aloud. How then, could anyone address the problems associated with them? No agreement has ever been reached on terms such as "one China," or the "one China framework." Even Beijing, which formulated the concepts, cannot not tell you precisely what they mean. Nor has anyone ever asked Beijing, "Just what is is the one China framework you refer to?" The recent Cross-Strait Peace Forum at least asked the question, "How can we define the one China framework and the legal relationship between the two sides' existing constitutions?" These are hard questions. They require wading into the deep end of the pool. Asking and answering such questions requires courage.

In other words, before one can ask hard questions, one must first be willing to use controversial terminology. One must be willing to use such controversial terms as the "Republic of China," the "Constitution of the Republic of China," and " President Ma." Only then can one ask the hard questions, including the question, "How can we define the one China framework and the legal relationship between the two sides' existing constitutions?" If we dare not use these controversial terms, how can we enter the deep end of the pool? In this respect, the forum offered two bright spots.

One. This forum earnestly and frankly addressed the issue of the two sides' sovereignty and jurisdiction. Kao Yu-jen argued for "mutual recognition of overlapping sovereignty, and mutual respect for separate jurisdiction." This would establish a consensus on some of the controversial terminology. During the forum, Mainland and other conference participants were impressive in their frankness. First, Mainland participants showed no reservations about using terms such as the "Republic of China" and the " Constitution of the Republic of China." Secondly, Mainland participants tended to agree with other participants' references to "mutual recognition of each others' jurisdiction" or " one country, two governments." For example, Xiamen University scholar Liu Xuesheng said, "The People's Republic of China and the Republic of China are two hostile regimes inside the territory of one country." He said, "One China should not be equated with either the People's Republic of China or the Republic of China." Peking University scholar Li Yihu said, "Linkages should be actively sought between the two sides. The one China Constitution is worth considering." Renmin University scholar Huang Jiashu said, "The Mainland must face the fact that on Taiwan there is a system of government that is not part of the People's Republic of China system of government." Finally, the "Minutes of the General Assembly" pointed out that "problems involving interactions between public officials from the two sides must be properly dealt with." The term "public officials" attracted the most attention.

Such acknowledgements point to the hard question "How can we define the one China framework and the legal relationship between the two sides' existing constitutions?" Kao Yu-jen argued for "mutual recognition of overlapping sovereignty." He even hinted at the possibility of a "third concept" transcending the ROC and the PRC, a "generic concept of China" or "Big Roof Concept of China." In short, this was one of the bright spots of the forum. It introduced controversial terminology into the debate. It waded into the deep end of the pool.

Two. The forum affirmed the understanding reached during the Ma Xi meeting. The forum noted that, "Leaders from both sides of the Strait made an important contribution to regional and world peace. They recommended and actively created the requisite conditions. The form and content of the forum helped bring about mutually acceptable solutions." The forum reached a consensus on the term "leaders from the two sides." They agreed that Ma and Xi should address each other as "leader of the Taiwan authorities" and "leader of the Mainland authorities." This would facilitate a Ma Xi meeting. If the two sides can refer to each other as "leaders," then the question of sovereignty and jurisdiction has been sorted out to some degree.

Peace forum members differed over the Ma Xi meeting. Mainland think tanks wanted a peace agreement first, and a Ma Xi meeting next. Taiwan scholars thought that a peace agreement might be difficult to achieve. If a peace agreement was made a precondition to a Ma Xi meeting, that might be a deal breaker. They suggested substituting a "Peace Declaration." Actually the two sides differed on the peace agreement itself. Mainland think tanks said a peace agreement would not be a "reunification agreement," but it would not preclude a move toward reunification. Taiwan scholars thought that an "agreement" should not be a "legal commitment." It should not amount to "kidnapping" or even a "wedding engagement." These are the controversial terms. These are the hard questions that require wading into the deep end of the pool.

The recent Cross-Strait Peace Forum amounted to "private sector trail blazing." On the Taiwan side, Kao Yu-jen shrugged off government and partisan strictures. He said things the Ma government could not say. He said things the KMT and the DPP dare not say. On the Mainland side, Taiwan Affairs Office Director Zhang Zhijun fulfilled his pledge to "shatter taboos" upon taking office. He opened the floodgates. He gave Mainland and other forum participants additional room to maneuver. They could now speak openly about the "Republic of China" and the "Constitution of the Republic of China." This was all possible because the forum was a private sector initiative. The two sides confonted reality. This contributed to the success of the forum.

In the past, neither Taiwan nor the Mainland could talk openly about such matters. Dialogue was impossible. Now the two sides can venture into the deep end of the pool. They can use controversial terminology. They can ask the hard questions. Only this will enable them to solve the difficult problems.

2013.10.23 02:37 am










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