Thursday, March 17, 2016

Stand Firm to Achieve Cross-Strait Meeting of Minds

Stand Firm to Achieve Cross-Strait Meeting of Minds
China Times Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
March 18, 2016

Executive Summary: If the Mainland truly seeks a meeting of the minds, the ball is clearly not in Taiwan's court. Taiwan society has undergone economic modernization and political democratization. It has gradually evolved into a mature civilized society. If the Mainland truly seeks peaceful reunification, it must minimize conflict with Taiwan. It must also follow Xi Jinping's advice: "To be a blacksmith, one must harden oneself”. It must continue to promote reform. Its own progress will promote cross-Strait integration and reunification.

Full Text Below:

People's views on national identity and reunification vs. independence, are key indicators of Taiwan's political evolution. They are also an important indicator of the effectiveness of the Mainland's Taiwan policy. Recent indicators however, may leave the Mainland very disappointed.

This is especially true for the last eight years. Greatly improved cross-Strait relations have not brought about a shift in sentiment regarding reunification vs. independence. Instead they have widened the gap even further. Substantively speaking, fewer and fewer people advocate reunification. They consider themselves Taiwanese only, and hope to eventually move toward independence. At least more and more people hope to maintain the status quo indefinitely.

The most recent polls show that shift at a record high. People who consider themselves Taiwanese only, has increased from 44% over the past 20 years to 73%. People who consider themselves Chinese, on the other hand, have fallen to 11%. Regarding reunification vs. independence, 46% would maintain the status quo indefinitely. Those who advocate immediate independence on the other hand, have increased 8% since 2015.

In the past, observers assumed this was the result of the People's Republic of China government monopolizing the right to represent one China. Many on Taiwan did not identify with the PRC. Therefore they refused to identify with China. But according to recent findings by another publication, even if the two sides were represented by the ROC, those who favor reunification would still be under 30%, while those who oppose reunification, would be as high as 60%. If the two sides were represented by the People's Republic of China, then those who favor reunification would be limited to a mere 9.2%. Obviously, even having the Republic of China represent the whole of China, is no longer a vision on Taiwan. Never mind being unified by the Mainland.

That said, the Mainland need not be utterly discouraged by public opinion on Taiwan. A survey conducted by the Academia Sinica in late 2015 offers another perspective. That poll shows 46.4% of the public favoring independence. But when asked "What do you see in the future? Reunification, or independence?”, most people, 49.7%, expected to be reunified by the Mainland. Only 35.9% expect Taiwan to become independent. Not only that, even 37% of those who favor Taiwan independence, expect to be reunified by the Mainland. Among those who expressed no preference, 51.3% expect to be reunified. In other words, many people may not be willing to be reunified, but rational considerations convince them that reunification is inevitable.

Why did these two polls yield different, even contradictory results? First of course, is the contradiction between ideals and reality. Changes in reunification vs. independence sentiment show that  most people do not share the Mainland's longing for reunification. In the minds of the public, the image of the Mainland is remains largely negative. This may not be solely the consequence of long-term anti-Mainland propaganda. The Mainland's political system is coercive and unstable. This makes people on Taiwan, accustomed to freedom and a democratic way of life, uncomfortable.

Young people in particular, are the most emotionally distant from the Mainland. Part of this is the result of de-Sinicization indoctrination. But part of it is that they are accustomed to living in a democracy. The Mainland has a different political system and lifestyle. It is easy to feel a much greater sense of alienation than the previous generation. They cannot understand or sympathize with the Mainland's way of dealing with social and political problems. Still less can they feel a sense of closeness.

But reason will lead them to make the proper adjustments. When most people on Taiwan expect reunification, they are likely to undergo two stages of psychological conversion. Stage one will of course be resistance –- resistance even greater than revealed in current polls. But if resistance proves ineffective, realistic considerations will lead many to adjust to the Mainland.

In other words, at this stage the percentage of people opposed to reunification may have reached new highs. But if after a period of emotional see-sawing, the Mainland remains attractive, practical considerations will override emotional considerations. People will accept their inevitable fate, and do their best to adapt to them.

In any event, these polls are a warning for the Mainland. On the one hand, they remind it that even if reunification is possible, many problems will still need to be resolved. The impact of concessions at this stage is limited. On the other hand, they should also encourage the Mainland. Do not allow a temporary setback to discourage you. Stick to your guns until the tide of public opinion turns.

If the Mainland truly seeks a meeting of the minds, the ball is clearly not in Taiwan's court. Taiwan society has undergone economic modernization and political democratization. It has gradually evolved into a mature civilized society. If the Mainland truly seeks peaceful reunification, it must minimize conflict with Taiwan. It must also follow Xi Jinping's advice: "To be a blacksmith, one must harden oneself”. It must continue to promote reform. Its own progress will promote cross-Strait integration and reunification.

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20160318 中國時報












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