Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Cabinet Must Not Deselect People of Talent

The Cabinet Must Not Deselect People of Talent
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
September 15, 2009

President Ma and Liu Chao-hsuan's public approval ratings have recovered substantially following the general resignation of the Liu cabinet. The TAIEX soared at the news. Clearly the public approved of the Liu cabinet's decision to assume responsibility for the 8/8 Flood by resigning en masse. But the day after the makeup of the new cabinet was announced, the court handed down its first instance verdict in the Chen corruption case. The public had no time to analyze and comment on the cabinet reshuffling. But the Chen corruption case has now receded from the headlines, and the cabinet reshuffling will have an impact on Taiwan's future. Therefore it is time we subjected it to further review.
Long before the 8/8 Flood, the public had already formed either positive or negative impressions of the Liu cabinet. Some cabinet members had poor public approval ratings. During the recent cabinet reshuffling, these cabinet members were replaced. They include Chen Chao-min, Chen Ching-hsiu, Francisco Ou, and Yin Chi-ming. Some cabinet members had very poor public approval ratings, but have unexpectedly been asked to stay on. Other cabinet members had good public approval ratings. Some of them were even model cabinet members. These include former Education Minister Cheng Jui-cheng and former Chairman of the Council for Economic Planning Chen Tian-chi. Yet for some unexplained reason, they have left. The majority of cabinet members' performance was not bad. They should have remained in office. The aforementioned cabinet reshuffling involved four types of cabinet members. Two types provoked the greatest anxiety. They were "those who should have left, but didn't," and "those who should not have left, but did." These two types were, in effect, deselections." Politically speaking, "deselections" are an extremely undesirable phenomenon. Whenever they occur, we should be alarmed.

Put plainly, deselections are a case of "selecting the bad" combined with "deselecting the good." It includes those who occupy positions of responsibility but do no work, and those whose hearts aren't in their jobs. They end up performing poorly and harming the nation. Many people on Taiwan miss the late President Chiang Ching-kuo because during his term of office he laid the foundations for Taiwan's economic development. This foundation was created by Sun Yun-suan, Li Kuo-ting and other capable and industrious ministers. Sun and Li were willing to dedicate their lives to the nation for two reasons. One, the legislature was not as fierce and crude as it is today. Two, they wielded clearly delegated powers, making it clear what their subordinates had to do. A healthy political culture can attract talented people from near and far. But an unhealthy political culture can result in the "deselection" of people of talent.

Take Chen Tian-chi for example, the cabinet's financial and economic "model student." Much to everyone's regret, he has resigned and returned to National Taiwan University to teach. Rationally speaking, why should he serve as a cabinet official when he can serve as a professor? Why attend endless meetings every day, eating greasy box lunches, sleeping fitfully at night, enduring verbal abuse in the Legislative Yuan, merely for three square meals a day? Such hardships make it difficult to maintain one's ideals. They make one fearful of the bureaucratic jungle. Most importantly, one may be willing to kill oneself in an effort to contribute to the greater good. But the environment will prevent one from accomplishing anything worthwhile. This deep divide between contribution and accomplishment makes serving in a cabinet a life-shortening experience. Accepting a cabinet position is not something a rational and competent economist is inclined to do. The Republic of China government lacks the objective conditions necessary to attract talented people. The only way to retain such people is appeals to idealism. When people who need to be kept on choose to leave, it means they have become bitterly disillusioned. For those in authority, this is definitely a warning sign.

Conversely, when those who ought to leave stay on, that constitutes another public setback, another crisis of confidence. Over the past year, the Blue and Green media, the financial press, domestic scholars and experts and foreign rating agencies, have repeatedly criticized the government's financial plans. They feel the serious public sector budget deficit bodes poorly for the nation's credit rating. Recently published international competitiveness ratings indicate that the Republic of China's ranking has improved. But that is primarily due to the Ma administration's deregulation of cross-Strait policy and gradual liberalization of industry. These are unrelated to the budget deficit. In terms of practical policy, the disaster relief efforts of the Ministry of Finance and the Department of Defense were roughly equal. But the result was Chen Chao-min stepped down, while Li Shu-teh stayed on.

The current cabinet reshuffling resulted in many cabinet members who should have departed staying on, and many cabinet members who should have stayed on, departing. The frustration felt by these cabinet members is of lesser importance. Of greater importance is public concern over the determination of Taiwan's financial and economic policies. In fact, the vast majority of the public has no personal relationship with the president, cabinet members, or other high-ranking officials. Who is in and who is out, who will stay and who will leave, makes no difference to them personally, All they know is how they feel about the administration. This may sound abstract, but at election time their feelings will be translated into votes. If qualified financial and economic experts desert the administration, many people may feel let down. For President Ma the most serious concern may be the loss of votes. To bring down the Republic of China's finances may take two or three years. But to leave people frustrated and disappointed about the economic outlook, will take no time at all.

中時電子報 新聞
中國時報  2009.09.15






這一次內閣改組,許多人對於若干閣員「該走的沒走、不該走的卻走了」感到挫折。但對情緒挫折還算事小,重要的是,民眾也對於決定台灣財經政策的領導格局感到憂心。其實,對絕大多數人民而言,他們與總統或閣員等大官是沒有什麼交情的。誰上誰下、誰去誰留,都沒有什麼個人感情考量,唯一有的,就只是那難以名狀的「感覺」。這感覺雖說有些抽象,但在選舉時卻會轉換為具體的選票。財經人才留不住,許多人感到失望。但是對馬總統而言,也許更需要擔心的,是可能失去的「票」。 要把台灣的財政拖垮,可能還得要兩、三年的光陰,但要讓人民對經濟前景挫折失望,那卻是可以立竿見影的。

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