Monday, September 28, 2009

Rid the KMT of Factions, Now

Rid the KMT of Factions, Now
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
September 28, 2009

What does winning or losing an election mean? A single legislative seat? Or whether casinos will be built in a particular electoral district? On September 26, Yunlin held legislative by-elections and Penghu held a referendum on whether to legalize gambling. As it turned out, the KMT vote was split in the legislative by-elections, allowing the DPP nominee to ease himself into office. The results of the referendum, on the other hand, were contrary to expectations. Social movements staunchly opposed to legalized gambling prevented passage of the the referenda. Because most KMT officials supported legalization of gambling in Penghu, these local votes were characterized as "setbacks for the KMT," or even the "Ma administration's loss of power."

Based purely on the vote counts, the legislative seats, as well as the KMT's policy proposals, these inferences would be correct. But if one examines these two local votes at a deeper level, we may need to redefine victory and defeat.

Take the Yunlin legislative by-election. The by-election was necessary because the KMT candidate was declared ineligible following his conviction for bribery. KMT candidates in Yunlin must almost always accede to the demands of local factions. Toward the end of the Lee Teng-hui era, these local factions both depended on the KMT, and fed on the KMT. They have undergone very little change. Eventually they contributed to the downfall of the Lee Teng-hui regime, making it synonymous with "black gold." During the eight years since the change in ruling parties, some of these local factions have switched their allegiance to the DPP. Chiayi County has broken out of the stranglehold of these local factions. But most regions have changed little. They may be dependent on the KMT or independent candidates, but they are always making deals. These local political bosses are always hijacking the elections to maintain their local political and economic power base. Meanwhile, they eat away at the KMT. Yunlin County is a typical example. It is always Chang Jung-wei. It is always the Yunlin Irrigation Association. It is aways a case of "Meet my demands or I will back the DPP!" Chang Jung-wei definitely has power. His power, however, is always in the service of Chang Jung-wei. The Yunlin Irrigation Association is a local network cultivated by the KMT. But it is not that different from the Chang Jung-wei faction. For them, the KMT's raison d'etre is to ensure that the Chang Jung-wei faction or the Yunlin Irrigation Association does not fall.

These factions should change with the times in order to meet the needs of the people. They should establish clean government. If they were to do so, they would not constitute a problem. Unfortunately these local politicians who depend upon local factions for their survival, all play by the same old rules of the game. It makes no difference how well educated they may be, or how impressive their resume might look. Are the candidates unwilling to buy votes? No problem, the local political bosses who support them will do the buying for him. Is the candidate's son unwilling to buy votes? No problem, I'll buy votes for him. The local election system treats voters like idiots. Is it any wonder it suffered a defeat?

The Yunlin by-election has gained the DPP one more legislative seat. The impact of this one seat on the legislature is not that significant. The KMT still commands an overwhelming majority in the Legislative Yuan. The DPP is still a long way off from having enough seats to force a presidential recall. On the other hand, local factions now have the DPP in a stranglehold. The DPP would have been better off stiffening its resolve and declaring "honor before riches!" Ma Ying-jeou made just such a declaration during the controversy over the Hualien County party primaries. During the Yunlin County legislative by-election he demonstrated quiet determination, from beginning to end.

The Penghu referendum pertained to the legalization of gambling. Penghu's local politics are not as distinctive as Yunlin's. But neither is it that different. In the end, there is only the "King of Penghu." The local officials who surround the King of Penghu all sing the same tune. They want casinos. They began lobbying for casinos during the Lee Teng-hui era. During the eight year long Ah-Bian administration. these local politicians who depend upon the KMT, were miraculously able to gain the support of DPP heavyweights. Even former Vice President Annette Lu took the time out to make an inspection tour. But controversy over the casino has been too great. It has been repeatedly debated for over 10 years. But no one has been able to bring it to fruition.

President Ma Ying-jeou's campaign platform endorsed casinos in special districts on the outer islands, but only if local residents held a referendum. As with the Yunlin legislative by-election, Ma Ying-jeou remained silent from beginning to end. He allowed locals to make their own decisions. The King of Penghu had little chance to influence Ma Ying-jeou. Ma Ying-jeou expressed no opinions. KMT legislators' were also divided, and included both supporters and opponents. The legislature did not intervene in the referendum. It allowed local politics free reign. For the next three years at least, it will be unnecessary to waste energy debaing whether to build casinos on Penghu. Should other cities and counties should build casinos? Penghu County has established a precedent. A referendum is the easiest way to resolve disputes and achieve consensus.

The Kuomintang ruled on Taiwan for over half a century. Yet Black Gold brought this venerable party down overnight. The lesson is clear. The KMT has been back in power less than a year and a half. Yet the same special interests, the same outmoded ways of thinking are gradually re-emerging. The political calculations of local factions and party heads have never been based on deep convictions or high ideals. The results of the Yunlin County legislative by-election and the Penghu referendum have given the KMT a chance to re-examine their convictions and ideals, to recall the commitments they made back in 2008 in order to reclaim political power: integrity and reform.

中時電子報 新聞
中國時報  2009.09.28
社論-國民黨擺脫派系羈絆 此其時矣









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