Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Worrisome Finances, Even More Worrisome Ministry of Finance

Worrisome Finances, Even More Worrisome Ministry of Finance
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
September 16, 2009

Rating agencies such as Fitch and Standard & Poor's have harshly criticized the Republic of China's fiscal and debt situation. In September, the Ministry of Finance, under orders from the Executive Yuan, responded with a great flourish, by offering a "sound financial policy." From a public relations perspective, the program does seems to be boosting morale. It includes ten strategies. It includes three core management strategies to help local governments develop their own financial resources. It includes a three part way to "save money, find money, and make money." We must however point out that the program is a patchwork quilt of confused concepts. It reveals an unwillingness to confront the problem of too low tax rates, or consider long-term changes to the tax structure. Its reveals an even more confused understanding of the nation's tax system.
For years the Republic of China's tax rate has been less than 15%. It is much lower than that of all economically advanced countries. With such a low tax rate, unless the size of the Republic of China government is ultra-small, it must face the dilemma of unsustainable government spending. Not only that, President Ma's campaign platform included "Twelve Love Taiwan Construction Projects." More recently an emergency response to the global economic downturn has necessitated even more public spending. These have left the nation's finances in dire straits. But irresponsible politicians are afraid to face the real problem. They only want to appease voters to protect their jobs. Over the past year, despite the financial crisis, the Ministry of Finance has talked only of tax cuts. Today, the deficit is obvious. Yet the ruling authorities are still playing strategic word games with Three Core Management Strategies and Twelve Love Taiwan Construction Projects. Such obstinacy is truly mind-boggling.

We have good reason for saying that the Ministry of Finance lacks the courage to face the problem. According to Minister of Finance Li, the government's fiscal deficit will be made up through a public offering. Minister Li said that if the government sells 40% of its holdings, it will have no impact on earnings. An IPO will be good for the government and good for the company. Minister Li considers this a "stock certificates for dollar bills" scheme. He has absolutely no understanding of the concept of "public shares." Listening to him makes one skin crawl. If the government's finances require nothing more than tax cuts during normal times, and public offerings during times of crisis, why does the government need a Ministry of Finance? Why bother to teach finance in the universities? Why does the Ma administration need a Tax Reform Commission? The commission has been meeting for over a year. And this is its contribution to the nation's finances? How ironic.

Using shares of stock to earn dividends, or selling shares of stock to raise cash, requires detailed consideration of both the amounts involved and the timing of the transactions. It is hardly as simple as what Minister Lee suggests when he says "selling 40% of the government's shares will have no impact on earnings." The government's chief of finance has no medium to long term planning. He wants to hastily sell 40% of a cash cow. We are simply dumbfounded. Besides, how will selling stock address the problem of excessively low tax rates? Selling our heritage during the second half of the year merely highlights the absurdity of the Ministry of Finance's tax cuts during the first half of the year.

Besides, not all state-owned enterprises should be sold. Some state-owned enterprises have public policy functions. Therefore, the sale of shares will lead to a fundamental conflicts between profit-making private sector share holders and the government. People buy stocks to make money. If private sector shareholders cannot influence government policy, that means their profits are being adversely affected. When this happens, the stock will lose its market value. They will no longer command high prices. If private sector shareholders overwhelm the public offering, that means the government's policy objectives have failed. That means the government's justifications for a public enterprise cannot withstand scrutiny. If the Ministry of Finance must make a public offering of government shares to raise money, and support its policy objectives, then it doesn't understand the reason for public shares. It is hallucinating. It is indulging in unrealistic fantasies.

Take TaiSugar (TSC) for example. In order to meet soil and water conservation policy objectives, the government may at time reforest TaiSugar land. But as readers can imagine, if TSC has private shares, private sector shareholders will oppose it, since reforestation earns not profits. Furthermore, some state-owned enterprises, such as the Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Company, own large numbers of ancient artifacts. Often safeguarding historic artifacts interferes with the pursuit of profits. The hasty sale of public shares, without a sound understanding of the macro-level function of public enterprises, will merely lead to further controversy.

The high-profile political appointees on the political stage bear the greatest responsibility for the Republic of China's current financial difficulties. According to the Executive Yuan, the central government cannot come up with a budget for either next year or the year after. Such an urgent crisis requires people of ability. It requires people of vision to revise the tax plans. It does not require the reckless selling of public shares. Even with companies suitable for sale, killing the cash cow is a one time proposition. In terms of the national deficit, it is merely a drop in the bucket. It will not solve the nation's structural problems. If the Ministry of Finance implements its program, our sovereign rating for next year will not improve. We are concerned about the Republic of China's finances. But we are even more concerned about the mess that the Ministry of Finance refers to as a "sound program."

中時電子報 新聞
中國時報  2009.09.17
社論-我們擔心財政 更擔心財政部








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